Prayer Calendar for 2015-2016
Area north of the Angel’s Landing rock formation.
Our purpose here is to help fix things through prayer for God and you and me.
"Our Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. We dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name"
"On (and in) Christ, the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."
Protestant Christian Hymn
“It is not true that the human spirit has no future. Our task is
to, God helping us, become our future.” November 2014 Twitter posting of @AndrewWHarrell
Normally during most of the year we know God inside of us by doing our best to try and become like God. Thanks to Jim Singleton for pointing out to us last year in the Gordon-Conwell booklet ‘Journey to the Manger’ that during Advent [Hanukkah] and Christmas God becomes like us [is incarnated in us all Gospel of John 1:14:18].
If we let Him instead of trying to know God, God will know us and become incarnated in us. This incarnation is in all of us, not just some.
We will be able to have God's viewpoint of the Mind of God as Christ inside of not just any one of the many different sets of beliefs of people calling themselves God in any particular Church but also of God dwelling inside of people of different religions as He helps them through the perspective of their own traditions of worshiping Him that they have inherited from their own people's history.
By its very nature, this incarnation has to be inside of all of us, for if it is only inside of some of us it is in none of us
In order for God’s Word to be incarnated in us as the Truth, the words we speak to each other must be the Truth. If the words we speak to each other are not the Truth, then we are not God’s Son and God’s word is not incarnated in us.
Here, for instance, from a Christian standpoint, is how Vedanta incarnates itself in us as a four-step, four-fold Truth contained in Christ inside of God’s Holy Name:
Divine wisdom that comes to us from the past from our Father God in Heaven
(Prajnam Brahman)
that Mind of God dwelling in us, the Christ. ( Aham Brahmasi).
Christ I AM (Tat Twam Asi)
Soul of all of us I AM (Ayam Atma Brahma)
It is the :
1)The Light of God as the One inside of us beginning
Itself and increasing Itself (Archangel Ariel)
2) The Light of God as the One inside of us
without a second saving and redeeming Itself (Archangel Gabriel)
3) The Light of God as the Transformation or
Glorification and healing of Itself inside of us (Archangel Raphael)
Light of God as the justification and discrimination of Itself from what is not
(Archangel Michael)
Four Great Prophetic Sayings from the
Upanishads and Four Great Foundations of the Divine Order of the Spiritual
Understanding of Our Righteousness in Christ as it comes to us in Divine
Prophecy(said in Order)
It is important to understand that God’s
wisdom coming from His Holy Spirit dwelling in us is a prophetic gift that
comes after and in addition to the knowledge of our Salvation in Christ. The prophetic fulfillment of God’s Scriptural
promises to us as the
Divine Truth of our Salvation comes, through grace, before that of the gifts of knowledge of wisdom and spiritual understanding, His Church on earth being the primary and fundamental representative to us of that Salvation, But, his Presence as a Holy Spirit dwelling in each of us is the full completion of His Truth as it comes to us and the signifier of his Blessing us through by His Mind being Christ all in all for us and is independent of different particular earthly forms of any partial and incomplete current doctrines of the Church.
Divine Truth of our Salvation comes, through grace, before that of the gifts of knowledge of wisdom and spiritual understanding, His Church on earth being the primary and fundamental representative to us of that Salvation, But, his Presence as a Holy Spirit dwelling in each of us is the full completion of His Truth as it comes to us and the signifier of his Blessing us through by His Mind being Christ all in all for us and is independent of different particular earthly forms of any partial and incomplete current doctrines of the Church.
That is, we are not fixing things for any Church or the Bible or
other Church authority but for each and for both of us helped along with God as
a real person, listening and praying and talking with us about it.
Fixing things like this is not like mixing iced tea (which we like to have half
sweetened and half unsweetened). But they must be fixed, not just half right
for you and half right for me, and half right for God... but al-right (that is
all-right) for all three of us. Together we will certainly be able to improve
things through prayer over a long period of time. If you want, not
just to discuss, but to post prayers over such a period, please also see
our prayer request postings at where you can register and post your own
prayers for us to contemplate and pray with you.
Day of the Holy Name of
Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8)
Havatsu falls and Navaho falls, located in the Havatsu Indian Reservation in Northwest Arizonia right up the trail from the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.
Since the eternal purpose of our lives, our souls and spirits living as humans here on earth, is to bring Heaven on Earth, just as Lord Jesus has taught us to pray for daily, the Name of God will manifest itself from the top chakra, the 1st, down to the bottom chakra, the 7th, as our consciousness of God’s Holy Spirit in us moves in this direction.
So, we affirm (see my twitter postings), that the:
Name of God moves down in us,
1) Presence of God over watches.
2) Power of God protects.
3) The Love of God enfolds.
4) Light of God surrounds us.
