YHWH School of Christianity Prayer Calendar for 2016
Be Still and Know God and Yourself.
Be Still and Know I AM God and I AM Yourself.
And, when you move, move like a River.*
The Mississippi River with its two shores. Thinking from a Zen Buddhist contemplative mind, it could be many places where it is flows past along its route. But, it happens to be a Nikon shot, taken with a magnifying lens, blue skies and blue reflections of the sky on the water, of a stretch, when the river is flowing low in the winter and exposing a treed beech area on the Louisiania side, below and across from the City of Vicksburg Washington St. Overlook.
*"V'ruach Elohim m'rapheht ayl ph'nay h'mayim" Genesis chapter 1
Then, when we do move forward with God and Ourself [to the other shore],
, then, we will move like a large river [even as the mighty Mississippi does flowing past the city of Vicksburg, down to consciousness of its greater home inside of us as represented by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean].
If we are still and "know" God and our self, then this knowing often leads to "becoming."
For, to know God's Name ( I AM) in the present moment is to know Him or Her through their Name in the past (as I AM THAT I AM) and the future (as I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE).
"What is known as one point [Divinely] somewhere [here], is known everywhere." Ernest Holmes
And, "What is known everywhere [Divinely, here] is known at all times, past and present." Andrew W. Harrell
Why is living near a river and moving like it, not like a cloud, more like living eternally with our God of Nature EL and our One God YHWH?
A river is generally moving in one place, one or several channels, focusing itself in one general direction even while constantly changing.
But, a cloud is not focused in any discernable channel or channels, and usually dissipates dumping its rain before it reaches any goal e.g.. the ocean or allowing us to make a way to cross it and reach its opposite banks or other shore.
To summarize some different perspectives that some of this year's calendars are designed to help you with we say
"Be Still and Know Yourself and God, The Last Millennium and 2016"
Our prayer friends at Unity School of Christianity have one that we interpret to mean:
"Be Still and Know" [Yourself and God 2016]...
God in what sense?, why just turn the pages of the calendar..
God as New Possibilities, a Divine idea for January,
(for new year resolutions we need to keep in my that "For God all things are possible"--- Matthew 19:26
And, we already know some of the best ways to realize new possibilities in Christ Jesus...faithful rededication to the ways we have fallen short.
Also, another warning, Good News possibilities that are like old ones that turned out not to be Honest to God or long lasting in Christ, probably aren't either.
God as Love, a divine idea for February
"I(We) affirm that we openly give and receive love..." 1 Corinthians 13:12
(There is a song that goes:"What does Love have to do with IT?" I hope that Love has a lot to do with you and me, but not much with IT.)
God is Love and Love is God.
Being a friend of everybody [everyone] is Love.
Love means seeing everyone as your self and your self as everyone [though not at all times].
This and every St. Valentine's day in February we are still and know that through Divine Love and Human Hope and Faith "God is Truth and Truth is God". And, so are we, to each other and Him or Her.
Since, everyone who knows this[at some time] knows and has the Christ Mind inside of them,[thought not at all times], True Love means continuing to see the Christ Mind in all of us, and all of us in the Christ Mind.
God as Wisdom a Divine idea for March,
(Promise of the Holy Spirit "I will teach you"--Luke 12:12
What is Wisdom?
To honor and fear the Name of God...to Bless and praise Him or Her in us all.
"Trust in YHWH [the Name of God] with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him [a person] and He will direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6
Biblical Memorial Thoughts of hope and reassurance received while saying Kaddish for the wise soul of Supreme Court Justice Judge Scalia living in us all. He died near the day of our prayer group's calendar's day of the Transfiguration of God's . Holy Spirit in us.
Unlike many Protestant Churches [eg. Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist] the YHWH School of Christianity contains prayers to Saints in it [especially on their Holy Days].
The Kaddish prayer is a Jewish Christian prayer [see the detailed explanation of it in the Jewish Christian subdirectory of the prayer website at our http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/prayers/index.cgi site. In short we pray that our minds and actions be slowed down in honor and respect so we can better understand how God's name is blessed, praised, exalted, lifted up, glorified, supported over long times, praised happily and in glory...we say Hallelujah.
It is fitting that his eternal soul was honored and moved from lying in state in the Supreme court building down the street to the beautiful Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington DC with the help of and along with the river of eternal life of those consecrated to His [Our Lord Jesus Christ's service].
Song of Solomon 12 :2
John 5:29
Romans 5:5-11
Matthew 11:25-30
from the homily of his son Rev. Paul Scalia:
"No one can remain unchanged when their soul is judged at death.. We must allow our encounter with eternity to change us [for good...added by Andrew].
Jesus Christ Himself is present with us here today in this bread and win.
In order that we may present ourselves as an offering to Our Father in Heaven.
God as Rebirth, a Divine Idea for April,
("I AM (WE ARE) the Resurrection and the Life" John 11:25)
Explanation of God’s concept of Time Everything does not happen, “right now” Everything does not happen, “on time” or “in time”. But everything happens in the “fullness of time” in the fullness of your and my time. The fullness of time is the richness of its expression inside you and me and all of us. Right now is the time for the reward God has promised you...If you have in fact accepted him as your helper, your savior, your redeemer, your sanctifier inside of you he brings his own reward with him. I believe that “right now” if you take some more time to re-evaluate your situation in the God's eternal present moment inside of you inside of us...that you will receive a rich blessing of happiness, peace, love, hope, and faith. Give thanks, you don't need to expect a miracle. You are God's miracle… his and her’s song of their eternal joy and peace inside us all.
[Paragraph originally posted on this blog Thanksgiving Day 2006]
God as Abundance, a Divine idea for May,
Monthly afffirmation "I AM (You are) abundantly blessed."
Monthly Divine Principle of Truth:
"Whosoever honors the Name of God, in Him or Her shall the Name of God be honored."
Monthly Divine Promise of Truth:
"I have come [came] that they may have Eternal Life [Life], and have it abundantly." The Gospel of John 10:10
What is Eternal Life?
"It is a gift* of God in Jesus Christ [and also in Christ Jesus...comment added by Andrew] our Lord" Romans 6:23
*a fundamental requisite basis of many other spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit.
God as Joy, a Divine idea for June,
"Joy comes with the morning."--Psalms 30:5
Joy comes in the morning, and the evening, and in all the present moments in between to all those who take time to be mindful, look deeply, "Be Still and Know God and Ourselves" and contemplate the highest joy of the Peace of Mind that comes with a life lived in Christ and various other individual experiences of our Divine Lives dwelling here together with Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in Our Heaven here on Earth.
"May heart is joyous, glad, happy, and free."
God as Freedom, a Divine idea for July,
"Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."--1 Corinthians 3:17
1) "I AM the Eternal God and underneath are the everlasting arms" [I let go, I let God, and I AM free].
2) "Be still and know that I AM God",
3) "I AM free and unfettered." Sequence of 11 Divine Life affirmations by James Dillet Freeman
for the other eight go to
God as Rest, a Divine idea for August,
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew11:28
Divine Promise:
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding[rest in the Lord]. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct, and make straight and plain your paths." Proverbs 3:6-7
Divine Affirmation:
As I let my mind, body, and emotions rest, I gain balance and new strength.
God as Resilience, a Divine idea for September,
"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. --1 Corinthians 16:13
Resilience is another word for spiritual strength and hence physical strength also.
Where does our spiritual strength come from? It comes, like the other gifts of our indwelling the Holy Spirit from spiritual understanding and wisdom, from mindfulness and faith in and of an indwelling God.
Strength comes from being a friend of everyone. Boy Scouts of America Teaching [see also Patanjali's Raja Yoga chapter 3 on Divine Powers...Gifts]
God as Forgiveness, a Divine idea for October,
"Blessed is he who has forgiveness of his transgressions." Psalm 32 verse 1
"Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven those who have debts against us." Matthew 6:12
"The Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins." Matthew 9:6
"Forgive and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37
5th day of the weekly count, 47th day of the omer
Hod of
By loving our enemies:
we are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.
"Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude
toward you]; bless and do not curse them."
