Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos  2016

Photos of a Ocean Sunrise off the South Carolina Coast and flowers from the above the vegetable garden in Gibbs Farms healing resort near the birthplace of humanity, the Ngorogoron Crater conservation area in Eastern Tanzania

Some further, more detailed, prayer comments and meditations on how the Torah/Bible is an end in a beginning and a beginning in an end. They translate and transliterate the 1st and 2nd chapter of Genesis from Hebrew into English, parse what Jesus called the jots and titles into song verses, and discuss the subject in more detail than normal  Jewish or Christian sermons do.
...along with a tip of the kippur or yarmulke on Yom Kippur to St. Francis while I was discussing chapter 2 at the end.

See also our earlier prayer blog postings on this important part of our Bible teaching heritage.

Thanks to St. Catherine of Siena, who after I mentioned her in the travel prayer blogs of the last year in France and the year before in Italy, sent me her 14th century book on contemplative prayer. It explains how a lot of the techniques mentioned in the later book, “The Way to Perfection” by St. Teresa’ of Avila and Calcutta got started.  I took a short course in this in the 1980s from Mercy, an Episcopal nun living in Washington DC, who studied with the now Saint Mother Teresa. I hope St. Catherine benefits from comparing her method with mine, which is mentioned later on in this blog.

An October/ September return to mountain climbing in Canada and photos from climbing, meditating, praying in “the silence of the montains” of those valleys and peaks that are there in the Selkirks, Purcells, Bugaboos, Bobbie Burns area.

Many thanks to Jonathan Harrell for sending a short biography our grandmother wrote on our grandfather Claude Eustis Harrell, which I have posted selections from on the “Who are We” section of the http”// website.

And thanks again to the Silent Unity prayers, my long time friends, for answering my prayer notes about how I am praying with them by means of their yearly prayer calendar. 
If is always a wonderful blessing to pray with them, over the years many good miracles have happened when we pray together. They see the Christ in me and i see St. Mary and the Christ inside of them. They know how to bless me for goodness and peace, cheer me up and make me happy again through prayer, and they know that they know it,  that's for sure.

View up to the moutains along side the Grizzy Ridge helihiking trail which is situated above the CNH Bobbie Burns ski lodge.

August/September 2016 hiking and mountain climbing trip
Return to the Canadian National Holidays (CNH) Bobbie Burns and Bugaboos ski lodges where I learned some mountain climbing in the summers of 1993,1994

CNH was started by Les Grimaldi and Hans Moser in the 1950s, but the region was explored and climbed by the famous Austrian climber Conrad Cain and partially mapped by the Scottish Explorer David Thompson much earlier.

Sometimes the Truth has to be Two, in order for the Good to be One and for the Good to be Just. I AM the Truth, but I AM That which is Two.  @AndrewWHarrell  Plato, The Republic  verse ~510

“Then It, the Truth, is the multiple being of the that-which-is” Translation by Alain Badiou, The Republic in 16 chapters.

At the upper level of the Crypt Lake hike from the Wateron International Peace Village in GNP.  The view is of a glacial ‘cirque’ or rounded bowl formed by the erosion of the glacier on the moutains. You might wonder how the force of the glaciers can be so tremendous in order to do this. It is the weight of huge layers of ice, melting up from the ground underneath of them that sets them in motion. Once these huge, melting sheets of ice are in motion across the terrain the force is more than enough to carve out these canyons.

These areas are the habitat of  small group of mountain goats who live in the cirque canyon walls and eat the iron pyrite from the quartz deposits.  These quartz deposits are also areas of interest to miners looking for gold.  After searching and mining the area for many years miners have concluded that there is much more iron pyrite than gold in the area.

Glacier National Park (GNP), British Columbia, Alberta and the River.

Another glacier cirque with a glacier horn on its top right.  A glacier horn is where 3 glacier have intersected a the top of a ridge. This one can be seen from a view going up the hiking trail to the top of the Crypt Lake hike.

A river in Glacier National Park flowing down from a hiking trail St. Mary’s falls into St. Mary’s Lake, GNP  The trail can be accessed from a boat tour on the lake or a parking lot stop on the famous ‘Rising to the Sun” HWY that goes across Logan Pass in GNP.

 Our Prayer Group YHWH School of Christianity teaching explaining 39 ways God’s divine order of biblical creation in 1st chapter of the book of Genesis and the separation of God into male and female spirits helps us and the present moment Elohim God [Gods] of Our Prayer Group YHWH School of Christianity create the world with Hebrew words:

See the  2007 blog postings for different mountain climbing/hiking photos and more discussions of this centered on the 10 sayings and whether God is in fact both male and female,  and not centerd on the other 39 ways of creation.

Each line lists from left to right, 1) # of occurances of this Hebrew word in chapter 1, 2) the Hebrew word
3) a new theological translation of it, 4) verse numbers from Chapter 1 where it occurs.

For a short layout of the Mesorah or transliteration and pronunciation
Scheme we are using see an earlier blog positng.

Just as Pope Francis, with God’s and our help, “declared and defined” our long time prayer friend Teresa to be a Saint, so God “declared or Omered” and  “defined”  or “called” or “named” or “b’yeek’ra the World into creation inside of us, in the beginning, a long time ago.

