Thursday, October 12, 2006

Saint Andrew’s Day November 30,2006/Kislev 8 5767
click on pictures to enlarge them in your browser

The three other climbers who summitted Mt. President 8/25/95
Paul from Maine, a friend, and his wife.

4 views in 4 directions from the top of Mt. President
clockwise from the upper left:
1) East
2) North showing the mountain Diny was so inclined on that day to name as Gordon
3) West
4) South
"May he or she who places Peace in high places in us,
place Peace in you." Jewish Prayer/Blessing

"Under certain circumstances, truth can be considered as invariance under change of notation." teaching in philosophy and mathematical logic

Parable about Two
Mountain Climbing Souls
Who previously were Angelic Spirits
Part V

“For the bread of God is he who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the World.”
John 6:33, see also Exodus 3:12,15;4:12, Jeremiah 23:6, Matthew 1:21,23, Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:68-79

“Blessed (happy and to be envied, spiritually wealthy with eternal life-joy and satisfaction in God’s favor [for they are in a state in which the born again child of God enjoys and finds salvation, regardless of his outward conditions]) are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake (for being and doing right), for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:10,11

Jesus Christ

Jewish thanksgiving prayer after meals during the eight days of Hanukkah

"We give thanks to you,Dear Lord (who is blessed and whom we bless) for the miracles, for the mighty deeds and deliverances, and for the battles you fought for us in those days in this season... You in your great mercy stood up for our fathers in their time of trouble. You fought their battle, judged their case, avenged their cause. You delivered the strong into the hand of the weak, the many into the hand of the few, the unclean into the hand of the pure, the wicked into the hand of the righteous, and the arrogant into the hand of those who keep your Word..." Translation of the Laws of Chanukah from the Shulchan Arukh by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

Blessed art thou O Master of Creation...may it be during this time of the year in your Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that the few defeat the many, the weak defeat the strong,and the pure the impure.
[for Jesus's teaching about this see the Gospel of John, chapter 18 33-37, for St. Francis' teaching in this regard, he is right now praying with us during Hanukkah/Christmas that love will defeat hate, hope despair,faith distrust,the desire to forgive that to take revenge. Along with them, I commend unto you the Word of God and the Love of Christ for both of our successes (victories in Christ) in this life, see, for example, the complete text of Psalm 103, Amplified Bible]

In a time right now, but also long ago and yet to be, there were two mountain climbing souls who previously were angelic spirits. One was a male soul called Love (who listened patiently to the other) and the other was a female soul called Truth who talked a lot,(for truth was stronger than love , most of the time). And one day God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, There will be times when you neither know who you are or who others are.” “Then, at those times, you will have to be me and I you and they us. Then, you will have to find Righteousness with the help of faith, patience, and joy. So, they agreed to follow this advice. And, so they did! Righteousness kissed faith and said to faith, "You create my righteousness." And, faith kissed righteousness and said to righteousness, "You create my faith." They roped up, put on the climbing spikes (crampons) on their boots and headed up the glacier. Slowly they climbed the rope up the ice wall at the head of the glacier, and then sloshed through the deep snow drifts in order to reach the mountain's top. On the way, they remembered the wise teachings they had been taught by God (you might want to see and read some of theearlier posts on this blog) and “low and behold”, one day, finally Joy showed up, as if from out of nowhere. “Who are You? Where did you come from”, they said. “I belong to all of you. I come from inside of you and all those who patiently and faithfully wait and trust in the Lord, Our God, to be the One that helps them and sees the Christ in them”, she replied. Then, with her help, they pulled themselves up over the bergstrund [a series of dangerous crevices at the place where a mountain glacier reaches its top]. They slushed through the deep snowdrifts up there and finally made it up to a small and narrow ledge on top the mountain of God inside of them (where there was a clear view of those parts of the Earth and the Heavens that God has created for us). There they stayed for a short time and had a beautiful and wide ranging panoramic view of the whole area. From up there everything somehow appeared right after all. And, on the way back down to bring God’s good news to all of humankind two rainbows appeared for them to walk over [the two rainbows appear when the two promises corresponding to both of God’s two truths (one of faith and one of reason, one which is personal and one impersonal) are fulfilled inside each of us and all of us.]