This is the second coming of Christ in us, God dwelling as His Only Son, His Word, or the human way God incarnated the Lord Jesus in Saint Mary’s soul about 2000 years ago.
At that time, the 1st coming of Christ, as God the Father, or the Christian Jewish Messiah, Saint Moses, had already happened in the previous history of Jews as recounted in our Torah.
The Divine order of the Name of God moving upward as a Holy Spirit incarnating itself in our souls and spirits beginning or starting at the bottom, the 1st (in this order of counting them) spiritual root chakra and moving up to the 7th or top truthful spiritual chakra is:
1)The Light of God surrounds us (as the mind and intelligenc eof God, the archangel Ariel dwells in us as the Light of the One increasing)
2) The Love of God enfold us (as the archangel Gabriel’s prophetic spirit dwells in us as the Light of the One without a second)
3) The Power of God protects us (as the archangel Raphael’s healing spirit dwells in us as a transforming or glorifying Light in our humans hearts)
4)The Presence of God over watches us ( as we “are still and know that I AM God or that God has realized fully as a discriminative Light Himself in us ).
This eightfold order of blessing is how God blesses us two total times from top to bottom and them from bottom to top as he saves and redeems our spirits and souls.
If you are a Buddhist or Taoist and are meditating on how the divine energy (even if you say you don't believe in God as a Buddhist or Taoist circulares in micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic orbits in His Holy Spirit instantiating or incarnating itself in us) you need to start at the bottom for the microcosmic up the Chinese spiritual focus points in the back of the spine , come up to the top of the head and back down to behind the nose (where you reach the macrocosmic orbit going in the opposite direction as Yang to your Yin). I will try to shed a little light on these various Eastern mystic Holy Spirit schemes in the third quarter of the Jewish Christ part of our calendar this year.
Also, to recap a little from last year it is noteable (and we did at our prayer posting data-base on the site, that we prayed the prayer along with Catholic, and Orthodox Christians November 30, 2014 who were praying at Ancient Church of Saint’s John,Andrew,Peter celebrated partial reunification, through prayer in Eucharist of ancient divisions in us so we may participate together in a Sacrament of Union between our creater and ourselves. In doing this it is important to remember that the sacrament of the Lamb of God who takes away our sins is done in remembrance of his life lived together with us as a Real Person, A Prophet and Teacher of Our Common Divinity, and His Sacrifice on the Cross as Our Redeemer and Savior yet to come for us, and is to be eaten not consumed.
Historically our soul’s Eternal metaphysical knowledge of how the Trinity and our traditions of how we understand It [God’s Name dwelling inside of It in us] has been a very important help to the Universal Christian Church. Some even say it has saved us….
“Dear God, may we be united in the principles of equality and identity, if not subordination, to represent you to others with one voice, one heart in order to glorify Your Holy Name.”
One progressive Christian Jewish formulation of how God's Name renews and regeneratives, consecrates and seals, saves, redeems and justifies itself from bottom to top, top to bottom, and finally bottom to top in its Holy Spirit dwelling in the minds and bodies of those who are called out to it is:
YHWH Jeshua
Jeshua YHWH
Jesus Christ
YHWH Adonai Elohim
YHWH Elohim Adonai
(“Jesus, the Name above all Names, brings salvation and mends our broken relationship with God and with each other.” Matthew Kim Gordon-Conwell Christmas 2014 Devotional Booklet)
After this name is glorified in us, it can express itself though our prayer requests. A 'key'
one of these affirmations we can pray together is:
'God is Love and so am I"
or 'God is Love and Truth ([Truth(Love)} and so am I'.
Please notice, and this is very important, we do not claim or say:
'I am Love' or 'I am Love and Truth'
It is God who, dwelling in us as Spirit and Truth, says this for us.
Andrew's benediction: Roman Catholic Orthodox's joint recapitalization mass in
Constantinople November 30, 2014. "The Love of Christ controls all."
Another very
important and powerful sequence of affirmations and meditations listed and
given in historical (as they appeared in our Christian Jewish, Jewish Christian
history) divine order of the fulfillment
of God’s Great Plan of Prophetic Salvation involving the Holy Name of Jesus dwelling
in is:
ISAIAH is Yeshua
desperately wants our love and our justice, not just as individuals, but as a
nation and global community.” Dean Borgman discussing Isaiah 1:1-9 in a
Gordon-Conwell Christmas 2014 Devotional booklet
now live in freedom, and it is unending, undecaying,and unlimited” Todd Johnson
discussing Isaiah 9:2-7 and some quoted from Eusebus in the same booklet
begins with the Advent of the promised Messiah, a Branch on whom God’s Spirit
will rest, and resolves with the coming of his reign over all, a reign
characterized by justice and shalom.” Karen Mason discussing Isaiah 11:1-10 in
the same booklet
is no need to fear an uncertain future. Our evidence for this reality must not
be that proclaiming voice. Rather our present witness to this world must be
lives cleansed rom the power of an accomplished reality.” Alvin Padilla
discussing Isaiah 40:1-5 in the same booklet. See also James 1:10, 11:1, 1 Peter
1 24:25 which explains to us that
grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it, but
the Word of Our God will last forever.”