Romans 12:14
"Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest
and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of
Romans 12:17, Proverbs 20:22, II Samuel 16:12
"Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family]
giving precedence and showing honor to one another."
Romans 12:10
God as Gratitude, a Divine idea for November,
Thoughts taken from last year's prayer calendar, many of which were taken from the Mesorah Arts Heritage Personnel Planner of that year:
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam, pokay'ach eevreem.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam malbeesh aerumeem.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam sheasah lay kal tsar'kay
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam hamaycheen meetsaday g'aver
God as Peace, a Divine idea for December.
2015 Hanukah/Christmas Prayer tweets:
Our prayer friends at the Mindfulness Ashram in California have written a new book, just published
"This Moment is Full of Wonders"
"Be Still and Know" [To know what? It is full of a series of steps to know through Buddhist minimalist calligraphy giving a series of contemplative levels of enlightenment of mindfulness, concentration, insight in order to be travel across the river to the other shore and be enlightened in the Present Moment and experience its fullness. See our previous years' blogs and the book for more on this.]
by Rev. Thich Nhat Hanh
Photo looking across nearly the same stretch of the MS river at flood stage, 47.5 ft, on an overcast cloudy and cold day, January 10,2016.
If we are still and take enough time to know first God and Ourself in our prayers [before acting or moving].
, then, we will move like a large river [even as the mighty Mississippi does flowing past the city of Vicksburg, down to consciousness of its greater home inside of us as represented by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean].
If we are still and "know" God and our self, then this knowing often leads to "becoming."
For, to know God's Name ( I AM) in the present moment is to know Him or Her through their Name in the past (as I AM THAT I AM) and the future (as I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE).
"What is known as one point [Divinely] somewhere [here], is known everywhere." Ernest Holmes
And, "What is known everywhere [Divinely, here] is known at all times, past and present." Andrew W. Harrell
Why is living near a river and moving like it, not like a cloud, more like living eternally with our God of Nature EL and our One God YHWH?
A river is generally moving in one place, one or several channels, focusing itself in one general direction even while constantly changing.
But, a cloud is not focused in any discernable channel or channels, and usually dissipates dumping its rain before it reaches any goal e.g.. the ocean or allowing us to make a way to cross it and reach its opposite banks or other shore.
To summarize some different perspectives that some of this year's calendars are designed to help you with we say
"Be Still and Know Yourself and God, The Last Millennium and 2016"
Our prayer friends at Unity School of Christianity have one that we interpret to mean:
"Be Still and Know" [Yourself and God 2016]...
God in what sense?, why just turn the pages of the calendar..
God as New Possibilities, a Divine idea for January,
(for new year resolutions we need to keep in my that "For God all things are possible"--- Matthew 19:26
And, we already know some of the best ways to realize new possibilities in Christ Jesus...faithful rededication to the ways we have fallen short.
Also, another warning, Good News possibilities that are like old ones that turned out not to be Honest to God or long lasting in Christ, probably aren't either.
God as Love, a divine idea for February
"I(We) affirm that we openly give and receive love..." 1 Corinthians 13:12
(There is a song that goes:"What does Love have to do with IT?" I hope that Love has a lot to do with you and me, but not much with IT.)
God is Love and Love is God.
Being a friend of everybody [everyone] is Love.
Love means seeing everyone as your self and your self as everyone [though not at all times].
This and every St. Valentine's day in February we are still and know that through Divine Love and Human Hope and Faith "God is Truth and Truth is God". And, so are we, to each other and Him or Her.
Since, everyone who knows this[at some time] knows and has the Christ Mind inside of them,[thought not at all times], True Love means continuing to see the Christ Mind in all of us, and all of us in the Christ Mind.
God as Wisdom a Divine idea for March,
(Promise of the Holy Spirit "I will teach you"--Luke 12:12
What is Wisdom?
To honor and fear the Name of God...to Bless and praise Him or Her in us all.
"Trust in YHWH [the Name of God] with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways, acknowledge Him [a person] and He will direct your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6
Biblical Memorial Thoughts of hope and reassurance received while saying Kaddish for the wise soul of Supreme Court Justice Judge Scalia living in us all. He died near the day of our prayer group's calendar's day of the Transfiguration of God's . Holy Spirit in us.
Unlike many Protestant Churches [eg. Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist] the YHWH School of Christianity contains prayers to Saints in it [especially on their Holy Days].
The Kaddish prayer is a Jewish Christian prayer [see the detailed explanation of it in the Jewish Christian subdirectory of the prayer website at our http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/prayers/index.cgi site. In short we pray that our minds and actions be slowed down in honor and respect so we can better understand how God's name is blessed, praised, exalted, lifted up, glorified, supported over long times, praised happily and in glory...we say Hallelujah.
It is fitting that his eternal soul was honored and moved from lying in state in the Supreme court building down the street to the beautiful Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington DC with the help of and along with the river of eternal life of those consecrated to His [Our Lord Jesus Christ's service].
Song of Solomon 12 :2
John 5:29
Romans 5:5-11
Matthew 11:25-30
from the homily of his son Rev. Paul Scalia:
"No one can remain unchanged when their soul is judged at death.. We must allow our encounter with eternity to change us [for good...added by Andrew].
Jesus Christ Himself is present with us here today in this bread and win.
In order that we may present ourselves as an offering to Our Father in Heaven.
God as Rebirth, a Divine Idea for April,
("I AM (WE ARE) the Resurrection and the Life" John 11:25)
Explanation of God’s concept of Time Everything does not happen, “right now” Everything does not happen, “on time” or “in time”. But everything happens in the “fullness of time” in the fullness of your and my time. The fullness of time is the richness of its expression inside you and me and all of us. Right now is the time for the reward God has promised you...If you have in fact accepted him as your helper, your savior, your redeemer, your sanctifier inside of you he brings his own reward with him. I believe that “right now” if you take some more time to re-evaluate your situation in the God's eternal present moment inside of you inside of us...that you will receive a rich blessing of happiness, peace, love, hope, and faith. Give thanks, you don't need to expect a miracle. You are God's miracle… his and her’s song of their eternal joy and peace inside us all.
[Paragraph originally posted on this blog Thanksgiving Day 2006]
God as Abundance, a Divine idea for May,
Monthly afffirmation "I AM (You are) abundantly blessed."
Monthly Divine Principle of Truth:
"Whosoever honors the Name of God, in Him or Her shall the Name of God be honored."
Monthly Divine Promise of Truth:
"I have come [came] that they may have Eternal Life [Life], and have it abundantly." The Gospel of John 10:10
What is Eternal Life?
"It is a gift* of God in Jesus Christ [and also in Christ Jesus...comment added by Andrew] our Lord" Romans 6:23
*a fundamental requisite basis of many other spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit.
God as Joy, a Divine idea for June,
"Joy comes with the morning."--Psalms 30:5
Joy comes in the morning, and the evening, and in all the present moments in between to all those who take time to be mindful, look deeply, "Be Still and Know God and Ourselves" and contemplate the highest joy of the Peace of Mind that comes with a life lived in Christ and various other individual experiences of our Divine Lives dwelling here together with Jesus Christ and Christ Jesus in Our Heaven here on Earth.
"May heart is joyous, glad, happy, and free."
God as Freedom, a Divine idea for July,
"Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom."--1 Corinthians 3:17
1) "I AM the Eternal God and underneath are the everlasting arms" [I let go, I let God, and I AM free].
2) "Be still and know that I AM God",
3) "I AM free and unfettered." Sequence of 11 Divine Life affirmations by James Dillet Freeman
for the other eight go to
God as Rest, a Divine idea for August,
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew11:28
Divine Promise:
"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding[rest in the Lord]. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct, and make straight and plain your paths." Proverbs 3:6-7
Divine Affirmation:
As I let my mind, body, and emotions rest, I gain balance and new strength.
God as Resilience, a Divine idea for September,
"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. --1 Corinthians 16:13
Resilience is another word for spiritual strength and hence physical strength also.