Please note: This story both begins and ends with a blessing for Peace as
all good Jewish prayers should.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thanksgiving Day
November 23 2006/5767

Four views of the area North of Banff in Alberta, Canada
(Clockwise from the upper left)
1) view from the top of Mt. President,
10,900' 8/28/95
2) view of Lake McArthur and Mt. Biddle
from the top of little Od'aray Mt.
3) view taken while climbing up to the top of Mt. President
facing toward Lake O'Hara from about 10,000'
4) view of Emerald Lake from the cottages not to far from
where the TransCanadian National Highway passes below Mt. President
all photos by Andrew
rock and ice climbing instruction, mountain guiding by Diny

Before Saint Augustine there were the 12 Apostles. Before the 12 Apostles there was Moses, Elijah, and Joshua. Before Moses, Elijah, and Joshua there was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob there was Noah. Before Noah there was Adam,Eve the Word, God, and Christ. Before all these souls, in the beginning, with the Word and God and Christ I am.

Parable about Two
Mountain Climbing Souls
Who previously were Angelic Spirits
Part IV

Blessed, (happy, favored by God, spiritually overflowing-with-eternal life-joy and salvation…) are the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy!

Jesus Christ

In a time right now, but also long ago and yet to be, there were two mountain climbing souls who previously were angelic spirits. One was a male soul called Love (who listened patiently to the other) and the other was a female soul called Truth (who talked a lot, for truth was stronger than love , most of the time). One day, halfway up the mountain, while they were trying to figure things out God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have two children called Beauty and Goodness”. And, so they did. Beauty was a constant female and Goodness an active male. Then, after that, one day God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have a child called Faith”. And, so they did. And then God gave them human spirits and breathed life into them Then, somewhat later, God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have a child called Righteousness.” And, so they did. Faith was a gentle young lady, but Righteousness became a Man of War. They started to climb a high mountain together called the mountain of the Holy Cross. Truth led Love up to the mountaintop (for she knew where she was going more often than he did). God said, “Don’t forget to bring along Faith and Righteousness, Beauty and Goodness, You may need them to get to the top.” And, so they did. Truth brought along Faith and Goodness, Love Beauty and Righteousness, two men and two women (three men and three woman altogether). But, sure enough, along the way, one man, Righteousness got out of hand. “Be Strong. Be Strong. Be Strong.” He said. And, Love and Truth, Goodness and Beauty became like him a Man or War. Things got a little difficult, even a real mess, and they were discouraged. They made a decision to rest for a while to find out what to do. Then, after a while, God said, “Be still and know that the Lord God is with you. This world in which you live now and which I created for you a long time ago is far from being perfect in this present moment (in fact it never will be). We all fail each other some time. But, very few of us take the time or have the courage and patience to help each other set things right afterwards. Be still and know that I am God, that I am One. Be still and know that I am (just be still and be).There will be times when you neither know who you are or who others are. But, the perfectness which I put in your hopes and dreams, I put in you and in us and not in the World. So, then, at those times, when things fall apart and fail, you will have to be me and I you, us them and they us."

Explanation of God’s concept of Time Everything does not happen, “right now” Everything does not happen, “on time” or “in time”. But everything happens in the “fullness of time” in the fullness of your and my time. The fullness of time is the richness of its expression inside you and me and all of us. Right now is the time for the reward God has promised you...If you have in fact accepted him as your helper, your savior, your redeemer, your sanctifier inside of you he brings his own reward with him. I believe that “right now” if you take some more time to re-evaluate your situation in the God's eternal present moment inside of you inside of us...that you will receive a rich blessing of happiness, peace, love, hope, and faith. Give thanks, you don't need to expect a miracle. You are God's miracle… his and her’s song of their eternal joy and peace inside us all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Veteran’s Day
November 11, 2006/ Chesvan 21, 5767

Group of Mountain Climbers
Gearing up in Rock and Ice Climbing
Equipment at the Base of the Glacier, 11,500'
on the North Face of Mount Shasta, Late Summer of 2002

“Blessed is the One. Blessed is the One by whose speech the world came to be. Blessed is he who creates, endures, and lives forever. Blessed is the One who speaks as well as acts. Blessed is the One who has mercy and compassion on the earth and on all creatures. Blessed is the One who sustains by decreeing. Blessed is the One who rewards those who fear him, who lives eternally and saves by redeeming. Blessed is he and blessed may be his name forever.” part of the Jewish holiday prayer service

