Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Some thoughts, this year, for a day of Holy Transfiguration inside of Christ Jesus
(February 18,2007)
And the Jewish Festival of Purim
(March 4,2007)
"The weak and the soft defeat the strong and the hard."
Lao Tzu

photos of some morning waves with good energy in them
from internet Google image search
credits and thanks for the use of the photos
to and

Introductory prayer psalm: The Battle Hymn of the Republic

“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord…
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored...
In the beauty of the lilies* Christ was born across the sea,
With a beauty in his bosom that transfigures you and me…
He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is wisdom to the mighty,
He is honor to the brave.
His Truth is marching on.”

*according to some esoteric teachings in Christian mysticism the center of the lilies are pathways in these flowers that the souls of those killed on the battlefied ascend up to heaven as there spirits transmigrate to a higher etheral plane and are saved by Christ. Indeed, as our teacher Jesus Christ's parable says the growth and evolution of a human soul can be compared to a slow development of a seed fallen to the ground and planted in the earth, nourished by the energy in a self existent Sun and through faith as God sends us carefully directed and measured waters from above so that we may have along with him a healthy fully grown spiritual body in his Kingdom of heaven among us on earth. May he who places salvation and peace and joy in the high heavens on earth in this way place salvationa and peace and joy in us.

Nowadays this psalm brings to mind to me a group of contemplative
Christian, Jewish, Buddhist Yogis practicing Qi Gong and Tai Chi outdoors (in a wave like manner)or a group of Jews with Tefillim on and wrapped in lovingly woven garments of light (prayer shawls with Tzitzits*** on their four corners) rocking to a prayer rhythm as they say the Shema (Shema Israel Adonai Eloheynu... Adonai Ehad... Baruch Shem K'vod Malkutu L'Olam Vaehd...Baruch atah Adonai Eloheynu...Adonai Adonai...The Lord is the Lord, a God most high...Living and Enduring, Awesome, Exalted and Holy...Compassionate, Gracious, slow to anger, full of Loving Kindness, and Truth, who preserves Kindness for thousands, forgiving bad intentions, willful trespasses, and mistakes, but not all...cleansing us of them. ) rather than the US civil war images of long ago (when it was written). Then, waves of attacking infantry soldiers grouped to march across bloodly fields of battle and launch frontals assaults against delibrately prepared defenses. Now, we just pray...again and again until God hears and answers us...according to his will.
*** blue and white woven threads that have knots in them woven and arranged according to some of the numerical values which can be inferred from the higher dimensional divine ordering of the Hebrew letters in God's name

"Rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Oh rock my soul.

So high I can't get over it,
so low I can't get under it,
so wide I can't get around it,
Oh, rock my soul"

Oh Lord, you hold the whole wide World in your hands,
you hold the little bitty babies in your hands,
you hold you and me baby in your hands,
you hold you and me baby in your hands,
you hold you and me brother in your hands,
you hold you and me sister in your hands...
Oh, Lord, rock uh our soul in the bosom of Abraham,
Oh Lord, rock uh our soul in the bosom of Abraham,
rock uh our soul.

Traditional song with lyrics by Peter, Paul, and Mary
with some additional verses added by Andrew

Some more of my favorite songs (which are also written by Peter Paul and Mary)
and one of the Christian hymns of my greatgrandfather Adoniram Gordon's
and Rev. Pierson's Baptist coronation hymnal.

If I had a Bell
"If I had a bell...
If I had a bell...? I'd ring it in the
I'd ring it in the all over this land.
If I had a hammer...? I'd hammer in the morning...
I'd hammer in the morning all over this land.
If I had a song...?I'd sing it in the morning.
I'd sing it in the morning...all over this land.

Well I have a bell...
Its the bell of freedom.
And, I have a hammer...
its the hammer of justice.
And, I have a song...
Its the song about the love between my brothers and my sisters...
all over this land.

My Jesus I Love Thee

My Jesus I love thee...
I know thou are mine.
For thee all the follies of sin I resign.
My gracious Redeemer my Saviour art Thou.
I love thee because thou first loved me
and purchased my pardon on Calvary's tree.
I love thee for wearing the thorns on thy head.
I love thee for bearing the cross as you walked on that day.
Yes, my Jesus, I love thee for what happened then,
but, my Jesus...if ever I loved thee tis now.

Victory in Jesus
I heard an old old story...
about a Savior come in glory..
how he gave his life on Calvary
to save a wretch like me.
I heard about his groaning,
his precious blood atoning...
then I repented and won the victory.

Oh victory in Jesus,
my Savior forever.
He sought me and bought me
with his redeeming blood,
He loved me before I knew him
and all my love is due him.
He plunged me to victory,
beneath the cleansing flood.

I heard about a mansion he has
built for me in glory,
and I heard about the streets of gold
beyond the crystal sea.
about the angels singing
the old redemption story.
And, some sweet day I'll sing
up there a song of victory.

Oh victory in Jesus,
my savior forever.
He sought me and bought me
with his redeeming love.
He loved me before I knew him
and all my love is due him.
He plunged me to victory
beneath the cleansing flood.