Yeshua is Jesus
3) Jesus is YHWH
an important discussion of what it means to bless the Name of God YHWH, the
Divine Tetragrammaton and whether this should be allowed, argued logically,
from three important purposes of all of the eternal lives of our soul’s and
spirit, see the threaded long-term discussion postings at
Jewish Christian Prayers of a discussion of the Orthodox Jewish Mitzah 70
Jewish Christian Prayers of a discussion of the Orthodox Jewish Mitzah 70
Overlook of the River Canyon in Zion National Park, Christmas 2005 photo
Holy Days 5776-5777/2015 Epiphany of the Lord (Jan 6 Psalm 72), Baptism of the Lord (Jan 10 Psalm 29), Confession of St. Peter
(Jan 18 Psalm 23), Conversion day of St. Paul (Jan. 25 Psalm 67), International
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Jan. 27) ,
Presentation of the Lord (Feb. 2 Psalm 84), Tu B’Shvat (Festival of the Trees Feb. 4), Transfiguration of the Lord Christ dwelling in us (Feb. 7, Psalm 99),St. Valentine's day (February 14) ,
Saint Benedict’s day (March 2), Purim (March 5),
Ash Wednesday (March 5), Saint Gregory’s day (March 12), Saint Patrick’s day
(March 17), Saint George’s day(March 23)
(April 4), Easter (April 5),St. Mark (April 25 Psalm 2), Holocaust Remembrance
Day (April 27),
Shavuot (May 16), Pentecost (May 17),
Peter and St. Paul’s day (June 29 Psalms 66, 87,97,138), Independence Day
St. Mary Magalene (July 21 Psalms
30,42,116,149), St. James day (July 25, Psalms 7, 33,34),
St. Ignatius Loyola's and Saint Bernard’s day
(August 20), Saint Barthomew’s (Nathaniel’s ) day (August 24 Psalms 15,67,86,
Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 14,15),
World Peace Day (September 21), Yom Kippur
(Sept. 2 3),Gabriel, Michael, Ariel, Raphael and All Angels day (Sept. 29),
Sukkos (Sept. 28),
Shemini Atzeret (Oct. 5), Saint James of
Jerusalem day (Oct 23 Psalm 1), ), Saint Francis of Assisi’s day Oct. 4 , St.
Luke (Oct 18 Psalm 103),
All Souls/All Saints Day (Nov. 1 Psalms 111,112,148,149,150), Veteran’s Day(Nov. 11) St. Martin's day, Saint Margaret’s day (Nov. 16), Thanksgiving day November 26, Saint Andrew’s day (Psalms 19,24,96,100),
Channukah (Dec. 7), St. Thomas’s day (Dec. 21 Psalms
23,27,121,126), Christmas,St. John’s day (Dec. 27 Psalm 92,97,98,145),
Note: In this calendar we don't have a separate day for praying with Saint Mary, like the day of the Annunciation in the Catholic and Episcopal Calendar. She is with us all of the Holy days.
However, during Hanukkah Christmas we especially need to take time and pray, not only with Her, but for Her.
We pray that during the whole Hanukkah/Christmas season she is feeling blessed (by us) and 'highly favored'. You may want to study last year's 'Rosh Hashanah' posting for a little bit of the little known by most Christians, Jewish Scriptural Biblical history of the long-time relationship between her soul and spirit and our prayer group.
Holy Innocent’s day (Dec. 28, Psalms 2,26,19,126), Day of the Holy Name of Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8)
[For Bible readings and Psalms that go with these Holy Days see the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (both the two year daily office and the two year lectionary readings) or the three year revised common lectionary at http:\\ . The revised common lectionary was created for the occasions of common prayer and worship services among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. It has more readings from the Old Testament than the ordinary episcopal or catholic lectionary. Using these two or three year daily offices is an excellent way to keep track of an intention for reading most of the Bible in two years. The best translation of the Bible I have found is “The Amplified Bible” published by Zondervan. It has cross-references in the text to related passages and prophecies which make this translation even more of a “Tree of Life” than others.]
These word by word English translations are also from the book “Birkhot Hashachar (Morning Blessings)…My People’s Prayer Book” Volume 5 by Rabbi L.A. Hoffman.