Some good references, as well as a good Bible, for the discussion below, are the books:

“The Linear Chumash, Bereshis” translated by Rabbi Pesach Goldberg

and “Berashayt In the Beginning” Adapted by Alison Greengard and Illustrated by Carol Racklin-Siegel

The Hebrew word bara appears 4 times---bara---creation through contemplative thought--- in verses 1,21,23,27

The Hebrew word r’dot appears 1 time---r’dot---she moved the spirit of God in it and us---  in verse 2

The Hebrew word v’omer appears 10 times---v’omer---and he said---verses 3,6,9,22,25,20,24,26,28,29

The Hebrew word v’yar’ah appears 6 times--v'yar'ah---and they saw that it was good[fixed in its own purpose]---   verses 4,10,12,18,21,25

The Hebrew word v’yabh’dayl appears 3 times---v’yabh’dayl---and he distinguished [through discriminative understanding]---verses 4,7,14
The Hebrew word v’yeek’ra appears 3 times---v’yeek’ra---and she called [named as a meaningful word]---verses 5,8,10

The Heberew word v’yaysh appears 6 times---v’yaysh---and he made[turned the truth of the key of its realization inside of its real eternal substance]---verses 7,11,13,16,25,26

The Hebrew word v’yabheereheh appears 2 times---v’yabheerehch---and she blessed [brought into our awareness]---verses 22,24

The Hebrew word v’yatayn appears 1 times---v’yatayn---and put [gave,placed]---verse 17

The Hebrew word n’tq’’mu appears 1 times---n’tz’l’mu---he made in the image---verse 27

The Hebrew word tozaya appears 2 times---totzaya---she brought out [facilitated ]---verses 12,24

Note: wherever "v" [corresponding to the English word and], eg. v’yar’[he saw] appears it means the creation is occurring through means of God’s eternal light and life emanating into the lower earthly and human realms. And, it means this particular kind of spiritual light is being distinguished here in this part of the Bible from his/her light and life as it emanates into the upper heavens in other parts of the Bible.
These verses along with the affirmation, along with one the Lord God of Hosts has given his archangel Gabriel to keep in mind. “What’s not on the up and up, is not up.”

Neatly sum up how I believe God wants the top part of his name to manifest itself in us.

Below are some very precise, very important and good, every beautiful verses in of the Hebrew separated, tentatively into different ways the male and female divinities in the Lord God of Hosts
Creates and recreates the world in us every liturgical year during the Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot Holy days:

“And, Elohim put them [the sun and the moon] in the expanse of the heavens.”
Genesis 1:17

“Va’yatayn atam Elohim

bheeroqay hashamaym.”

I have used most of the words by and contained in the reference by Rabbi Goldberg.

Also, you will notice that the phrases are separated out in different lines according to the written punctuation marks not usually translated in English Bibles, the jots and titles, as Jesus referred to them.
The etnahata, tipehah, mericha, munah, etc.

This allows the verses to be chanted or sung by a cantor if he knows the melodies as contained in the standard reference, “Chanting the Hebrew Bible” by Joshua R. Jacobson.

In Waterton Lake Village I was fortunate to be staying in a motel next to the annual Blackfoot Indian Pow-Pow in the region. Blackfoot Indian prayer friends, thanks for feeding me and teaching me about your precious Fancy Dancing heritage. Competitive Fancy Dancing along with ancient chants is a way some of the First Nation people earn their living. I don’t know if they realize that these chants and dance movements can also turn into ancient martial arts forms for combat. In this competition that they performed the teens performed the grass dance, the famous chicken dance, and elders the eagle dance.
Why do we say the Indians of the Northwest in the U.S. and Canada are “First Nation” people?
We now know, studying the DNA of a single Indian boy’s remains that more than 80% of the DNA of all Indian people in the U.S. and even an higher percent of those in Central America and South American tribes comes from the single small band of people that he belonged to about 13,000 years ago.
For a long time there was an argument that most of the U.S. Indian, Central American, and South American ancestors came across the Atlantic from Europe, bringing with them the strands of white European, mixed with Neanderthal bloodlines. The remains of this boy come from a mix of Siberian and East Asian DNA. These bloodlines in turn go straight back to our black African “homo sapiens” line. This line won out over the Neanderthals in part because of it carried a greater knowledge and wisdom of symbolic art and music which had to be associated with the musical instruments found in the hunter gatherer caves that its inhabitants lived in.  *

*See the PBS  Nova program, the “Great Human Odyessey” of Oct. 2016 for more on this.
Thus, it appears that the smarter at that time black African “homo sapiens” that migrated to the Middle East and then later to Asia were the carriers of the knowledge and wisdom that enabled us to transcend the Neanderthals and later cross the Pacific in the North down through Alaska and later from South Asia into South America.

So much for Hitler’s claim that the Northern white skinned Caucasian European strain mixed with the now extinct more primitive and better fighting Neanderthals are a likely source of the “homo sapiens” race line. Actually the Black African were the one with superior long reaching throwing spear weapons at the time.

Listening to the chants of the elders,  “Jah, Je, Jo, Ju” to an eight count beat I couldn’t help but notice they were chanting different vowel combinations into the first two consonants of God’s name Jah.
I use some variations of these chants every few days to concentrate and sanctify my meditations on God’s name as taught by the Jewish Christian Kabbalist Abraham Abulafa.

These stepping backwards and forwards coordinated  with breath movements that the “First Nations” practice are similar to some energy cultivation methods that the Chinese martial artists of Tai Chi”, “Quiong”, “Chi Kung”, as  the Indians call them “fancy dancing”. And, if you do them for a while its easy to see why they caught on with both the warriors and the meditating chiefs. These musical rhythms and pronunciations could go back to the Black African “homo sapiens” who migrated up into the Middle Eastern Levant area where, if you don’t believe the Torah was written earlier a lot earlier,  people began to worship El and many other God’s of nature here. And the Greek and Syrian Pythagoreans came up with the  mathematically abstracted without vowels, four-letter name of God YHWH at least from around 400 BC or so. But, I believe it is found on some Hebrew Canaanite Semitic inscriptions on seals of Kings and scribes without vowels several centuries before this. Someone correct me if I am wrong about this.