Abraham's name sounds similiar in Hebrew to the words Ab rachem...
father of compassion.
According to the oral Jewish teaching his soul and spirit are also
a source of loving kindness. So, certainly, his heart is a good place
for our souls to find an anchor. However, it is clear to anyone who contemplates
it that for someone to be a father of compassion he must be compassionate to
all and compassionate at all times. When Abraham left his Son, Ismael by Hagar, in the desert; it was an act much more cruel than what anyone would condone today. And, it cannot be considered, in any sense compassionate. Compassion without integrity or a good conscience doesn't do anyone any good. Therefore we must look to a higher human standard to find a perfect example of divine compassion inside of us.
Jesus Christ, God's 1st Son#, has said
..."Before Abraham, I am"... Gospel of John
By studying the Gospel of Thomas as translated below,we can learn that...
like ocean waves in the morning gently rocking across time against land...
if our souls keep asking the God who has placed compassion and kindness
in the bosom of Abraham for help... eventually he will supply it to us in abundance.

# Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus exist both
inside and outside of time and because of this are also co-created with God in Heaven and with him.
The divine order of all of this are, at its core,
an unreachable mystery.

Gospel of Thomas, verse 2

“Jesus said, the seeker should not stop until he finds.
When he does find, he will be disturbed.
After having been disturbed, he will be astonished.
Then he will rule over everything.”

Stevan Davies, Shambala Publications 2002

Note: It may be too late to correct this, but Saint Thomas should have added
At this point, Then, with the help of God’s rule having been established, conveyed, realized in us all, the seeker will find what he is looking for.
If you preach this Gospel to some protestant ministers they will tell you that , "You do not find God." .."God finds you." This may be true at the start of the salvation process when the Holy Spirit only "is" inside of us. But, later on as it grows like a tree of eternal life in us it begins to be a correspondence between what is and what is...that is spiritual truth inside of a human being. It is clear from the above teachings that Jesus Christ, God himself, also prayed to and worshipped God His Father as Someone divine also inside of himself.
There are many of us on this earth today who believe in God inside of us in the same way Jesus did... as God from God and God to God...light from and to from and to love... Truth from and to Truth.

Listen closely, comtemplate and meditate on what God has called me to teach you... pray and ask God the Holy Spirit to help you understand it.. and you will gain this precious knowledge as an eternal part of your soul and spirit and resurrected body.

Gospel of Luke 11:4
“Ask and it will be given to you;
Seek and you will find;
Knock and it will be opened to you…
Rest assured,
Everyone who asks receives,
And everyone who seeks finds,
And for the one who knocks, it is opened.”

Daily Mindfulness Teaching for the One Human Holy Spirit who is God’s Son, Christ Jesus
(a poem written to tie us all in love and trust, for as long as we are true to God and he to us)

Awareness and faithfulness~ are reflections of two truths*.
Truth is a heart that listens** and is faithful and aware,
Along with a mind that believes what is right for all of us.

Goodness~~ is a heart that loves and gives
Beauty is a reflection of what is good
And a mind that is open***.

~ God is a mind that is and knows no limits (is faithful toward our hopes and prayers) yet still is what he or she or it is (aware) until that knowledge blossoms (becomes true) in us.
~~ Jesus Christ is he or she who is the Prince of Peace, heals and saves us all (being what we need him to be in order to do this) and sanctifies the name of God. God has no Son or Daughter but him or her.
* or alternatively, toward two truths. “Jesus said, One person cannot ride two horses at once, nor stretch two bows, nor can a man serve two masters, as he will respect one and despise the other. “ The Gospel of Thomas, verse 47 op. cit. Also he said,
“Do not let your left hand know what your right is doing.” Op. cit. verse 62. So, this said, if we are aware of our own shortfalls in this area and ask God for help. it is possible for the Holy Spirit and thus God in all of us to do all of this for all of our benefit. “Jesus said, If two make peace with each other in a single house, they will say to the mountain, ‘Move from here!’ and it will move.” Gospel of Thomas, verse 48, op cit.

** the Holy Spirit is a heart that listens, eyes and ears that see and hear what is good, a mouth that speaks what is true, and strong arms and legs that lift up the fallen, walks with them and leads them in the right direction.
*** To say that it is a reflection means it does not have an independently existing self. Two reflections can be an image (perceptive reflection) and a likeness (conceptual reflection)making up the soul and the spirit of a human being. So, a reflection may or may not be a part of an independently existing object or person. For instance, the heavens and the skies are beautiful. But, so can be a person, a woman for example.As Dr. Immanual Kant has said in his section distinguishing the transcendental logic into a transcendental analytic and a transcendental dialectic... ,"the conceptions of pure reason are not obtained by reflection...but by inference and conclusion." The Critique of Pure Reason, Great Books # 42 edited by Dr. Mortimer Adler page 112. Another definition of beauty is needed in this case.(added to copy 11/14/07) Another definition of beauty is needed in this case. Consider, “Beauty is controlled grace” a definition due to Leonardo da Vinci. This builds on the term grace which is sometimes defined as “Love that gives”. Also, I believe beauty may be due to an essential symmetry or a basic economy of expression in a humanly constructed definition containing a creative seed of truth or knowledge that can expand on itself growing into a material, psychological entity or living being (yet start over from the beginning or some midpoint along its path and reproduce itself if necessary). Mathematical proofs, a set of physical concepts and axioms or a well written and designed computer program can fall in this category. These three or four examples and definitions of beauty seem to me to fit well together into a shared human linguistic environment and belong to a common semantics or context that I commend unto you as part of a larger set of metaphysical definitions of heavenly terms. See previous blog for more on this.

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