Where does our spiritual strength come from? It comes, like the other gifts of our indwelling the Holy Spirit from spiritual understanding and wisdom, from mindfulness and faith in and of an indwelling God.
Strength comes from being a friend of everyone. Boy Scouts of America Teaching [see also Patanjali's Raja Yoga chapter 3 on Divine Powers...Gifts]
God as Forgiveness, a Divine idea for October,
"Blessed is he who has forgiveness of his transgressions." Psalm 32 verse 1
"Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven those who have debts against us." Matthew 6:12
"The Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins." Matthew 9:6
"Forgive and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37
5th day of the weekly count, 47th day of the omer
Hod of
By loving our enemies:
we are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.
"Bless those who persecute you [who are cruel in their attitude
toward you]; bless and do not curse them."
Romans 12:14
"Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is honest
and proper and noble [aiming to be above reproach] in the sight of
Romans 12:17, Proverbs 20:22, II Samuel 16:12
"Love one another with brotherly affection [as members of one family]
giving precedence and showing honor to one another."
Romans 12:10
God as Gratitude, a Divine idea for November,
Thoughts taken from last year's prayer calendar, many of which were taken from the Mesorah Arts Heritage Personnel Planner of that year:
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam, pokay'ach eevreem.
“We thank God for giving us our sight.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ruler of the world, who opens the eyes of the blind.”
“We thank God for clothing us symbolically distinguishing us from animals.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who clothes the naked [with souls]”
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam malbeesh aerumeem.
“I AM the Eternal God and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Archangel Gabriel speaking for God in the Book of Genesis.
,Chesvan (October 14), Kislev (November 13),Tevet (December 13)
“We thank God for allowing us to stand erect.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who raises those who are bent over.”
“We thank God for placing firm ground under our feet and allowing us to live our lives fuly.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who spreads out the land on the water.”
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who spreads out the land on the water.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam rokay h'aretz al ham'ayeem
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.

Morning Waves : Some Blue and White Waves reveal what is called a meditation on “The Three Diamonds”, 1) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light from Heaven, 2) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light inside the Human Heart, 3) Absolute consiousness of God’s Light on Earth
Morning Waves X, A View Farther Out
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam rokay h'aretz al ham'ayeem
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.

Morning Waves : Some Blue and White Waves reveal what is called a meditation on “The Three Diamonds”, 1) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light from Heaven, 2) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light inside the Human Heart, 3) Absolute consiousness of God’s Light on Earth
Morning Waves X, A View Farther Out
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
“Be still and know that I AM God.” Archangel Michael speaking for God in the Book of Exodus.
“Be still and know that I AM God.” Archangel Michael speaking for God in the Book of Exodus.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam sheasah lay kal tsar'kay
“We thank God for providing our every need down to our shoes.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who has provided my every need.”
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam hamaycheen meetsaday g'aver
“We thank God for firming our footsteps to negotiate stairs or uneven ground.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who makes firm man’s steps.”
Blessed are you, Lord, our God…Ruler… of the Universe who gives strength to the weary.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'noten layoayf poaych.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who strengthens Israel with might.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam ozer Israel b'gevurah
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'noten layoayf poaych.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who strengthens Israel with might.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam ozer Israel b'gevurah
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who girds Israel with might.”
“We thank God for girding us with strength and crowing us with glory.” Heritage Personal Planner
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who crowns Israel with glory.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam oter Israel b'teefarah
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam oter Israel b'teefarah
“We thank God for rejuvenating our weary bodies.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who give strength to the tired.”
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who removes sleep from my eyes,
slumber from my eyelids.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'ama'aveer shenah mayaynay vt'nomah mayaf'aypay.
slumber from my eyelids.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'ama'aveer shenah mayaynay vt'nomah mayaf'aypay.
“We thank God for removing sleep from our eyes and slumber from our eyelids.” Heritage Personal Planner
“We thank God for releasing us from sleep.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who removes sleep from my eyes, slumber from my eyelids.”
God as Peace, a Divine idea for December.
2015 Hanukah/Christmas Prayer tweets:
Getting ready (slowing down, confessing
mistakes, praying and meditating) for the lighting next week of a Hanukah Angel
Christmas Tree here.
Tonight, we light the first candle of the
HanukahAngelTree. It is connected to the last. Mindfulness and faith are
reflections of two truths
"Not my might, and not by power, but
by Spirit alone, shall we all live in Peace." Chanukah Christmas song
Someone needs to define what a
"Pre-Post Millenniumist" Christian Jewish Theologian is. If they did,
Jesus Christ and I would likely be one.
Lighting the third Hanukah candle, which is
connected to the sixth. When God is One and Two, &; the Truth of God is One,
that's Three Truths.
Lighting the fourth Hanukah candle, which
is connected to the fifth. "God's Goodness indwelling in us is His or Her
Love that gives [grace]."
When God is One and Two, and His Truth is
One, then We are Three, Knowing that God is One
Lighting the fifth Hanukah candle. Are
numbers people? Divine Number One is God, Divine Number Two, His Son a Verb,
Number Three, the Truth
We thank God for the life of our friend Dr.
RadhaKrishnan (I never knew you well enough to call you Radha), please help him
find new life.
Lighting the sixth Hanukah candle, which is
connected to the 3rd. It completes a menorah Star of David dwelling with God in
our human heart.
Lighting the 7th candle of the menorah,
which is connected to the 2nd. Taking a walk, on the Sabbath, around our
Drummond St. neighborhood.
Lighting eighth Hanukkah candle, it is
connected to Our One God. May He or She connect us all together with friends
& family for Christmas.
Our prayer friends at the Mindfulness Ashram in California have written a new book, just published
"This Moment is Full of Wonders"
"Be Still and Know" [To know what? It is full of a series of steps to know through Buddhist minimalist calligraphy giving a series of contemplative levels of enlightenment of mindfulness, concentration, insight in order to be travel across the river to the other shore and be enlightened in the Present Moment and experience its fullness. See our previous years' blogs and the book for more on this.]
by Rev. Thich Nhat Hanh
"The way to know Emmanuel[God is with us] is to know that God is Truth."
"If you do not know the Truth you do not know God or us."
The gazebo in by back yard we built for about $1200 in 1991 with a lot of help of some of friends in the ERDC carpentry shop. I use it now, after hanging blue tarpaulins around its sides, as a temporary outdoor shelter to eat in during the week of the Jewish Holiday of Succos. For more thoughts about Zen, Pure Land, Traditional Buddhism see the November 2014 blog posting from our 2015 CAL Berkeley Alumni trip to Japan.
Hiking in the California Mountains, on the John Muir Trail in the King's Canyon Area, sitting on a rock getting ready, with a heavy pack on my back, for climbing the high pass across the Sierra's into Nevada. photo from
Area north of the Angel’s Landing
rock formation.
Zion National Park in Nevada. I did not hike quite this far on the Sierra, King's Canyon, Trip. But, got almost as far as the top of Chocolate Mountain and the trail down toward the little village of Big Pine on the other side of the Sierra's There are some wondelful views of the Sierra Palisades you will see if you go along this route.
And, God Said:
And, God Said:
Yehi 'Or,
Genetheto Phos,
Fiat Lux,
V'Yehi 'Or.
Let There Be,
Let us Create Light,
May There Be Light [Let it Be Made].
And, There was Light.
Fiat Lux,
V'Yehi 'Or.
Let There Be,
Let us Create Light,
May There Be Light [Let it Be Made].
And, There was Light.
In the Book of Genesis in the Bible, Chapter 1, it explains how God created the Universe. He said, "God said Let there be Light, and there was Light". But is this common translation of the Hebrew "vayo'mer Elohim, yehi 'or vayehi 'or." really the best? In the Latin Bible we have "And said God let there be Light, and there was Light"..." dixitque Deus fiat lux et fact best lux"...Here the words "fiat lux et fact lux" suggest that there was a little more to the process than just speaking (also making and observing). In the Greek Bible we have the phrase "genetheto phos" or created light. When a Christian Jew or a Jewish Christian lights the Hanukah candles mindfully and faithfully with his hands it is an act of creation without words. And, when he sees Christ to come and Christ that was inside of us, through his act, with the Indwelling God's help. When he or she uses the menorah as a tool of meditation, like King David did, placing it, by the window on the right side of his or her door, and the angel images of Seven Good Shepherds of Israel, served in Divine Light by the One Good Shepherd, God's Only Son Christ Jesus, that appear outside in the yard, in him or her, in the Menorah Angel Tree branches, cups, wicks, candles he need not try to explain how it happened. For, he or she won't be able to. Indeed, in a previous blog of this series*, using a more detailed translation of the Hebrew, we have tried to examine the full process laid out in chapter 1 and 2 in more detail, and tried to understand it a little better anyway.