Note: In this calendar we don't have a separate day for praying with Saint Mary, like the day of the Annunciation in the Catholic and Episcopal Calendar. She is with us all of the Holy days.
However, during Hanukkah Christmas we especially need to take time and pray, not only with Her, but for Her.
We pray that during the whole Hanukkah/Christmas season she is feeling blessed (by us) and 'highly favored'. You may want to study last year's 'Rosh Hashanah' posting for a little bit of the little known by most Christians, Jewish Scriptural Biblical history of the long-time relationship between her soul and spirit and our prayer group.
Holy Innocent’s day (Dec. 28, Psalms 2,26,19,126), Day of the Holy Name of Jesus (Dec. 31, Psalm 8)
[For Bible readings and Psalms that go with these Holy Days see the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer (both the two year daily office and the two year lectionary readings) or the three year revised common lectionary at http:\\ . The revised common lectionary was created for the occasions of common prayer and worship services among Protestants, Catholics and Jews. It has more readings from the Old Testament than the ordinary episcopal or catholic lectionary. Using these two or three year daily offices is an excellent way to keep track of an intention for reading most of the Bible in two years. The best translation of the Bible I have found is “The Amplified Bible” published by Zondervan. It has cross-references in the text to related passages and prophecies which make this translation even more of a “Tree of Life” than others.]
These word by word English translations are also from the book “Birkhot Hashachar (Morning Blessings)…My People’s Prayer Book” Volume 5 by Rabbi L.A. Hoffman.
to the Mesorah Arts Heritage Personal Planner Yearly Prayer Calendar, “We
[Jews] recite blessings every morning to thank the Lord [YHWH Adonay] for
things that many people take for granted.”
I have added some Jewish “Morning Blessings/Thanksgiving day, correspondences
and some Bible verses for God to reply to us through his angels and archangels
speaking the verses.
New Moons and some correspondences with Jewish liturgy prayers
Shevet (January 21), Adar (February 20) , Nissan (Feb. 21),
Tu B'Shvat..15th of Shvat (festival of the different types of trees)
February 4
Young woman who lives in a primitive bomah (mud huts) smiling to a tourist (me) near Friends of Tanzania Masei Village in NE Tanzania Africa, Water Lilies and African flower at African Coffee Plantation Resort near south of the Ngorogoro Crater Central Tanzania (which I visited in 2012) Africa, healthy and delicious plants grown in the vegetable garden there (the resort) planted by my friend Pascal who works there. Right across the road is a clinic and center for the study of African Medicine who call themselves FAME (Foundation for African-Medicine-Education and which would appreciate your monetary help
One in God…One in Christ…We are One family.
“And He (Jesus Christ) said, ‘The Kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed upon the ground. And then continues sleeping and rising night and day while the seed sprouts and grows and increases—he knows not how. The earth produces [acting] by itself---first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. But, when the grain is ripe and permits, immediately he sends forth [the reapers] and puts in the sickle, because the harvest stands ready.”
The Gospel of Mark, chapter 4. Amplified Bible
“A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside and the birds came and ate them up. Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil; and at once they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil.
But when the sun rose, they were scorched, and because they had no root, they dried up and withered away.
Other seeds fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them out. Other seeds fell on the good soil, and yielded grain—some a hundred times as much as was sown, some sixty times as much, and some thirty. He who has ears [to hear] let him be listening and let him consider and perceive and comprehend by hearing.” The Gospel of Matthew, chapter 13, Amplified Bible
Passover (April 4)
Central to the Jewish teaching for Passover in the
Haggadah there is the
discussion of the four different types of sons:
( there are also four different types humans know about God, the World
discussion of the four different types of sons:
( there are also four different types humans know about God, the World
, and
Each other:
Each other:
We can know that
we don’t know something.
2) We can not know something and not know that we don’t know it.
3) We can know something and know that we know it.
4) We can know something and not know that we know it.
1) The wise son or daughter, who asks to be taught, whom we should tell
everything (so he or she can be independent of us) when we are teaching him,
Chocham, mah hu omayr? Mah haodot v’ hachukim v’hamsh’phatim aser tzoach
Adonai Elohaynu etachehm V’af atah ehmor lo k’heel’chot haphehsah. Ayn
maph’tirin echar haphasach aphikoman.
The wise son, what does he say? “What is the meaning of these laws and
ordinances which the Lord Our God has commanded us?” What then do we say to
him to teach him about Pesach? Nothing is left out, including the rule that
nothing is eaten after the Afikoman
In my opinion the wise son is he who knows that he does not know something.
2) The evil son who thinks he is different( better) than others. For, he
thinks that we don’t need to interact and work together with others. Him, or
her we should confront. But, not because he or she is different from us.
Indeed they are our sons and daughters too.
Rash amah hu omayr? Mah haobodah hazoach lachehm? L’chehm v’lo lo.