Parable Having to do with
God inside of Humankind
And of Two Angelic Spirits
Who Lived in God’s
Eternal Tree of Life
Part III

And after the two spirits left God’s tree of eternal life their souls went to the Moon. And, from the Moon they went to the Sun. But, before they got there, because of the great flood that had happened, their spirits and part of their mind went into a sea turtle laying its eggs on the beach in the moonlight[see Song of Songs, all of Chapter 2 Amplified Bible with its cross references,especially verses 12-14, where the simile of a turtledove trapped at the sea edge is used to prophesize, foreshadow the blossoming or 2nd coming of the Messiah, see also Luke 2:24, see the whole book of Isaiah especially chapter 32:30, "Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon the waters...when the river overflows, for the seed will sink into the mud and when the waters subside, the plant will spring up and you will find it after many days and reap an abundant harvest."]. And, from the Sun the spirits and the souls went to he who hold the seven stars in his hand [Rev. 1:16] and she who wears the twelve topmost stars in us as a crown of glory on her head [Rev. 12:1]. And a man of God who holds the seven stars in his hand threw a small life preserver and a needle [The needle stands for the Hebrew letter vav (the third letter in God’s name Yod Heh Vav Heh] containing the six attributes of human effort necessary to be successful in God’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, which is composed of faith, love, and hope in him and her being here on Earth. These six attributes are: 1) loving kindness, 2) strength, 3) beauty, 4) patience, 5) obedience, 6) righteousness.] into a large ocean and he said, “This sea turtle (or its children) shall swim under the seas for 3000 years until it finds this needle at the bottom of the ocean and comes up from there at the right place (the life preserver) and lays its eggs (which contain the spirits of the two angelic beings )[The two angelic beings are the two cherubims that sit top of the ark of the covenant in God’s dwelling place or holy temple inside of us all. The male cherubim is the archangel Gabriel and Michael (Christ Jesus) and the female the archangel Ariel and Raphael (Jesus Christ). For those Christians who practice Judaism these two beings are represented by the two Sabbath Candles that we light on Friday night. The Sabbath is the last day of the week for which the first was made. For Christians it is also the first day of the week, to which the last belongs. It is a beginning in an end as well as an end in a beginning.][Book of Daniel 7:2,2:37;Ephesians 1:17-20,Romans 11:33,Job 5:9,9:10]. This might seem like an awful lot to ask for the sea turtle to do for them. But he knew that later their spirits and their souls were destined to be born again (with "God Inside of Humankind"'s help) where they would met up again as human souls in a story about Love and Truth. It would be a story about how Righteousness comes to help us all after Faith and Awareness first , Patience and Joy, Beauty and Goodness had joined in to enable us to reach the top of God’s mountain (Wisdom and Understanding) of happiness that had already been placed inside of humankind. When the sea turtle (who according to the Yoga and Taoist teachings conveys the divine gift to the soul of being able to transcend our earthly desires and thirsts) brings the needle to the Messiah (he who holds the seven stars in his hand; see the Book of Job Chapter 28 for an explanation of how God has hidden wisdom and understanding below us deep inside the earth) then he is able to again attract the other divine part of his spirit and soul the Shekeniah. And, he can then use different energy God gives from these austerities (as the Holy Spirit expresses itself through him and as his prayers are spread out over the liturgical prayer year) to sew together the heavenly souls and spirits of the righteous into a garment of light. With each breath he will sow another stitch to connect the souls and spirits of the righteous for the One (who is the Messiah, the Christ Jesus ) to come to wear as a garment of light. Then he will give the garment to the fair lady who works the heavenly shuttles of light (she who wears the twelve stars as a crown of glory on her head) inside the great expanses of God’s heavens. And, with each movement of the shuttles thousands of souls and spirits will be sown together as a garment of light in heaven for the Messiah to wear.(to be continued).