* I have also posted these meditations at the beginning of the Bible readings section of the main website: http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org.
A Deep Blue Chakra Heavenly Meditation for 2016 on Our Three-fold Family of The Divine Name of God, otherwise known as The Trinity:
* I have also posted these meditations at the beginning of the Bible readings section of the main website: http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org.
A Deep Blue Chakra Heavenly Meditation for 2016 on Our Three-fold Family of The Divine Name of God, otherwise known as The Trinity:
we believe that the Name of God, a Trinity, is just an impersonal
concept or perception, then the Name of God as a Verb is not God.
But, if we believe that the Trinity
are Three actual people [as the Numbers One, Two, and Three] then the Name of
God as a Verb, Number Two, The Son, can be transmitted between us in order to
become the Name of God, Number Three, as the Truth.
When God is One, His Truth is One.
When God is Two, His Truth is Two. And, then His Truth being One, that makes Three of US (Who are Knowing
that God is One).
For, there are then Two with One Truth, The
Father and The Mother.
Then Three of US, The Father, The
Mother and The Son.
Then there are Four of US, The
Father and The Mother and The Son and Their[Our] Holy Spirit*Indwelling in US:
1,..2,…3....4,….and on to infinity.
*The Holy Spirit is not to be defined as much as Christ Jesus Indwelling in us is to be defined in order to be known, but roughly speaking it is the Power of Divine Spirit which manifest our ideas in Christ in the World and us. Charles Fillmore "Talks on Truth"
*The Holy Spirit is not to be defined as much as Christ Jesus Indwelling in us is to be defined in order to be known, but roughly speaking it is the Power of Divine Spirit which manifest our ideas in Christ in the World and us. Charles Fillmore "Talks on Truth"
"Be careful not to laugh at others and say, 'What is Truth'?" For God is Truth and if you do not know Truth, you do not know God."
Here are some references if you are interested in learning more about this ancient mathematical theology. "The Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself by Ernest G. McClain, "The Myth of Invariance by Ernest G. McLean, Theon of Smyrna Translated by R.D. Lawlor, The Temple of Man by Schwaller de Lubicz. The first two references hold to the thesis that the ancient Greeks, Pythagoreans were the first to study mathematical theology, the last is a magnificent work supporting the view that already before then the ancient Egyptians understood a lot about this.
“When Two or Three of you are
gathered together in My Name, I AM there.”
Gospel [Good News] promise of Jesus
Our purpose here is to help fix things through prayer for
God and you and me.
"Our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood
and righteousness. We dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on
Jesus' Name"
"On (and in) Christ, the Solid Rock I stand, all
other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."
Protestant Christian Hymn
“It is not true that the human spirit has no future. Our task is
to, in One Divine way, God helping us, become our future.” November 2015
Twitter posting of @AndrewWHarrell
For a Man of God to become a prophet, he must deeply understand
(by looking downward from the Top of the Mountain, into how God’s Indwelling Spirit
of Truth manifests inside of Him to help all of us) what Jesus told St. Andrew
a long time ago:
“A seed must fall to the ground in order for it to be reborn in
The seed [of God’s Truth] is a Verb [expressing movement], not
the Truth. Because God’s vision of the Truth expressing itself in us cannot be
just a Verb [along with the knowledge we have of being saved by God], It must
also be Itself realized and known [redeemed, sanctified and justified] in us as
Itself, The Truth.
See also: Genesis 1:11, Psalm 126, Ecllesiates 11:6, Isaiah
55:10, Matthew 13:38, Luke 8:11, Romans 9:29, Galatians 3:16
Someone needs to
define what a "Pre-Post Millenniumist" Christian Jewish Theologian
is. If they did, Jesus Christ and I would likely be one. @AndrewWHarrell
One small note about previous discussions with Rabbi Cooper's website assistant Jason about whether "God is a Verb" or not as Rabbi Cooper claims in his book. These discussions have been deleted in the new Rabbi Cooper website. However, I have posted them at http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/prayers/index.cgi under the "Upholding the Truth" subdirectory and also added them to the original mention of the topic in the June 2014 Explorations in the Baltic blog at the http://www.ourprayergroup.blogspot.com site.
Looking south and downward toward the I-20 Interstate and
Hwy 80 MS two river bridges that cross here from atop the NMP Washington St.
overlook .
Vicksburg and The River photo number 67 (another 66 can be
found in the book “Vicksburg and The River, written by Virginia Calohann
Harrell and published by U. of MS Press. If you look closely you can see that someone has gone to the effort to place a large US flag flying above the bridge over the central channel which goes under it. It is at this point where its most difficult for the barge traffic south and north to navigate the strong currents.
Another photo of the same area of the MS River where it goes under the two Vicksburg bridges. This one was taken looking out and over the Ameristar Casino flood wall, January 10, 2016 when the river stage was over flood at about 47.5 ft. on the gauge there.
1) That Divine wisdom that comes to us from the past from our
Father God in Heaven
(Prajnam Brahman)
2) I AM THAT MIND of God dwelling in us, the Christ. (Aham Brahmasi).
3) THAT CHRIST I AM (Tat Twam Asi)
4) THAT SOUL of all of us I AM (Ayam Atma
View of the City of Vicksburg, MS, the Yazoo Diversion Canal, and Lake Centennial, taken from the air while piloting Crosswinds Flying Club Cessna 182, May 2012.
It is the :
1) The Light of God as the One inside of us beginning Itself and
increasing Itself (Archangel Ariel)
2) The Light of God as the One inside of us without a second
saving and redeeming Itself (Archangel Gabriel)
3) The Light of God as the Transformation or Glorification and
healing of Itself inside of us (Archangel Raphael)
4) The Light of God as the justification and
discrimination of Itself from what is not itself.
(Archangel Michael)
Four Great Prophetic Sayings from the Upanishads and Four Great
Foundations of the Divine Order of the Spiritual Understanding of Our
Righteousness in Christ as it comes to us in Divine Prophecy(said in Order)
Looking upward into the sky, on this day November 20, 2015,
at this time, we see the jet-contrails, looking like clouds in a cup of tea
forming a double St. Andrew’s cross in the heavens.
Vicksburg and The River photo number 70 (another 66 can be
found in the book “Vicksburg and The River, written by Virginia Calohan Harrell and published by U. of MS Press.
With all the news this last year about his Cross still being used on a confederate battle flag should St. Andrew apologize to us for letting his followers do this? Saints do not always have control over what their followers do, but perhaps he needs to do a better job of explaining what the Cross symbolizes. Maybe that would help. It certainly doesn't symbolize the belief that we humans have a divine right to invoke God's name in using hatred and fear to control others through war, rebellions and other means.
Here's an interesting question, does it have some deep mathematical or theological significance? Was St. Andrew a mathematician and theologian Well the historical person who helped Jesus Christ probably wasn't. We are told he and Jesus were fairly poor fisherman Jesus perhaps being also a carpenter. But, the soul and spirit, the concept of his name "Andrew" or Man of God which we can ask to help us may have had these ancient associations and by dying on a cross with this image perhaps he wants us to know that they should still.
The study of theology at St. Andrew's time and Jesus' time did not just involve the Jewish priesthood. There were also the fascinating Greek speaking sect of the Pythagoreans who worshipped numbers and music.
There is an important teaching in the YHWH School of Christianity:
"If you cannot find God inside of the human heart, then you cannot find Him anywhere.".........
"But, if you can find Him there [in the human heart] then you can find Him anywhere."