The wicked son, what does he say? “What is the meaning of this that is
commanded to you?” (that is he says this to you and not himself).
Vol’phi shehhotzi et atz’mu mean hach’lehl v’chehpahr baakehr. V’af atah
hak’hayh et sheenavm emar lo:
Because he says it this way he has removed himself from us (the community)…
even he has denied the laws said to him.
Bobor zehh ashah Adonay Eloheynu B’tzati meemeetz’rim. Li v’lo lu. Elu hayah
sham lo hayah neeg’al.
Answer him by saying it is because of that which has been done by the Lord
God for me when I came out of Egypt. “For me” and not “for him”. Had he been
there, he would not have been redeemed.
Is not the evil son like some one who doesn’t know something (what we want to
teach him) and doesn’t know that he doesn’t know it.
3) the simple son or daughter, whom we should assist by teaching him or her
2) We can not know something and not know that we don’t know it.
3) We can know something and know that we know it.
4) We can know something and not know that we know it.
1) The wise son or daughter, who asks to be taught, whom we should tell
everything (so he or she can be independent of us) when we are teaching him,
Chocham, mah hu omayr? Mah haodot v’ hachukim v’hamsh’phatim aser tzoach
Adonai Elohaynu etachehm V’af atah ehmor lo k’heel’chot haphehsah. Ayn
maph’tirin echar haphasach aphikoman.
The wise son, what does he say? “What is the meaning of these laws and
ordinances which the Lord Our God has commanded us?” What then do we say to
him to teach him about Pesach? Nothing is left out, including the rule that
nothing is eaten after the Afikoman
In my opinion the wise son is he who knows that he does not know something.
2) The evil son who thinks he is different( better) than others. For, he
thinks that we don’t need to interact and work together with others. Him, or
her we should confront. But, not because he or she is different from us.
Indeed they are our sons and daughters too.
Rash amah hu omayr? Mah haobodah hazoach lachehm? L’chehm v’lo lo.
The wicked son, what does he say? “What is the meaning of this that is
commanded to you?” (that is he says this to you and not himself).
Vol’phi shehhotzi et atz’mu mean hach’lehl v’chehpahr baakehr. V’af atah
hak’hayh et sheenavm emar lo:
Because he says it this way he has removed himself from us (the community)…
even he has denied the laws said to him.
Bobor zehh ashah Adonay Eloheynu B’tzati meemeetz’rim. Li v’lo lu. Elu hayah
sham lo hayah neeg’al.
Answer him by saying it is because of that which has been done by the Lord
God for me when I came out of Egypt. “For me” and not “for him”. Had he been
there, he would not have been redeemed.
Is not the evil son like some one who doesn’t know something (what we want to
teach him) and doesn’t know that he doesn’t know it.
3) the simple son or daughter, whom we should assist by teaching him or her
to expect miracles and
giving them a simple and easy to understand answer.
Ultimately, God is the One who is going to know who we
are and who He is for us as we try to represent Him to Others and glorify His
Name in us.
But, as He incarnates Himself in us, as His Son this
knowledge comes in prophetic stages (see discussion of connection of these
stages to the four Mahavakas in the Vedantic Upanishads in Day of the Holy Name
of Jesus Posting).
At first we
neither know anything or know that we don’t know it. This is the beginning stage of our knowledge.
As Christians and Jews we don’t believe everything is OK at the start. We acknowledge that we are full of sin and
believe we need to have things fixed. And, the way to do this is through representing God to others by speaking
prophetic divine Truth to heal and to change the situation. The archangel Ariel
is in charge of this stage
Then, at the
second stage of prophecy, we know something, but we do not know that we know
it. The archangel Gabriel arrives
carrying God’s Light of the One without a Second. We know we need to change things, but we just
don’t know how its going to happen.
At the third
stage, the archangel of transformation arrives, Raphael, the Divine prophetic transfigurer
and healer of our souls, We know that we know something and that we know it.
This is a two-fold change.
Finally, at the
last or fourth stage, we know something (that we know that we know something) and
we know that it is not us but God who has helped us to know it. The archangel Michael is put in charge, by God, of this phase of Divine or Biblical Prophecy.
In the Haggadah, these stages are not given in this
exact order (for our Savior Jesus Christ, the complete incarnation of God in
us, or Immanuel, had not been revealed to humanking yet when the Jewish people
of Moses age were taught) as the four sons are introduced in the discussion.
But, it is still intstructive to study and think about this important teaching
in the exact way it has come down to us thanks to the Jewish Passover Haggadahs.
Tam mah hu omayr? Mah zoat? V’amar’ta elav. B’chazehq yad hotzianu Adonai
meemeetz’rim, meebayt abhadaym.