Going back to the early Americas,  some of the 18th century British Indian traders who were Masons and lived among the Cherokee in the western Carolinas noticed the same similarities mentioned above about with Indian tribal dance chants. Later some other Masons, the Mormons came with the hypothesis that perhaps a “lost tribe of Israel” was already in  the Americas, who would have had to come over from Israel down through the Eastern African coast  and across the Atlantic to Central America and the Mayans before leaving the famous tablets of the angel Moroni in upstate New York for Joseph Smith to find. It would be interesting to look into the effect of this recent discovery about the Asian source of U.S. Indian DNA has had an effect on how these Mormon secret doctrines are justified. From talking to the missionaries over 40 years I know they have already changed the story on this somewhat and I suspect they are already worrying  about how it all ties into the Book of Mormon which Joseph Smith wrote, so the story goes, with the help of Moroni and Gabriel.

This new information would argue, I think, that the Black African Masei never went down the African coast to the Cape Horn. But they could be our ancient ancestors, earlier “homo sapiens” who came up from Africa to the Middle East through Egypt and along the coast into the Mt. Carmel area in Israel . So, they have a better argument for being the source of the beginnings of our white human sapien human advance spear fighting technology, symbolic thinking, music and hence language beginnings. You can read my earlier blog about the Masei, in my trip to Tanzania several years ago, where I talked with their tribe’s current warriors and healers about their oral history of their tribe’s origins in the North and migrations in Egypt before they moved down to Tanzania.

Perhaps some of these First Nation people combine the dance prayer movements and breathing with a remembrance of God in their hearts in order to purify them from evil?  I know the Sufi Muslims teach these practices as a way of prayer. The name of God they remember, Allah or El Ah is also one of the many forms or instantiations of Truth in our One God’s Name, Yah YHWH El Shaddai. As an exercise in prayer you might want to ask Him to help you unify your meditative understanding of how this Name’s Truth is related to that of His One Son’s, Jesus Christ.

For a connected and more detailed discussion of some Hindu forms of creation mantra chanting while meditating on the chakras and their tones and Sanskrit prayers see a previous posting in blog several years ago.

Just below, separted out from the rest of the ways of creation of the World and us in the beginning the ten sayings of God, which the Word, that is God’s Only Son Jesus Christ, who was with God in the beginning said and some other verses connected to these verses and which expand on it.

Parsley from the Gibbs Farm Vegetable Patch

Purple Broccoli

God created knowledge of the World, Himself, and us in Himself and us as wisdom and understanding in this way.

The creation of prophetic wisdom, as these verses are, requires a patient listening process on our part, a defining and redefining what we are already talking about or heard told to us.  It requires an integrity or oneness of our actions as we speak the words that we associate with the wisdom.

As King Solomon has told us in his Book of Provers, “Wisdom is the fear of the Lord [who has a four-letter Name that interwines itself in us and the way we know things].”  It requires, “Trusting in the Lord, honoring Him.”

All Wisdom is, as the Buddhist’s say, marked with emptiness, and is righteous understanding of  dharmas [objects of the thought] through this scheme of seven worlds or seven days of creation.

All understanding is deep penetration of our thought into the truth of these thoughts  about this scheme of seven days of thought based on and along with the help from God’s thought.

With a deep understanding of the righteous Divine order of this scheme of God’s creative thoughts, actions, and words there can be no obstacles to our enlightenment and freedom in Christ.

From studying the first chapter it is clear that what God said, what He “Omered” as He used afffirmations, and denials in his verbal speech or ‘Omer’.  He did this in the sense that Christian Scientists and my long time prayer friends in the Unity School of Christianity use them as affirmations and denials.

If you want to mimic Him first you should use denials, that there is anything wrong. “Problems are opportunities for finding solutions”. If we are confused and in spiritual darkness we can deny that anything is wrong, them with His help use the affirmations like, “Let there be Light.”

Also one should practice a long time, sitting still and slowing your breathing first to calm and relax the human mind as the Buddhist’s teach us. Then one  can pray while asking for God’s help to sanctify His name in you and concentrate and mediate on it while affirming its  inherent divine mindful nature. Asking for his help without doing this probably won’t result in as good results through prayer with Him or Her.

Christian Jewish prayers pray somewhat differently than Christian Scientists.

When Christian Scientist’s pray for Peace they like to pray there famous prayer:
“Dear Lord, let there be Peace and let it begin with me.”

Christian Jews however pray the Kaddish [see a detailed discussion elsewhere on the key Christialn Jewish prayers the Kaddish elsewhere on our prayer website ] a lot. In it we pray.
“May He or She (God whose name is YHWH) who places Peace in high place, place peace in us.”

The first prayer asks for God’s help for us to be or represent Peace to others.

The second prayer asks for first God to be or create Peace in all of us, and then for His or Her help in us being able to represent for Him or Her Peace.

1st saying of the 1st day

In the beginning God created (through concentrated thought with contemplation and insight) the heavens, making use of the eternal light coming down from the crown on his head as wisdom and understanding in his soul.”

“B’rayshayt .

In order to learn through prayer and study with the Bible you have to follow a process of developing skills keyed to paying attention and focusing thought or concentration of it, similar to that anybody in school follows in order to understand the course material.

The process of knowing our having consciousness of Divine Light in the World is a two by seven step process of

1)   First we discern in the seven consonant etters of the word B’rayshayt seven ‘factors’ of awareness in God’s enlightenment of the world
a)  ‘B’ Mindfulness or being awareness
b)  ‘R’ Looking deeply, discerning eternally truth in the island of Christ inside of our self in beginning and end of things*
c)   ‘A’ learning how to breath correctly and with  mindfullyness in order to cultivate the energy
of thought that minds need in order to understand.
d)  ‘Sh’  breathing in and sending it outwardly as joy in order to help others we are praying with want to help God and us understand.
e)   ‘Y’ relaxing together in the peace and joy of what we already know xperiencing  calmness, , ease together
f)    ‘T’  letting go of any obstaclesthat our own fears, desires cause to having this knowledge andunderstanding grow inside of us*

bara Elohim.” Genesis 1:1 1st utterance

*these seven steps are adapted from the Rev. Thich Nhat Hanhs book of commentary on the One Buddha who is God’s only Son’s ‘Sutra of full awareness of breathing’”. Buddhist’s use this process to try and understand the island of Christ inside of our self, not necessarily ourself and ourself with God inside of it.