One way I interpret ancient teachings about mathematics and theology is how the different musical scales arose as "mantras" or arrangements of rows of chains of prime number integer multiples that have the different ancient musical scales: "The Pythagorean [based on logarithms of the multiples of 2 used to measure the distance to the frets on stringed instruments], the HIndu Greek diatonic and its reciprocal, the star hexagon of Judaism, the Dorian, the Phygrian, the Egyptian, the Sumerian. In the mythology of Egypt, the g od Apis carried a triangle on his forehead, related to the "seven souls" of the Sun god Ra. These are connected with a seven toned mountain top [the top of the mountain being the top of the yantra] b G D A b flat diatonic scale order musical scheme. There is a Kabbalistic scheme of how to understand the Biblical soul of "Adam" using irreducible integers to generate such a two-dimensional geometric yantra. When even higher multiplies of 2,3,5,7 are computed you can even discover large numbers that arise in ancient calendrical prophetic calculations in the Bible, the Rig Veda, and other scriptures.
Isn't it possible that this is what the Psalmist in our Bible is referring to when He prophesies in one of verses of the Psalms, "Then, the Name of God will sing a New Song."?
As I write this I am study the Week 12 Torah lesson* which starts off with the phrase "Veyechi" which means "And, he [Jacob] lived" ...seventeen years in the land of Egypt. It is in this Torah portion at the end of the book of Genesis, where Jacob blesses his sons, the twelve tribes, and also, as a grandfather, adds two of Joseph's sons [Manasseh...whose name means "I have forgotten" and Ephraim...whose name means may he add..a double portion] to the yearly Jewish prayer liturgy....saying, "By you Israel will pronounce blessings, God make you as Ephraim and as Manasseh." But, he put Ephraim before Manasseh. crossing things up in time...since Ephraim as the second born should have been considered second, not first. Then, after commanding them to bury him in the land of Canaan, he died. Thus Jacob must have considered the Divine order of things, similar to a crossed action in time, and as involved in his blessing as one the most important teachings he could offer as a legacy to his children.
*see "A Year Through the Torah" by John J. Parsons.
In order to transmit conscientious and energy from an indwelling Holy Spirit from a Father to a Son through contemplative meditation one would have to meditate on how these harmonics (invariencies in multiples of pitch ratios) "form up" inside of the heart chakra in a two or higher dimensional integer scheme. According to McClain's book, Galileo's [our Protestant scientific mathematical hero of the Renaissance] brother had studied these subjects and figured out how to interpret such a two-dimensional geometrical meditation yantra inside and outside of time. See our discussion in the prayer calendar last year of how the actual modern sound frequencies of the notes in our current musical scales can be attached to the chakras for prayers and meditations.
In his dialogue Timaeus Plato describes an arithmetrical creation of the World's soul. In part I there is the division of sameness, difference and existence musically. "The initial construction moves through three stages: a) taking the portions of 1,2,3,4,9,8, and 27 units. b) inserting arithmetric and harmonic means; and c) filling up with perfect fourths 4:3 with wholeness 9:8." McClain A Lamba pattern and a figure in the form of a Greek letter Chi, looking like a St. Andrew's cross also called Plato's cross, going back to Nicomachus emerges. Earlier Zenocrates, Aristotle's friend, had taught around 340 BC that the Platonic World Soul was like a "self-moving number" or group of numbers taking this form.
1/27 1/18 1/12 1/8 B E A D
1/9 1/6 1/4 E A D
1/3 1/2 A D
1 D
2 3 D G
4 6 9 D G C
8 12 18 27 D G C F
Plato's cross with means inserted from McClain page 67
But, where did Plato and the Pythagoreans get the idea of the importance of this symbol to Theology from? Is it possible it goes even further back into the history of other religious groups?
Mr. de Lubicz mentioned above with reference to his book, The Temple of Man argues that Pythagorus was pre-dated by Egypt, and that Pythagorus travelled there at some point and got some of his mathematical and musical theology from the ancient Egyptians. Since much of the Egyptian theology about mathematics involves symbols more than alphabetic language. And until the lifetime of Mr. Lubicz's study of contemplative theological mysticism that clearly went into to his book, I don't think many people in our age of the last two previous millenniums understood this.
But, now, going even further back in time, what is the significance of St. Andrew's cross as it manifest's itself in the Christian Communion service? If you watched the funeral of Senator Biden's son on CNN last year you may have heard the Catholic Priest commenting: "Protestants who want to come forward in the communion and don't want to receive the communion wafer [for many Protestants don't believe that the Catholic priesthood is the dispenser of the Body of Christ in the Christian Church] can make the sign of crossed hands holding two scepters on the chest." Where do we see this sign placed in front of the chest in ancient Egypt? If you look at a picture of the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen, from the Valley of the Kings, Thebes you will see it.
The Egyptians believed in the mystical importance of signs in theology [even more than words] for their language was pictographic. And, they believed the Pharaoh was an early type of Man of God, or God Man [the Christ], even in King Tut's time of Our One God. Each type of Man of God depicted as wearing the symbols represented a "Neter" or Principle of Divine Truth. Each principle was a trinity that included a masculine aspect, a feminine aspect, and the product of these two aspects. Thus the King holding crossed scepters represented Divine action [in the form of a seed or hook..the hekat.. held with the right hand on the left shoulder] and reversal of the direction of action provoked by the left hand on the right shoulder being "resistance immanent in the nature of the activity...reaction neutralizes action* symbolized by the nekhakha, or whip, or staff, from which issued a triple flow.
*De Lubicz, The Temple of Man, Volume 1, page 79.
In the Amidah18-fold standing blessings of God in the daily Jewish prayer service, we ask God as the "shepherd's staff [hook] and support [encouragement]" of our righteousness to help us. In these prayers it is clear the staff and support refer to mental,psychic pathways up and down our chest spine of the Holy Spirit in us. It does not mention at this point that they are crossed like the Greek letter Chi shown above. But, all through the Torah, in the rthymic character of the intertwined and interconnected sounds from the verses in the Psalms and elsewhere this is implied.
In the main Priestly benediction of Judaism we bless God by affirming that he
"Bless us and keep us,
Lift His countenance up upon us, and be graceful unto us,
Support and Uphold His Truth inside of us and place His Peace in High Places inside of us."
This is a sixfold, three by two-fold series of blessings, the last two of which I believe are directly connected to the St. Andrew Cross blessing of ancient priesthoods that we are discussing.
In fact, it is usually taught in Judaism that the fundamental tetragrammaton Name of God is interconnected in the way it expresses itself metaphysically from inside of us outwards into those living around us, and the World.
But, now, going even further back in time, what is the significance of St. Andrew's cross as it manifest's itself in the Christian Communion service? If you watched the funeral of Senator Biden's son on CNN last year you may have heard the Catholic Priest commenting: "Protestants who want to come forward in the communion and don't want to receive the communion wafer [for many Protestants don't believe that the Catholic priesthood is the dispenser of the Body of Christ in the Christian Church] can make the sign of crossed hands holding two scepters on the chest." Where do we see this sign placed in front of the chest in ancient Egypt? If you look at a picture of the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen, from the Valley of the Kings, Thebes you will see it.
The Egyptians believed in the mystical importance of signs in theology [even more than words] for their language was pictographic. And, they believed the Pharaoh was an early type of Man of God, or God Man [the Christ], even in King Tut's time of Our One God. Each type of Man of God depicted as wearing the symbols represented a "Neter" or Principle of Divine Truth. Each principle was a trinity that included a masculine aspect, a feminine aspect, and the product of these two aspects. Thus the King holding crossed scepters represented Divine action [in the form of a seed or hook..the hekat.. held with the right hand on the left shoulder] and reversal of the direction of action provoked by the left hand on the right shoulder being "resistance immanent in the nature of the activity...reaction neutralizes action* symbolized by the nekhakha, or whip, or staff, from which issued a triple flow.
*De Lubicz, The Temple of Man, Volume 1, page 79.