The simple son, what does he say? What is this? And, the answer to him:”With
a mighty hand Adonay brought us out from Egypt, from the house of bondage.
The simple son is some one who knows something and know that he knows it
(because what we have taught him is indeed, though a simple interpretation of
thing, what he knows).
4) What about the naïve but potentially good son or daughter who hardly knows
what to ask as a question or how to ask it? Them we should assist by treating
them special and using all our advanced techniques of breathing, assisted
contemplative prayer. But, we leave out the part above about the miracles and
the mighty hand,
V’shehaynu yoda lee’shol et patach lu? Shehnehmar: Vhagad’ata bhayom hahu
Bhovor zeh ashah Adonai Eloheynu bh’tzati meemeetz’raym.
And, what about him who does not know how to ask the question? (We quote from
the Torah) “And, on that day you shall teach him.” “We do all of this because
the Lord Our God brought us out of Egypt.”
The naïve son is some one who knows something (thinks that he knows it), but
he doesn’t actually know it yet (since we haven’t taught it to him yet).
Passover/Easter Poem
On Palm Sunday they asked:
"Who are you?"
"And, where do you come from?"
"I come from above,
where I live with the Peace dove."
On Passover he said:
Know me and you shall be known,
even as you know.
Be still and know who you are,
and you shall be who you are (I am).
"If you will not be who you are,
then who will be?"
"And, if not now, when?"
Iyar (April 20) Sivan
(May 19) , Tammuz (June 18),
(May 16), Pentecost (May 17)
If the
purpose of our eternals lives, as it says in the Lord’s prayer, is to sanctify
God’s Name, and help Him bring heaven on earth…then how do we define [know]
what heaven is?
One of
the more thoughtful atheists of a couple of hundred years ago, Voltaire,
satirized philosophers and theologians who claimed that this is the best of all
possible worlds. If we agree that we haven’t reached our goal yet, it still
doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep working at it.
God, if we believe in Him will help us. Here is a recent conversation
with Him being the Holy Spirit in us.
are going to get better, right?”
they can always be worse. But, if they
don’t get worse, they will get better.”
Photo from 13,500’ 104 deg. 30 min. longitude 37 deg.
10’ min. latitude. The mountains in
The center of the photo are called the Spanish Peaks.
for more photos from recent flight up the Red River Valley, Jackson, MS to Colorado Springs,CO and return flying along above the Arkansas River to Dodge City, KS, Fort Smith AR,Little Rock AR, Greenville, MS see postings at
The center of the photo are called the Spanish Peaks.
for more photos from recent flight up the Red River Valley, Jackson, MS to Colorado Springs,CO and return flying along above the Arkansas River to Dodge City, KS, Fort Smith AR,Little Rock AR, Greenville, MS see postings at
Photo of the Pearl River, a river that runs from the North MS Highlands south down through Jackson, MS into Lake Pontchartrain, LA. Photo taken from a flight from New Orleans Lakefront Airport back up to Hawkins Field Airport in Jackson, MS
“The full
solution to our problems will only appear when we have glorified bodies like
that of the risen Son.” Jeffrey Niehaus
referencing 1 Cor. 15:42-29 in a Gordon-Conwell 2014 Christmas
Devotional Booklet
Why is our
God One? He is One because we need to have peace in heaven and on earth.
“How can we have peace in these two worlds? We can have peace ‘with’ God in heaven, and we can have the peace ‘of’ God on earth.
Why are there three places we can live with God, heaven,earth,and the astral world of the in between? Because we can have peace in each of the two worlds by themselves and together
And salvation is God knowing this, a subject (Him), an object (us)and a knower (us being in Him, and us and Him being as His Son).
Why are there four steps of thinking, up to heaven from earth (ie four letters in God's name (y h w h)? Because if there are three places we can live it takes four heavenly thoughts, heaven thinking about itself and the three ways we live.
Why are there five dimensions in God's creation? There are five dimensions, because, it takes five dimensions placed in between the four steps. in order to comprehend them as one place.
Why are there six days in which God and His Son worked in order to create our one world (universe)? Because we, as His Son, and He counted being in Himself and ourself in the five dimensions as six ways of existing. And there are six days, because, redemption is God and being in Him, knowing our salvation (a three-fold knowing) and knowing that we and He knows this (another three fold knowing).
And, why does Our God and His Son rest on the seventh day? He does this in order to give us time to understand this (that our salvation and redemption has already happened) in ourselves and in ourselves dwelling in Him.” Andrew W. Harrell 2014 prayer blog discussing Einstein’s Metaphysics and theology in a UC Berkeley alumni trip to Switzerland
“How can we have peace in these two worlds? We can have peace ‘with’ God in heaven, and we can have the peace ‘of’ God on earth.