St. Catherine of Siena in her discourse and dialogue on comtemplative prayer, “The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena.” Also teaches the importance of beginning the contemplative prayer with awareness and knowledge of the self, and God inside of the self. She then proceeds to talk about the important next steps of considering Christ as a “Bridge across the river of life flowing below it inside of us” and using our contemplations of this bridge as a “way of perfection” to walk across  toward permament heavenly understanding and bliss while those underneath the bridge flow on along with it in non-permanance, chaos, pain and suffering.

                  Andrew W. Harrell@AndrewWHarrell Sep 15 Knowing God as Peace in Our Divine Self's Soul is a two step process.  1) In order to know God we must first know ourselves.
             2) But, to know how God help's us we must know Him before ourselves..
Thus, St. Catherine’s book is a precursor to St. Teresa d’Avila’s book on contemplative prayer, “The way of perfection.” Which St. Teresa probably studied a lot before she wrote hers.

2nd utterance, 1st saying of the 1st day

“And Elohim said,

“Let there be eternal light [from above],

and there was eternal light [below].” Genesis 1:3

“Yeehay Or v’yeehay Or.”

Lake MacArthur, a mountain lake which can be found up the trail and next to Lake OHara North of Banff Canada. Notice the balance of light and darkness in this view.

Here are abstracts to some of my talks on this subject:
“How did and how is God still creating our ideas about  Numbers and day Number One that form our basis of thinking about them in our World.”

 *How Do We Define the Number One?

Abstract for talk given at the 2010 meeting of the History of Philosophy and Science section of the MS Academy of Sciences ( full text posted at the About Us section of the website)

This question arises when we consider how we can develop a better understanding of the interrelations of science and faith.  At the turn of the last century work on the area of the foundations of mathematical analysis and the beginnings of the development of mathematical logic increased. This happened along with the invention of digital computers. And, a new area of mathematical area of research called set theory was created in order to understand what "a real number" in Calculus means.  Leopold Kronecker made his famous statement, "God created the integers and all else is the work of man." But, how did God create the integers?  Plato's dialogue Parmenides is perhaps his hardest to understand work and the most important attempt in the classical era to try understand different ways we can answer this question. What is a set? What is an empty set (basically this is determined logically when you know what an element in a set is and what a set is)? This talk will give a short history of some of the progress mathematicians and logicians have made trying to answer these questions since the beginning of the last century. We have shown, that except for some notable gaps, how "real numbers (rational, algebraic, transcendental)", and likewise various other "complex and ideal numbers" can all be constructed logically from the positive integers. The possibility of the "notable gaps" come from the proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis.

Abstract for a talk at the 2017 convention

How Did Plato Define the Number One in The Republic?

   Dr. Andrew W.Harrell, Phd Mathematics UC Berkeley 1974

3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS 39180

In his book, "Plato's Republic a Dialogue in 16 Chapters", Dr. Alain Badiou, a current French philosopher, proposes a new way of defining the "Number One". This way uses a mapping from "Being" to "Event". In it, he claims that "The Republic" is actually Plato's playbook for a Communist society, using this definition as its base. But, was this really that Plato said or wanted to say? This would mean Plato believes that the philosophy of mathematics is a part of science and its philosophy. It would mean that then questions of what is "Justice", "Truth", "Goodness" in political science can be related to what "Oneness" is in the other various sciences? Dr. Badiou says in his books "Being and Event" and "Number and Numbers" that he does not subscribe to a normative theory of Truth. And, his arguments are based on his complicated mathematical set theory and ontology of what is "real" in a mathematics and a nature in which the Number One is actually, not a set, but a process. The present day concept of a mapping or function is something Plato clearly wasn't able to understand in his time. I will relate this topic to several earlier talks on "How Do We Define the Number One" that I gave at previous annual conventions of the MS Academy.

3rd utterance, 2nd saying of Elohim God, the 1st of the 2nd day

“Let there be an expanse in the midst of [between] the heavens, and let it divide between the waters there[here].” Genesis 1:6

“Y’hay rakay

 bh’tof h’maym

v’yhay m’beedayl

bayn mayem v ‘m’ayem.”

Here, the process of knowing God and Ourself as His or Her Peace of Mind that passes understanding, is as it is on day One, a two step process of discernments.

1)   In order to know God we must first know ourself.
2)  In order to know how God helps us we must first know Him or or Her before ourselves.

Comments by Second [Jesus Christ] and Third [He who is the First and the Last, the Everlasting One who came to Life again. Isaiah 44:6] persons of the Trinity of the teachings of God Our Father and Creator on this 2st day.

“I am the Bread of Life.” Gospel of John

“To Him who overcomes, conquers, I will give to eat of the manna that is hidden, and I will him a white stone with a new name engraved on the stone,”

St. Mary’s falls  which can be found at the end of the St. Mary lake boat trip and hike in Glacier National Park

4th utterance, 3d saying of Elohim God [1st of the third day]

“Let the waters be gathered underneath the heavens in a place of oneness [for uniqueness and goodness to dwell]
So dry land [faith in earthly things in us] may appear.” Genesis 1:9



meetachayt h’shaym

 ehl Makom ehchad

v’teerehh h’bhshah.”

Comments by Second [Jesus Christ] and Third [He who is the First and the Last, the Everlasting One who came to Life again. Isaiah 44:6] persons of the Trinity of the teachings of God Our Father and Creator on this 3rd day.