In the Amidah18-fold standing blessings of God in the daily Jewish prayer service, we ask God as the "shepherd's staff [hook] and support [encouragement]" of our righteousness to help us. In these prayers it is clear the staff and support refer to mental,psychic pathways up and down our chest spine of the Holy Spirit in us. It does not mention at this point that they are crossed like the Greek letter Chi shown above. But, all through the Torah, in the rthymic character of the intertwined and interconnected sounds from the verses in the Psalms and elsewhere this is implied.
In the main Priestly benediction of Judaism we bless God by affirming that he
"Bless us and keep us,
Lift His countenance up upon us, and be graceful unto us,
Support and Uphold His Truth inside of us and place His Peace in High Places inside of us."
This is a sixfold, three by two-fold series of blessings, the last two of which I believe are directly connected to the St. Andrew Cross blessing of ancient priesthoods that we are discussing.
In fact, it is usually taught in Judaism that the fundamental tetragrammaton Name of God is interconnected in the way it expresses itself metaphysically from inside of us outwards into those living around us, and the World.
Also, in the current Jewish scheme of a Cabalistic Tree of Life, created using the Hebrew letter associations and verses from the Sefer Yetzireh, the three Mother letters, Aleph, running across the Tree of Life in the middle level, Shin, running across the Tree of Life on the Top level, Mem, running across the Tree of Life on the bottom level frame two St. Andrew's Crosses centered in the heart Sefireh 4 or Tiferet meaning the concept of beauty, and Sefireh 9, Yesod meaning foundation of our righteousness. There is more in the Sefer Yetzireh about how to associate these two crosses with the verses of the Bibles in the first two chapters of Genesis.
The Jewish holiday of Tu B'Sheet, January 25st this year, is an especially Holy and good time to contemplate how the "seed" thought, formed by the three Hebrew letters, Aleph, Shin, Mem thought of as bases of tantric spatial form which make up our mental concept of space, tantric number which make up the ten sefireh in the Book of Creation [Sefer Yetzireh], and tantric communication of love between the Father and the Son as of God's creation of our righteousness as the first two parts of the Holy Trinity in God's Name expressing Itself as His or Her Tree of Life is growing inside of us as new possibilities during the New Year.
The Egyptian idea of Divinity in Man referred to above is a conception that assumes a Divine Indwelling Holy Spirit expressing itself outwardly into the World in order to participate and create it. When you ask for and receive the Body of Christ as communion in a Catholic Church from a priest you assume that the transmission of this is from the priest to you and not inwardly from you to him. But, as Protestants [and Catholics] we also know that God's Holy Spirit in us can be many circumstances outside of the Church an outwardly directed transmission, toward the World. So it would follow that sometimes it could even be toward a priest giving communion inside of a Christian Church. Is it possible that these ancient symbols of the Egyptian Messianic Priesthood of the 11th century BC have survived in our group consciousness of how we understand divine communion this long? Is it possible they have survived long enough to become the current method to use for a Protestant partcipating in Christian Communion in a Catholic Church?
Together we will certainly be able to improve
things through prayer over a long period of time. If you want, not
just to discuss, but to post prayers over such a period, please also see
our prayer request postings at http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org where you can
register and post your own prayers for us to contemplate and pray with you.
Day of the Holy Name
of Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8)
How far does the seed of God’s Truth have to fall
into the ground in order for it to come true inside of all of us? How about, like, the 200 Million years of
time travel back in time worth or so that we see in the photo I took from
Navaho Falls during a hike inside the Havatsu Indian Reservation, REI camping
Havatsu falls and Navaho falls, located in the
Havatsu Indian Reservation in Northwest Arizonia right up the trail from the
Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.
We affirm, that the:
Name of God moves down in us,
1) Presence of God over watches.
2) Power of God protects.
3) The Love of God enfolds.
4) Light of God surrounds us.
This is the second coming of Christ in us, God
dwelling as His Only Son, His Word, or the human way God incarnated the Lord
Jesus in Saint Mary’s soul about 2000 years ago.
At that time, the 1st
coming of Christ, as God the Father, or the Christian Jewish Messiah, Saint
Moses, had already happened in the previous history of Jews as recounted in our
View looking down and
North up and along a considerable length
of the river, when the river is at normal size, from Photo taken from the Washington St. Overlook in December 2015.
Vicksburg and The River photo number 71 (another 66 can be
found in the book “Vicksburg and The River, written by Virginia Calohann
Harrell and published by U. of MS Press.
Two photos shown above and below of the section of where the river bends around the entrance of the Yazoo River flowing into it. They were both taken January 15, 2016, from the back parking lot of the Ameristar Casino headquarters, about 1 block south of the Washington St. overlook, when it was cresting at 50.5', 8' above flood stage.
The Divine order of the Name of God moving upward
as a Holy Spirit incarnating itself in our souls and spirits beginning or
starting at the bottom, the 1st (in
this order of counting them) spiritual root chakra and moving up to the 7th or
top truthful spiritual chakra is:
1)The Light of God surrounds us (as the mind and
intelligence of God, the archangel Ariel dwells in us as the Light of the One
2) The Love of God enfold us (as the archangel
Gabriel’s prophetic spirit dwells in us as the Light of the One without a
3) The Power of God protects us (as the archangel
Raphael’s healing spirit dwells in us as a transforming or glorifying Light in
our humans hearts)
4)The Presence of God over watches us ( as we
“are still and know that I AM God or that God has been realized fully as a
discriminative Light Himself in us ).
eightfold order of blessing is how God blesses us two total times from top to
bottom and them from bottom to top as he saves and redeems our spirits and
"Was Jesus a Hebrew Jew or just an Aramaic Christ?"
"Today if He said the same prayers, taught the same teachings as before, what would you say?"
"Today if He said the same prayers, taught the same teachings as before, what would you say?"
progressive Christian Jewish formulation of how God's Name renews and regenerates,
consecrates and seals, saves, redeems and justifies itself from bottom to top,
top to bottom, and finally bottom to top in its Holy Spirit, indwelling
in the minds and bodies of those who are called out to
it is:
YHWH Jeshua
Jesus Christ
YHWH Adonai Elohim
YHWH Elohim Adonai
After this name is glorified in us, it can
express itself though our prayer requests.
The American Queen tour steamboat docked at the Vicksburg
Waterfront. Photo taken from the top of the Merchant’s Bank building.
Vicksburg and The River photo number 73 (another 66 can be
found in the book “Vicksburg and The River, written by Virginia Calohan Harrell and published by U. of MS Press.
A towboat and barge travelling North to the Vicksburg Harbor
Project from where the Yazoo flows into the MS River along the Vicksburg
Waterfront Yazoo Diversion Canal. Photo taken from the top of the Merchant’s
Bank Building on Washington Street.
Vicksburg and The
River photo number 74 (another 66 can be found in the book “Vicksburg and The
River, written by Virginia Calohan Harrell and published by U. of MS Press.

Another picture of a towboat moving barge traffic coal, this time, outside the Yazoo diversion canal and heading south around the bend of the river that passes where the river current from the Yazoo enters the Mississippi River an flows toward the two bridges.
A very important and powerful sequence of affirmations and
meditations listed and given in historical (as they appeared in our Christian
Jewish, Jewish Christian history) divine order of the fulfillment of
God’s Great Plan of Prophetic Salvation involving the Holy Name of Jesus
dwelling in is:
ISAIAH is Yeshua
or Yeshayahu
See also
James 1:10, 11:1, 1 Peter 1 24:25 which explains to us that
grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it, but
the Word of Our God will last forever.”