Why are there three places we can live with God, heaven,earth,and the astral world of the in between? Because we can have peace in each of the two worlds by themselves and together
And salvation is God knowing this, a subject (Him), an object (us)and a knower (us being in Him, and us and Him being as His Son).
Why are there four steps of thinking, up to heaven from earth (ie four letters in God's name (y h w h)? Because if there are three places we can live it takes four heavenly thoughts, heaven thinking about itself and the three ways we live.
Why are there five dimensions in God's creation? There are five dimensions, because, it takes five dimensions placed in between the four steps. in order to comprehend them as one place.
Why are there six days in which God and His Son worked in order to create our one world (universe)? Because we, as His Son, and He counted being in Himself and ourself in the five dimensions as six ways of existing. And there are six days, because, redemption is God and being in Him, knowing our salvation (a three-fold knowing) and knowing that we and He knows this (another three fold knowing).
And, why does Our God and His Son rest on the seventh day? He does this in order to give us time to understand this (that our salvation and redemption has already happened) in ourselves and in ourselves dwelling in Him.” Andrew W. Harrell 2014 prayer blog discussing Einstein’s Metaphysics and theology in a UC Berkeley alumni trip to Switzerland
Definitions Which Depend on Themselves
Angels---Individual, self-existing beings who do God's will and are messengers for God to humankind of his goodness and faith in all of us.
Authoritative Sovereignty---Something which exists very infrequently in heaven.
Beauty---Controlled grace.
Being---What do we mean when we say an object of thought has being?
An object of thought may have being without having reality. And, this may or may not depend on the circumstances it finds itself in. The concept of reality (or true being)includes that, in some sense, of embodiment. Faith contains its own substance of the reality of what it hopes for but knowledge based on sense impressions does not. Being can be in the state of possibility (not having reality) or actuality (having reality). A concept has possible being...whether or not the experiences (sense perceptions or the realized truth of intuitive faithful knowledge) required to make it actual realized knowledge are accompanying the concept.
Change---Something which exists very frequently on earth and very infrequently in heaven.
Compassion---Love that participates with us in our lives. It co-creates with us what is good.
Contingent---What does not exist by itself.
Earth---A fundamental realm of the realization of creation where things are as they are in heaven.
God has hidden wisdom and spiritual understanding inside of his heavenly earth in us. Both the beginning and the end of it he has placed as a basis of his truth in us. He placed it as the certain circumstances of a precious cornerstone of truth inside of the way his eternal (the past and the future) present moment dwells in us.
Eternal Life--- Light, love, truth, and goodness which is independently existing, non-contingent and non-temporal.
Eternal Light---Wisdom, Spiritual Understanding.
Faith---The light of the one increasing. A mental sustaining power created by God and each of us for our mutual benefit. Faith comes from God, but the base of its location is not in the part of him that is in the World. For faith to exist inside of us, God must first place the seed of its truth deep inside of us. For it to grow we must mentally acknowledge and accept it and know it (or understand it) as something that is good and helpful in us.
Forgiveness---Compassion in the face of what is not good.
Freedom—The state of existing independently and non-contingently and for our mutual well-being.
God the Father—A part of oneself and ourselves which is non-contingent and good. He created the Universe by himself, with his Son, and also with our help. He sustains and nourishes the creation of all things in the Universe.
God the Son--- A part of oneself and ourselves that reveals oneself and ourself to us. He is both contingent and non-contingent and he is himself good. He existed in the beginning with the Father and all things were created in him, with his help, and through him and God and us.
God the Holy Spirit---The Lord the giver of life. He (It) is a part of oneself and ourselves that is the expression of God the Father and God the Son in us. He enters the Spirits and Souls of those who call upon him.
God's Name--- That part of God's being which defines that which God is. It tells us that the three parts of the Trinity are co-existent but different and different but co-existent.
Goodness---What is desirable for its own sake. Love exists for another, but goodness exists because of itself. When goodness in us is guided by the Love in us, then divine order is established in us. Reality both exists for its own sake and also for other’s sake (for it is always an objective truth). Therefore reality is something more than just goodness…it is consciousness, love, good will, action, knowledge existing subjectively as well as objectively.
Grace---Love that gives.
Happiness---Knowledge of goodness. The co-existence in us and among us of peace along with goodness.
Heaven---A primary realm of creation where God exists and lives.
Hope---to desire or seek.
Humankind—The collective living and intelligent image of God which exists in heaven and on earth.
Joy---Spiritual understanding of what its good.
Knowledge---Assured belief: wisdom, spiritual understanding, and truth.
Obedience--- Submission of our individual and collective will and purposes to those of God.
Patience---Peaceful dependence on the Eternal Life in God for meaning and Truth in our lives.