“I am the door [to Heaven and Hell on earth].” Gospel of John

“ These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He who has the key of David [a star] [whose door] which opens no one can shut, [whose door] which closes and no one can [shall] open. Isaiah 22:22”

“And to he who overcomes and who obeys My commands to the end, doing the works that please me, I will give authority over the nations.” Revelations chapter 2

On the third day we learn more about who our God is.  He is not only a seed (concept) but a seed of a seed (concept of a concept).

I AM (being God the Son) a River of Eternal Life. But, also being I AM WHO I AM, THAT I AM (God the Father) a BRIDGE for us to walk across it.

Up to the third day, everything that God is, is in the physical universe, a World with light  of Himself or Herself and emptiness of Himself or Herself. It could possibly be built from already existing laws of nature by means of ideas and facts and random evolution of bottom-up [starting from empirical facts] Truth.
It wasn’t, but many scientists have argued this using science and statistics.
But, on the third day He and us helping Him created Eternal Life itself in terms of concepts and ideas and facts and Top-down truth [starting from faith in Himself and you and me and what He had already created by Himself].
Warning what I am claiming here has not been demonstrated and proved yet. For some interesting arguments on both sides of this controversy see the books.
The Vital Question, by Nick Lane
Signature in the Cell by Stephen C. Meyer

On the third day
5th utterance, 4th saying of Elohim God 2nd of the third day:

Herbs:Rosemary, Basil, Parsley

Cilantro, Coriander
Listen: God is speaking Truth Fully to us all now.
Step 5) Affirmation of Lynne Brown Unity School of Christianity


Practice the Presence

1) The Light of God surround us.
2) The Love of God enfolds us.
3) The Power of God protects us.
4) The Presence of God watches over us.

Step 9) in Lynne Brown's Unity School Affirmations...see the 2012 Africa travel prayer blog for more details

“May there be vegetation along with vegetation on the earth in us{alt. et the earth be covered with vegetation], may herbs be there…seeds along with seeds… producing seed, fruit trees producing fruit [making] each from its kind as its seed enters the earth inside of us.” Genesis 1:11

Coloriful mountain wildflowers near a lake we stopped at on a Helihike from the CNH Bugaboos ski lodge.

"I AM (WE ARE) the Resurrection and the Life" John 11:25)

Comments by Second [Jesus Christ] and Third [He who is the First and the Last, the Everlasting One who came to Life again. Isaiah 44:6] persons of the Trinity of the teachings of God Our Father and Creator on this 4rd day.

“I am the good shepherd, the good shepherd risks and lays down his life for his sheep Psalm 23.” Gospel of John 10:11

“ These are the words of the Holy One, the True One, He who has the key of David [a star] [whose door] which opens no one can shut, [whose door] which closes and no one can [shall] open. Isaiah 22:22”

“To Him who overcomes, is victorious, and obeys my commands to the very end, doing works that please me I will give him authority and power over nations. I will give him the Morning Star,”

Explanation of God’s concept of Time Everything does not happen, “right now” Everything does not happen, “on time” or “in time”. But everything happens in the “fullness of time” in the fullness of your and my time. The fullness of time is the richness of its expression inside you and me and all of us. Right now is the time for the reward God has promised you...If you have in fact accepted him as your helper, your savior, your redeemer, your sanctifier inside of you he brings his own reward with him. I believe that “right now” if you take some more time to re-evaluate your situation in the God's eternal present moment inside of you inside of us...that you will receive a rich blessing of happiness, peace, love, hope, and faith. Give thanks, you don't need to expect a miracle. You are God's miracle… his and her’s song of their eternal joy and peace inside us all.
[Paragraph originally posted on this blog Thanksgiving Day 2006]

6th utterance, 5th saying of Elohim God 1st of the fourth day:

“Tar’shay h’araytz



maz’raytz zeerah

ahtz bhoray

aeesheh bhoray


ashehr zer’au.”

“ Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to distinguish between the day and between the night and they shall be markers for the holy festivals and for days and for years.”

“Yeehay m’orot bheer’kay h’shamaym l’habh’rayl bayn h’yom v’bayn h’laylah v’havu lotot v’moadaym v’laymaym v’shanaym.”
Genesis 1:16

And, finally:

“And, Elohim put them [the sun and the moon] in the expanse of the heavens.”
Genesis 1:17

“Va’yatayn atam Elohim bheeroqay hashamaym.”
Genesis 1:17

On the fourth day, God the Father, along with His Son and His Wife Mary [who also, by the way, was and is also there with God in the beginning] created a difficult to understand semptieternal concept of time which occurs both in heaven or earth.  According to my own discussion with God about it I believe this happened  in terms of  the rotation of a two-fold form [the forms of the Sun and the Moon dwelling in us as sympathetic  and para-sympathetic nerves]  inside of a three-fold Trinitarian Divine contemplative observance of them.  The six-fold form, a star of David, of knowing and knowing about it…knowing, was created mentally inside of a eternal circle. The circle encircles the Island of Christ inside of  Hisself dwelling in His own mind.  The horizontal and vertical square itself  or themselves signify and equinoctial projection outward and forward into a temporal world of four directions, south, north, east, west.  These are, in fact, the directions a Christian priest forms up when he makes the sign of the cross. So, to sum up somehow the whole six-dimensional process of  creative emotion, had to occur in five dimensions of thought [ 1) material thought, 2) thoughts about emotion, 3) simple primary mental impressions, 4) dharmas or objects of the mind and our concepts of them which include all of the first three domains, 5) our absolute consciousness of ourselves and God which is beyond all time] and four dimensions of truth [Scientific empirical truth, our truth that we have due to our divine faith to be thankful for, ethical truth, psychological, emotive truth].