[Yeshayahu] is Jesus
3) Jesus is YHWH
For an
important discussion of what it means to bless the Name of God YHWH, the Divine
Tetragrammaton and whether this should be allowed, argued logically, from three
important purposes of all of the eternal lives of our soul’s and spirit, see
the threaded long-term discussion postings at
of the River Canyon in Zion National Park, Christmas 2005 photo
Holy Days 2016
Epiphany of the Lord (Jan 6 Psalm 72),
Baptism of the Lord (Jan 10 Psalm 29),
Confession of St. Peter (Jan 18 Psalm 23),
Conversion day of St. Paul (Jan. 25 Psalm 67), International
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan. 27) ,
Tu B’Shvat (Festival of the Trees Jan. 25),
of the Lord (Feb. 2 Psalm 84),
Transfiguration of the Lord Christ dwelling in us (Feb. 7, Psalm
Ash Wednesday (February 10),
St. Valentine's day (February 14) ,
Purim Katan (February 24)
Saint Benedict’s day (March 2),
Purim (March 24),
Saint Gregory’s day (March 12),
Saint Patrick’s day (March 17),
Saint George’s day(March 23)
Easter (March 27),
Passover (April 23),
St. Mark (April 25 Psalm 2),
Holocaust Remembrance Day (April 27),
Pentecost (May 15),
Shavuot (June 11),
St. Peter and St. Paul’s day (June 29 Psalms 66, 87,97,138),
Independence Day U.S.A. (July 4),
St. Mary Magalene (July 21 Psalms 30,42,116,149),
St. James day (July 25, Psalms 7, 33,34),
St. Ignatius Loyola's and Saint Bernard’s day (August 20),
Saint Barthomew’s (Nathaniel’s ) day (August 24 Psalms 15,67,86,
World Peace Day (September 21),
Gabriel, Michael, Ariel, Raphael and
All Angels day (Sept. 29),
Rosh Hashanah (October 3),
Saint Francis of Assisi’s day Oct. 4
Yom Kippur (October 12),
Succos (October 17),
St. Luke (Oct 18 Psalm 103),
Saint James of Jerusalem day (Oct 23
Psalm 1),
Shemini Atzeret (October 24),
All Souls/All Saints Day (Nov. 1 Psalms 111,112,148,149,150),
Veteran’s Day(Nov. 11) St. Martin's day,
Saint Margaret’s day (Nov. 16),
Saint Elizabeth's of Hungary day (daughter of King Andrew II)
Saint Elizabeth's of Hungary day (daughter of King Andrew II)
Thanksgiving day November 26,
Saint Andrew’s day (Psalms 19,24,96,100),
Channukah (Dec. 24),
St. Thomas’s day (Dec. 21 Psalms 23,27,121,126),
Christmas, [Christmas may be a myth, but a lot of us already know that when God and you and I believe in a myth, it has a tendency to become reality]
Christmas, [Christmas may be a myth, but a lot of us already know that when God and you and I believe in a myth, it has a tendency to become reality]
St. John’s day (Dec. 27 Psalm 92,97,98,145),
Day of
the Holy Name of Jesus December 31
Note: In this calendar we don't have a separate day for praying
with Saint Mary, like the day of the Annunciation in the Catholic and Episcopal
Calendar. She is with us all of the Holy days.
However, during Hanukkah Christmas we especially need to take
time and pray, not only with Her, but for Her.
We pray that during the whole Hanukkah/Christmas season she is
feeling blessed (by us) and 'highly favored'. You may want to study year
before last’s 'Rosh Hashanah' posting
for a little bit of the little known by most Christians, Jewish Scriptural
Biblical history of the long-time relationship between her soul and spirit and
our prayer group.
Holy Innocent’s day (Dec. 28, Psalms 2,26,19,126), Day of the
Holy Name of Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8)
[For Bible readings and Psalms that go with these Holy
Days see the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (both the two year daily office
and the two year lectionary readings) or the three year revised common
lectionary at http:\\divinity.library.vanderbilt.edu/lectionary . The revised
common lectionary was created for the occasions of common prayer and worship
services among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. It has more readings from the
Old Testament than the ordinary episcopal or catholic lectionary. Using these
two or three year daily offices is an excellent way to keep track of an
intention for reading most of the Bible in two years. The best translation of
the Bible I have found is “The Amplified Bible” published by Zondervan. It has
cross-references in the text to related passages and prophecies which make this
translation even more of a “Tree of Life” than others.]
View of the Vicksburg Harbor Project for Industrial
Development from the National Military Park Fort Hill Overlook
Vicksburg and The River photo number 75 (another 66 can be
found in the book “Vicksburg and The River, written by Virginia Calohann
Harrell and published by U. of MS Press.
View of the Harbor Project taken from the air while piloting Crosswinds Flying Club Cessna 182, May 2012.
In the next photos we are looking down, not from an aircraft, but from the balcony of the new Corps of Engineers River Museum at Vicksburg on a scale model of the MS river and its environs as it flows from mile 505 (21 miles south of Greenville and 200 miles south of Memphis) to the point shown in picture west of the Vicksburg bluffs (with 61 miles to go south to Natchez. In this photo their are the two river bridges Interstate I-20 and MS 80 at its lower portion with the Yazoo Diversion channel, Lake Centennial, the Vicksburg Harbor project, and Delta Pt.
Map of the historical channels of the MS from Memphis to Vicksburg and Natchez. For more on the history of mapping these channels and more aerial posts from http://ourprayergroupnews.blogspot.com
Approximately the same stretch of the MS river looking southward from a Cessna 182 flying about 7000'
Moving north up the river we see Paw Paw Island, Eagle Lake at mile 450.
Lower Mississippi Valley and Vicksburg area flood control problem is currently modeled using the HEC partial differential equation flood control program managed by the U. of California at Davis. But, it can also be modeled as a network flow path search, throughput calculation[where throughput calculation involves the optimization of total river flow rate through all river channels from start to end nodes]. In order to compute the maximal flow capacity flowing through all channels using goal oriented search paths you need to allow backwards flow on some channels during the calculation. If you are concerned about what happens to the best solution [in the sense of widening and deepening out the channels to allow the most flow to come down the river] when you change a couple of edge path rates in the network, this is best done, in my opinion using an artificial networking algorithm. I developed one for the HQ Dept. of Army in order to understand the importance of emplacing conventional obstacles in the war plan. My planning the obstacle emplacement this way it avoids the necessity to have to “go nuclear” to stop a large, stacked up attacking force of tanks. [There are some unclassified papers on this posted in my curriculum vita section on the yhwhschofchrist.org website.]
When I was given the problem of
improving the NATO European wargaming
mathematics around 1982 by Col. Marshall in the OSD(office of Secretary of
Defense) it took several years to solve it. At that time all the war games
used by the US Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (an officer named
Norman Schwartkopf) were linear push and pull weapon scores models. These
models did not portray accurately the unit-movement maneuver type war fare
based on battle position unit movements planned by the SACEUR Gen. Haig. I
was unable to solve this problem while in Washington. But, when I returned to
the Corps of Engineers Geotechnical Laboratory at Vicksburg I found what I
needed. We had at that time the best mobility information on digital maps and
some West Point Turbo Pascal programs to draw vehicle traverses and compute
speeds across the map [see my operations research papers and talks in the Who
we are section of this website]. This combined with a $50 version Turbo
Prolog enabled me overlay movement networks on the maps and solve
the "obstacle effectiveness" problem which quantified the importance of
engineer units to the European Scenario.
Defense) it took several years to solve it. At that time all the war games
used by the US Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (an officer named
Norman Schwartkopf) were linear push and pull weapon scores models. These
models did not portray accurately the unit-movement maneuver type war fare
based on battle position unit movements planned by the SACEUR Gen. Haig. I
was unable to solve this problem while in Washington. But, when I returned to
the Corps of Engineers Geotechnical Laboratory at Vicksburg I found what I
needed. We had at that time the best mobility information on digital maps and
some West Point Turbo Pascal programs to draw vehicle traverses and compute
speeds across the map [see my operations research papers and talks in the Who
we are section of this website]. This combined with a $50 version Turbo
Prolog enabled me overlay movement networks on the maps and solve
the "obstacle effectiveness" problem which quantified the importance of
engineer units to the European Scenario.
An aerial photo looking Northward at the same altitude of the same stretch shown in the above model photo. It includes Eagle Lake, Paw Paw Island on the right.
And, further north there is Cottonwood bar and Ajax bar at miles 470 and 485, Baleshed landing at 490, the city of Lake Providence, Willow Pt. and Bunches cut-off at miles 495 to 505.