Monday, October 09, 2006

view walking over a rainbow
while going down through
Half Moon Pass, Colorado (12,500')
after hiking up to 50' below
the Mount of the Holy Cross

All Souls/All Saints Day
November 1 2006/5767

Parable Having to do with
Two Angelic Spirits
Who Lived in God’s
Eternal Tree of Life
Part II

“Blessed (enviably happy, fortunate and spiritually prosperous with the joy of eternal life and satisfaction that comes from God’s favor) are the pure in heart…for they shall see God (Ps 24: 3,4) and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be completely satisfied. (Isaiah 55: 1,2)"

Jesus Christ

As mentioned previously, a long time ago there were two angelic spirits who lived a happy life in God’s tree of eternal life, but were frightened by an eagle flying above them.. They thought about flying to the tree next to their’s, God’s tree of his knowledge of good and evil. But, just before this, they heard a rustle in the branches and saw a few leaves floating to the ground from that direction. From their vantage point above the ground they could see that there was a tiger hiding in the tree’s branches who had used the back of an elephant to climb there. Worse still, around the same time, when they looked at the other direction on the ground there was a hunter with a gun who had spotted them and was looking to fire his weapon at them. So, the female said to her mate, “I am frightened, what shall we do.” And, her mate said, “Do nothing, trust in God as we have been told to.” So they froze in fear, while waiting there. And, just as the hunter was aiming to fire his gun, a snake bite him on the foot disturbed his aim, made him miss and hit the eagle. And, on a branch next to the tiger there was a monkey. The monkey was rattled by the sound of the hunter’s shot and shook the tree’s branch. This was enough for the tiger who was hiding there to fall out, hurt himself and run away. So they (the two angelic spirits) were safe, but, shortly after that harrowing experience the female lost her patience and her trust in God’s word. Then wind of the out breath of God (Wisdom and Understanding) caught her up and she flew away. And, God stirred the depths and the heights of the ocean’s waters and brought a great flood on humankind. Both their spirits and souls went away together. For the wind of the out breath of God had taken away their hopes and dreams. This was because; they needed each other for happiness.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

“Light is sown for the righteous and faith (strewn along their way). And for those whose heart is upright, irrepressible joy and gladness.” Psalm 97:11

Shemini Atzeres/Simchath Torah October 15 2006/5767

Parable about God inside of humankind
and of two angelic spirits in God’s eternal tree of life.
Part I

A long time ago God inside of humankind was a man called Wisdom and a woman called Understanding. Wisdom had to do with helping God generate the out breaths of humankind and Understanding with the in breaths. And God (Wisdom and Understanding) had two children who lived together as angelic spirits like two birds (one named Love and the other Truth) in God’s eternal tree of life. They sang a song of eternal life so full and free (with truth singing and love listening). Then, one day, the male bird (Love) got tired of listening all day to the female’s (Truth)

Some say Truth is Jacob* and Love Abraham as in the important High Holiday prayer, “Grant Truth to Jacob and Kindness to Abraham”… or ”You will keep faith with Jacob and give loyaltly to Abraham.” See Micah, chapter 7 for the original Hebrew prayer corresponding to both of these translations. But, in this story their spirits are living in the Garden of Eden and the high heavens before this time.

song and decided he wanted to speak. He thought, since I was made by God I will sing a song of God inside of us all (Wisdom and Understanding) and speak prophecy in God’s name. But, Satan was listening and he said to God . Look at this small weak spirit in your tree of life trying to speak for you.

“Who is this that darkens and obscures counsel [by words] without knowledge.” The Book of Job, Chapter 42, verse 2. But also we know, “Not to have any madness at all in your spirit is itself madness. And, to see the world as it is instead of as it should be is the most madness of all.” Miguel Cervantes

He neither knows who he is or who you are. For, if he knew who he is, he would know who you are (his creator). And, if he knew who you are, he would know who he is (a being created by you). I will blow away the hopes and dreams of these two birds. And, since things at that time were occurring on an out breath, God (Wisdom and Understanding) let him. So, just then an eagle soared above them and spotted the female bird singing in God’s tree of life. Circling above them he made ready to swoop down and capture them both with his sharp claws. He was there to take them away from their happiness in God’s eternal tree of life and he was created by God as an illusion and an apparent obstacle to the realization of their hopes and dreams. (to be continued)

* footnote written 7/24/07...From another point of view someone could ( if they thought it would do us good) say that if Jacob was alive with us today and didn't confess the tricks and deceits he previously used in order to inherit the blessing from his family... that, then, he couldn't be a good representative for us and be the truth for us all. One might argue that, in this case, the truth is he who is Jesus Christ, or whoever is rational and consistent in terms of a logic or logos inside of the Word of God.
* footnote added 5/4/2010 by fellow mathematician, amateur theologian, time travellor Stephen Hawking // Watch Eye-Opening Documentaries Online!