In Thomas R. Hawkins book, “Every step a prayer” walking a spiritual practice he teaches us that every footprint we make tells a story. On Tuesday Aug. 30 of the trip we heli-hiked and climbed backwards from the normal hiking route up the trail up to a mountain peak for two hours to the top of  Mt. Gitford. Then we hiked carefully down a laddered trail through the fire deforested Valley of the Queen of Spades. Coming back up to the top of the ridge line again from there we spotted these fresh animal tracks. The story they tell is that since they are fresh [within a few hours] tracks of a large mother Grizzy bear and cub Grizzy bear danger can be near. It turned out the mother bear and cub were playing dead in some bushes only about 30 yards away from us while we were discussing her and the tracks. But, we our group of hikers did not look around the area and figure this out until after we climbed up the trail from this point we saw them both jump out of their hiding place, and ran away. We had been discussing them, them not realizing how close they were to us while they were playing dead and lifeless in the bushs and apparently as afraid of encountering us as we would of them had we known.
Grizzy bears can smell you up to 7km away. In the summer they migrate to find huckleberries and in the winter move up to the higher elevation levels to find marmots and chipmunks in places like where we were hiking. As you are hiking along the marmots and chipmonks jump up out of their holes to warn other marmots and chipmonks that a Grizzy bear might be coming.

View looking down, from the hiking trail over the mountain pass, to where we stopped next to the two Grizzlies to look at their tracks in the mud. They waited until this point to reveal themselves and are running away from us in the grass by the creek down there .

The 6th saying (7th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 1st of the fifth day

God did quite a lot, in terms of verbs and sayings with verbs*, on the sixth day, He are seven combinations of them.
·      A saying of God cannot be just a verb, for because He is Truth He must be at least a subject and a verb.”
1)   He brought out, ‘totza’, living brings.
2)  He made, ‘aseh’, beasts of the land, domestic animals, creepers of the ground.
3)   He made, ‘aseh’ man.
4)  He created ‘bora’  him [man] in his own image and likeness.
5)  He blessed ‘barach’, them.
6)   He ‘gave’, natatay’ us  fruits and herbs to eat.
7)   He ‘saw’, y’raa, that it was goo.

“V’omer Elohaym
God said:

Yeesheer’tzu hamayim.
Let the water swarm

shehrehtz nehphehsh hayah

with creeping living beinga [souls if you believe animals have them]

and birds

shall fly

al haerehtz

over the earth

al ph’nay
on the face of

r’kay hashamayim
the expanse of the heavens.”

Comments by Second [Jesus Christ] and Third [He who is the First and the Last, the Everlasting One who came to Life again. Isaiah 44:6] persons of the Trinity of the teachings of God Our Father and Creator on this 5th eternal day of creation.

“I am Way the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

 “Thus shall he who conquers be clad in white garments, and I will not erase him from the  Book of Life; I will acknowledge him [as Mine] and I will confess his name openly before my Father [as the Holy Spirit in all of us confesses to the Father when he prays to Him] and before His angels [Psalm 69:28; Daniel 12:1].” Book of Revelations

Genesis 1:20
The 7th saying (8th utterance*) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 1st of the sixth day

V’omer Elohim
And God said,

Totzay haeretz
Let the earth bring out

nehphehsh hayah
living souls

each of their own kind


and creeping things

v’chay’tu erehtz
land animals

each of their own kind.

Vay’hay kayn
And, it was so.

* If we count Barashayt as the 1st utterance but not a saying.

Genesis 1:24

The 8th saying (9th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 2nd of the sixth day

V’omer Elohim
And God said,

Nashehh Adam

Let us make man

in Our image

in Our likeness***

and they shall rule

bheed’agat hayam v’bhof hashamayeem

over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens

v’babh’haymah v’bchal haretz
and over the animals and over all the earth.

v’bachal harehmehsh haromaysh al haretz
and over every creeper which creeps on the earth.

Havatsu Falls in the Havatsu Indian Reservation part of the Grand Canyon

Genesis 1:26

*** these words are also reflected as an important part of our own lives when we observe the Jewish community blessing, the birchas hamazon said after meals on the Sabbath and Holy Days.
“Blessed are You, Lord, Our God, King of the Universe Who yotzered (fashioned) Adam (mankind) , in his image and his likeness and tikayn( prepared) for him a structure unto our untoness.

According to my friends, the rabbis in Brooklyn NY, the image mentioned here is the intelligence and spiritual free will of man.
The image of the likeness is his or her physical body which serves as host to the soul or image.

Baruch atah Adonay, yotzeayr h’Adam.
Blessed are thou Lord, who creates man in two parts.

Members of our hiking group negotiating the ‘via ferrata’ skyladder way up the Conrad Glacier hiking and climbing route.

Wikepedia says:
A via ferrata (Italian for "iron road", plural vie ferrate or in English via ferratas) is a protected climbing route found in the Alps and certain other locations. The essence of a modern via ferrata is a steel cable which runs along the route and is periodically (every 1 to 10 metres (3.3 to 32.8 ft)) fixed to the rock. Using a via ferrata kit, climbers can secure themselves to the cable, limiting any fall. The cable can also be used as aid to climbing, and additional climbing aids, such as iron rungs (stemples), pegs, carved steps and even ladders and bridges are often provided. Thus via ferratas allow otherwise dangerous routes to be undertaken without the risks associated with unprotected scrambling and climbing or the need for climbing equipment such as ropes. They offer the relatively inexperienced a means of enjoying dramatic positions and accessing difficult peaks, normally the preserve of the serious mountaineer; although, as there is a need for some equipment, a good head for heights and basic technique, the via ferrata can be seen as a distinct step up from ordinary mountain walking. Conversely, the modest equipment requirements, ability to do them solo, and potential to cover a lot of ground, mean that via ferratas can also appeal to more experienced climbers.