For a lot more aerial photos of broad stretches of the MS river flooding during the April/May 2011 great floods see our http://www.ourprayergroupnews.blogspot.com April May 2011 posting. These photos were also taken from 3000' to 5000' and 7000' to 9000' altitude.
This year [2016], which starts after the Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur/Succos to Holy Name of Jesus prayer period of a seed falling to the ground] we will meditate on the souls of the Jewish prophets that have already fallen into the ground of God’s Holy Land and some of which are listed in the months of Adam Rhine’s Hebrew Illuminations Calendar for this year.
Starting with
Here is a “seed” thought for us to pray with Mary,
this year. Mary, you are with us, now in this present moment. We know this as
we pray the rosary with you. You and God (Our Father in Heaven) had a Son (Our Lord Jesus Christ). Is it possible
for you and him to have a daughter? This would be allowed sweetheart, since we
would then still only have One Son together.
If so, what would her name be? Who among us would she marry in order to
keep the family tree going?
February Esther
Esther, we pray with you as we study the Megillah
during Purim. “You said, “Thus I will come to the king, though it is unlawful,
and if I perish, I perish.” Book of
Esther 4:15-16. Since, we are still praying with you, you must have not perished. What will you do now to help Israel and
Christianity understand themselves better?
March Moses
Moses, behind our friend Albert Einstein’s house in
Bern, Switzerland there is a statue of you with horns on it in the middle of a
fountain in one part of the town square [facing the important entrance door to
the main Cathedral in town]. First of all, what are you doing letting us build
statues of you, I told you in the Bible we are not to worship idols. Do you want to be just an idol inside of the
human heart? And, if you are what you are supposed to be, and what God wants
you to be [a Saint in Heaven] why does your statue have horns on it?
April Yehoshua [Jesus]
Jesus, you told St. Andrew that his soul and spirit
must be like a “seed” that falls short of his aims and purposes [your aims and
purposes] to the ground. Well, it has. We need your help [now that he is too
old to have children], getting him married now, and so his progeny will grow up
inside of all from that seed into an important part of God’s Eternal Tree of
May Deborah
Deborah, God knows of your trials.
“Give praise, give praise, O Deborah! Give praise, give praise, utter a song.”
Shortly your trials will be over and you will be healed and thanked for your
service to God.
Looking at the two highway bridges (I-20 and MS 80) that
cross over the river at Vicksburg from a lower point and viewpoint at river
level than the previous figure The most cubic feet per second flowing along the
whole length of the MS pass under these bridges here. Photo taken from the new
waterfront park situated below the NMP
Washington St. Overlook.
Another view of these two bridges, during winter with a large collection of barges being towed south underneath of them. The river traffic moving southward passes in the river channel moving through the left side of the piers. Moving north you generally travel on the west side, or to the right of the piers in this viewpoint. Because of the water flow turbulence caused by water flowing around the cylindrical or oblong pier obstructions, the channel through the center of the piers is the most difficult to tow barges through. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center Hydraulic Laboratory runs a computer simulation in order to train towboat operators navigating the currents in the river how to steer their boat and cargo through this dangerous towing point.
June Hannah (see year before last’s Rosh Hashanah posting which contains a translation containing the Name of God as it appears in the Hebrew Old Testament verses associated with Hannah)
Hannah. How is it going? It’s been
a while, hasn’t it. How are you? Are you happy with how things turned out?
Has God answered your prayers, that you made to Him a long time ago in the book
of Kings, or not?
July David
David, things have turned out pretty
well for you, haven’t they? Do you still meditate on the Menorah, lighting the
candles every December and placing it inside of the window to the right of your
front door? What will you do now to help to thank God for making you a King
inside of Israel and all of us forever?
August Noah
Noah, your name means “pleased with
God”. Because you have become a teacher of Buddhism to us all, how we all can
learn to breathe better in order to listen mindfully and look deeply into the
goodness of this world He has created, God is very pleased with you.
September Eliyahu the Nabi [Elijah
the prophet]
“So they both [Eliyahu and Elisha]
went. Fifty men of the prophets disciples went, standing opposite them at a
distance and the two of them stood at the Jordan [River… “Look over Jordan and
what do you see?”].
“Eliyahu took his mantle and folded
it over, and struck the water, which split apart [like the river Nile had
Moses, to allow Israel to escape from
Egypt and its Pharoah, thinking as they crossed about how Joshua in the book of
Judges had used the twelve tribes as stepping stones] this way and that, and
they both crossed over on dry land
October Yeshayahu [Isaiah]
Isaiah, your book [other than the
Gospel of John] is perhaps the favorite one of God in all those He has given us
in the Bible. Write another one for us, a couple of thousand of years after
writing the first. And, this time we [God and all of his angels and saints]
don’t want you to prophesize the destruction of so many of the other nations
around Israel. But, we want you to tell everyone that God loves us [believers,
unbelievers, Jews, gentiles] all equally.
November Yechzekiel
Ezekiel. Your name is also
pronounced this way because we are Christians, too. God dwells today in His
Throne, high and lifted up, partly, because of your teachings. He is the prime
mover for His and Her troops of angels [messengers and conveyors of Good News
and Good Will to all] surrounding His and Her Throne.
December Aaron, Moses’ brother
[For Bible readings and Psalms that go with
these Holy Days see the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (both the two year
daily office and the two year lectionary readings) or the three year revised
common lectionary at http:\\divinity.library.vanderbilt.edu/lectionary . The
revised common lectionary was created for the occasions of common prayer and
worship services among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. It has more readings
from the Old Testament than the ordinary episcopal or catholic lectionary.
Using these two or three year daily offices is an excellent way to keep track
of an intention for reading most of the Bible in two years. The best
translation of the Bible I have found is “The Amplified Bible” published by
Zondervan. It has cross-references in the text to related passages and
prophecies which make this translation even more of a “Tree of Life” than
New Moons of Mindful Godly Living
New Moons of Mindful Godly Living
Shevet (January 11), correct eating
Adar I (February 9) , laughter
Adar II(Mar. 10), laughter
Nissan (April 9), speaking
Iyar (May 9), thought
Sivan (June 7) , movement
Tammuz (July 7), seeing
Av (August 5), hearing
Elul (September 4), action
Tishrei / Rosh Hashanah (October 3),
Yom Kippur (October 12),
Succot (Oct. 17).
Shimini Atzeres (Oct. 24),
Chesvan (November 1), smell
Kislev (December 1),relaxation
Tevet (December 20) judgement
tribes of Asher (Psalm 100 ),
Naphtali (Psalm 98) Judah (Psalm 92),Issachar (Psalm 95), Zebulun (Psalm 96),
Reuben (Psalm 90), Simeon, Gad (Psalm 94), Ephraim (Psalm 97), Menashah (Psalm
97) , Benjamin (Psalm 93), Dan (Psalm 99))
Vista overlook, Zion
Canyon Christmas vacation 2005 [According to Jewish tradition, Moses gave
the eleven psalms 90-100 to eleven of the tribes of Israel., the tribe of
Simeon was excluded because of the events in Numbers 25-1:15. Psalm 91 was
given to the tribe of Levi. Psalms 95 to 99 have been called the “Coronation
Psalms” and are used in the Jewish Saturday Morning Kabbala Shabbat service.
For some Baptist Christian Hymns related to the Messianic age see “The
Coronation Hymnal”, by A.J. Gordon and A.T. Pierson, Revell and Co., N.Y.,
Boston, Chicago.( which is now out of print, but copies are available in
several University libraries) Jewish and Christian Blessing “May the eternal
light and good energy in the Lord Bless you, protect you, and keep you, May he
lift up his face upon you while being gracious unto you, May he uphold you and
that which you value, and give you peace. ”
Area north of the Angel’s Landing
rock formation.
Please pray with us assisted
and helped by the prayers at http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/prayers (you may
register there and post your own prayers if this is helpful to you) Irish
Prayer and Blessing “May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always
at your back. May the Sun(Son) shine warm on your face, And the rain fall soft
upon your fields. And May God hold you in palm of his hands.” (Until we talk
and pray together again and he blesses you again through us
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