There are several via ferratas in Canada, mostly privately operated. In 2002, the mountain guide François Guy Thivierge installed the first two via ferratas, with a zip line, in Canada, at the Canyon St Anne close to Québec City. In 2003, Thivierge developed 2 more via ferratas (with 2 zip lines) in Les Palissades de Charlevoix, 10 km north on 170 road from St Siméon. There is also Adventures Lafleche near Gatineau, Quebec. The largest via ferrata in Canada can be found on Mt. Nimbus in the Columbia Mountains. Operated by Canadian Mountain Holidays, this via ferrata is accessible only by helicopter.[29] Western Canada's first public via ferrata is located halfway between Nordegg and the Icefield Parkway in the Rocky Mountains; the trailhead can be picked up at the parking lot on the east side of the Cline River. The climb is about 180 m (600 ft) long and takes around 2 hours to return to the parking lot. Whistler's only via ferrata is operated by Whistler Alpine Guides. This private, fully guided, high alpine climb passes the toe of the Whistler Glacier to access the buttress of Whistler Peak.
Two new via ferratas now exist in western Canada – one on Mt. Norquay, in Banff National Park, an hour west of Calgary and one on The Chief rockface, in Squamish, British Columbia, 60 km north of Vancouver and 40 km south of Whistler.

On Saturday Aug. 27 I, along with a group of about 10 climbrs tried to climb Mt. Nimbus heli-hiking out of the Bobbie Burns lodge . I go up two rock walls and across the skywalk perched above the whole mountain valley but not to the top peak.
The iron runs and steel cables that made up the ‘via ferrata’ you attached onto them with two carbineers which were secured onto your climbing harness around your waist. There weren’t rungs at all points on the route. Some places you have to used hand holds in the rock.

Others in our group climbing up another part of the skyladder ‘via ferrata’ routes, this time to the top of Mt. Nimbus.

The 9th saying (10th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 3rd of the sixth day

Vay’bharehch atam Elohaym
God blessed them

V’omehr lahehm Elohaym

And God said to them,

ph’ro urabho

Be fruitful and multiply

umeel’o et haretz

and fill the earth

V’cheeb’shehha ur’du
and conquer it and rule

bheed’agat hayam v’bhof hashamaym

over the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens

v’bchal hayah

and over every living being

haromaysheht al haretzwhich creep on the earth.

Genesis 1:27

The 10th saying (11th utterance) of God occuring
in the 1st chapter of Genesis, 4rd of the sixth day

V’omehr Elohaym
And God said,

Heenayh natatay lachehm et chal eyshehv
Behold, I have given to you every herb

zray zehra
seed of a seed**

ashehr al ph’nay chal haretz

which dwells on the face of the earth

v’et chal haaytz ashehr bho ph’ray aytz
and every tree which bears a tree's fruit

zrav zehra
as a seed of a seed**

lchehm yeeh’yehh lach’lah:
which will be your food.

ul’chal hayat haretz v’bhof hashamaym

and to all living creatures and the birds of the heavens

ul’chal romaysh al haretz
and to all which creeps on the earth.

ashehr bho nehphehsh hayah

which bears a living material soul [outwardly visible]

et chal yehrehq ashehv l’ach’lah
all green herbs…for food.

Vay’hay kayn:
And it was so.

Genesis 1:30

** Note to the above: the words seed of a seed remind us of the philosophical term “concept of concept” see last year’s blog for the 1st part of an amateur philosophical/ theological paper about this.

Going back to the beginning of this teaching where we have separated out the places God does different things in Genesis chapter 1:

The Hebrew word v’yar’ah appears 6 times--v'yar'ah---and they saw that it was good[fixed in its own purpose]---   verses 4,10,12,18,21,25

This process of seeing the good in things is a very important way we can create the world along with God’s help.
When we both see the good in people and things and separate them out from others we in a sense create the world of understanding and wisdom in us by giving definition to the already defined.  Blaise Pascal

Of the six places it the word v’yarah appears  two places [verses 4, 18] have to do with Him first separating things:

4) V’yarah Elohim      And God saw

Et h’oir                             the light

Cai Tov                             that [it was] good

V’bedaul Elohim          and God separated

Bayn h’oir v’bayn h’shehach. Between the light and darkness.

18) V’ l’m’shel    And to rule

b’yom        by day

v’b’layl’h    and by night

v’l’habdaul   and to separate

bayn h’oir v’bayn b’hsheach  between the light and the darkness

v’yarah    and God saw

vai tov    that it was good.

One of the places where He [God] saw the good has to do with Him ‘calling’ or naming things.  This is also a kind of definition we can share creation in the world with God in the sense we define our children and our new terms of discourse when we name them.

10)  v’yakara  Elohim l’ypashah   God called the dry land

“Eretz”            earth

v’ymkoach h’mayim    and the gathering of the waters

kora yamayn   He called “seas”

v’yarah  Elohim    and God saw

cai Tov     that it was good.

(there are two other places in Genesis chapter 1 were God names things, the “expanse”  or openness which has emptiness inside of it, as “v’rakaa” in verse 8  and the light v’oir’and the darkness or ‘l’hasheef’ as ‘yom’ or day and ‘l’leyah’ or night.)

and one place, verse 12 has to do with how God saw the good in things  after one of His earth, that He has already created, two ‘bringing outs in verses 12 and 24

Crypt Lake hiking trail which follows from the upper and lower lake down to the boat docking point at the trail’s head.

 View of the Mountains from a parking lot along the Rising to the Sun Hwy going west to east before you cross Logan Pass. As you travel further along the highway to the east from Logan Pass you see the distinctive and wondelful Mt. Rushmore like formation of rocks on the mountain top which looks like an Indian chief sitting in meditation with his legs crossed and arms on his shoulders as his soul ascends to heaven. The best place to take a picture of it is on the boat trip to the hike to St. Mary’s falls. But, don’t forget to have a sun filter on your camera lens if you don’t want the light from reflections on the lake to drown your picture out.

12) v’totzay h’aretz    and the earth brought out

dasheh       vegetation

ashev         herbs

m’zoray zoray   seeds from seeds  (concepts of thought from concepts of thought)

l’maynehu   [each] of its own kind

v’etz      and trees

asheh boray    producing fruit

aser zoray which has its own seed

bo     in it

l’maynehu  [each] of its own kind

v’yarah   and God saw

cai tov   that it was good.

The other two occurances of God seeing that what He has created is good have to do with things He has made or fashioned from a substance, ‘aseh’ and ‘boray’ or created by meditation after knowing the presence [I AM] of Himself or Herself inside of it.

25) v’aseh Elohim   and God made

    et hayat h’aretz    the living animals of the land

  l’maynah    [each]of its kind [as He did the seed of its kind of seed]

v’et h’b’hamah   and the domestic animals

l’maynah  [each] of its kind

v’et cal rehmehsh  h’adamah  and every creeper of the earth

l’maynah  [each] of its kind

v’yarah Elohim    and God saw

cai tov    that it was good.

21)  v’boray  Elohgim  and God created
et hataynaynm  hag’doleem   the great sea creatures

v’et cal nehphehsh  hachyah   and every living creature

ha rmehsheht      which creeps

aser shar’tzu  h’mayim  [with]which the waters swarmed

l’maynayhehm  of their own kind

v’et cal oof chanach and  every bird with wings

l’maynehhu   of its kind

v’yarah Elohim and God saw

cai tov    that it was good.


upper floor photo view of the Bugaboo spires from the lodge a few days before rainbow

Lower, ground floor view from the lodge a few days before

God blesses our hiking group with the appearance of a rare, 1,2,3 infinity double eight rainbow in front yard of the CNH Bugaboos ski lodge[the Canadian miners used the 18th century Scotch English Irish Welsh term Bugaboo to mean an area full of a difficult set of mining conditions and because the area has a lot of quartz and iron pyrite with not much gold] ski lodge at the end of the trip. See also earlier postings in this blog of a double rainbow which appeared the last day of ourprayergroups’ hiking trip down half-moon pass from just below the summit peak of the Mt. of the Holy Cross in Colorado.

last day of the hike climb, a double rainbow
 formation [a faint beginnings of the formation of a third rainbow, involving God’s goodness appearing in front of us and reflected three times inside of his creation can be made out].
The Hebrew words  v’barehach or ‘and He blesses’ appears 2 times in the first chapter of Genesis, each time with two other of God’s tantric action words, be fruitful and increase:

Verse 22)

V’u’barehach atam Elohim      And, God blessed them

Layomer             saying

P’ru           “Be fruitful

V’r’bu          and multiply

Vom’lau et h’mayim    and fill the waters

Bay’mayim     in the waters [seas]

V’h’oaf        and the birds [angels]

Y’behb  b’aretz       shall increase on earth.

Verse 28)

V’u’barehach atam Elohim     And, God blessed them

Layomer l’hem Elohim        God saying to them

P’ru         “Be fruitful

V’r’bu      and multiply

Vomeelau et h’aretz     and fill the earth

V’c’b’shah      and conquer it

V’r’du       and rule

Bhd’gat  hayam   over the fish in the sea

Voboach h’shmaym    and the birds [angels] in the heavens

V’beecal hayah and over every living being

Haromasheht       which creeps

Ayl haretz       on the earth.

Finally in verse 28 the most important part of God’s creation is created, us.

28)    v’omer Elohim      And, God said,

nay’she     Let us make

adam       man

v’tzl:maynu   In Our [the Elohim Gods, plural] image

ca d:motaynu     in Our likeness

v’ya r:du         and they [ie, us plural]  shall rule

v’dagat hayim      the fish of the sea

v’b:oaf hashamayim   and over the birds of the heavens

v’bahamah   and over the domestic animals

v’b:cal h’aretz     and over all the earth

v’b:cal hadehmesh and over every creeper

hadehmesh     which creeps

ayl haretz  on the earth.

The Elohim God’s [the heavenly angelic host], under God’ direction created us in His and their image and likeness.
What does this mean to be created or more precisely to be made in a divine image and likeness?

Saint Catherine in her book already mentioned: St. Catherine of Siena in her discourse and dialogue on comtemplative prayer, “The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena.” Talks about the difference between verbal (prayer with words and God’s help) and mental prayer (contemplations with God’s help and without words).

The Indian Saint Patanjali in his treatise on Raja Yoga as contemplative prayer speaks about four goals of unitive concentrative non-dual knowledge of God for the Yogi.
1)   2) with and without words
2)  4)  with and without seed, or that is to say with and without production of further knowledge.

Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis deals with how the Holy Spirit of God, the Lord God, YHWH Elohim in this case, at this time in our prayer history, breathed Eternal life into the soul and spirit of His prototype, divinely and purely, eternally existing and  conceived,  man and woman, Adam and Eve, us.


The "Holy Spirit" of God is the indwelling non-material, non-mental presence as a spiritual breath.
There are many aids to developing it, Yogic Tantras, Bible verse memorization, Buddhist mindful breathing schemes, Church services (as long as the pastor is really and truthfully representing God to others in that he believes in prayer and listens to and discusses our problems and as they relate to his Church's teachings, "a" One true Church among "the" many other separate and possibly unequal Ones. This is the way Jesus Christ and Saint Francis, did instead of preaching to us without saying they are too busy with everything that they are doing and  don't have have time to listen and discuss things. As Saint Francis said, "It is better to understand than to be understood." When we are able to represent God to others in this way one has an unlimited store of Divine joy, compassion, loving kindness, equanimity to share with and give to others. The observance of the extinguishment of desire, as described in the Buddhist contemplative prayer meditation steps in our prayer travel blog to Bangkok Thailand in 2013 is an important part of our achievement of Peace of Mind, that highest goal of contemplative prayer which leads to an abundance of equanimity, along with the loving kindness, compassion and joy with which we can bless others, as we bless ourselves with God's help,  in our prayers.

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