Peace---Satisfied stillness along with joy and the expectation of future transcendent quietness and happiness in our lives.
Life—A continuous co-expression with God of one's being.
Love---A Correspondence between God ourselves and an other that most of the time exists for the sake of another. But, thankfully to God, sometimes it exists for its own sake between two beings that exist for their own sake.
Meaning---Independently existing spiritual understanding
Nothing---How we explain or define what the nothing we are talking is depends on how we are trying to know things. If we are looking at things from a materialistic, scientific viewpoint... then something is experienced as a "nothing" if it has no sense impressions associated with it. But, for a religious person this is not necessarily the case. A practicing Buddhist, for instance, is able to talk meaninfully about experiencing "nothingness" from a standpoint of having real knowledge of it. Understanding and knowing how to experience this "nothingness" in the present moment can be a source of healing, peacefulness, and liberation.
Reality--- Reality is not something which as the philosopher George Berkeley has said,does not exist when a tree falls in a distant forest where "no- body" is there to hear it. It is something which exists because there is a "no- body" (God and us) inside of us all. Wherever we are it "is", and it has the potential to be us, wherever it "is." When God created the reality in the World and the reality in you and I there was nothingness (spiritual emptiness) inside of nothingness (the wise knowing of this spiritual emptiness). For there was nothingness inside of him (his or her spirit) and nothingness (spirit) inside of you and I. For, then, at that time, in those days, in that place, two or three of us were gathered togethered in his name. And, he created it and us in him and out there and in us.God created the World out of nothingness, but he created you and I out of something (himself or herself).
Spiritual Understanding---Reflection of truth in one's being.
Strength---A non-mental sustaining power created by God in us and him to help us in our human lives.
Truth---Correspondence between what is and what is. What is may be contingent or non-contingent. The correspondence may be meaningful or not. When a self exists for a real non-self (not an illusory non-self), then it can create its own existence. The self which exists for itself is true (being a true self) only when it can be and has been known by itself and by that which it is not. Thus, in order to speak the truth, we should be ready for and not surprised by being known as we know others.
Wisdom---A patience, obedience (or fear) of the importance of and understanding and respect for the well being of God's name in us in order that one's own well-being be benefited.
note: some of the wording and some of the ideas for the definitions of some of these terms came from the book "A Metaphysical Dictionary" by Charles Fillmore
published by our long time prayer friends in the Unity School of Christianity and Unity Press, Unity Village MO 64065
Angels---Individual, self-existing beings who do God's will and are messengers for God to humankind of his goodness and faith in all of us.
Authoritative Sovereignty---Something which exists very infrequently in heaven.
Beauty---Controlled grace.
Being---What do we mean when we say an object of thought has being?
An object of thought may have being without having reality. And, this may or may not depend on the circumstances it finds itself in. The concept of reality (or true being)includes that, in some sense, of embodiment. Faith contains its own substance of the reality of what it hopes for but knowledge based on sense impressions does not. Being can be in the state of possibility (not having reality) or actuality (having reality). A concept has possible being...whether or not the experiences (sense perceptions or the realized truth of intuitive faithful knowledge) required to make it actual realized knowledge are accompanying the concept.
Change---Something which exists very frequently on earth and very infrequently in heaven.
Compassion---Love that participates with us in our lives. It co-creates with us what is good.
Contingent---What does not exist by itself.
Earth---A fundamental realm of the realization of creation where things are as they are in heaven.
God has hidden wisdom and spiritual understanding inside of his heavenly earth in us. Both the beginning and the end of it he has placed as a basis of his truth in us. He placed it as the certain circumstances of a precious cornerstone of truth inside of the way his eternal (the past and the future) present moment dwells in us.
Eternal Life--- Light, love, truth, and goodness which is independently existing, non-contingent and non-temporal.
Eternal Light---Wisdom, Spiritual Understanding.
Faith---The light of the one increasing. A mental sustaining power created by God and each of us for our mutual benefit. Faith comes from God, but the base of its location is not in the part of him that is in the World. For faith to exist inside of us, God must first place the seed of its truth deep inside of us. For it to grow we must mentally acknowledge and accept it and know it (or understand it) as something that is good and helpful in us.
Forgiveness---Compassion in the face of what is not good.
Freedom—The state of existing independently and non-contingently and for our mutual well-being.
God the Father—A part of oneself and ourselves which is non-contingent and good. He created the Universe by himself, with his Son, and also with our help. He sustains and nourishes the creation of all things in the Universe.
God the Son--- A part of oneself and ourselves that reveals oneself and ourself to us. He is both contingent and non-contingent and he is himself good. He existed in the beginning with the Father and all things were created in him, with his help, and through him and God and us.
God the Holy Spirit---The Lord the giver of life. He (It) is a part of oneself and ourselves that is the expression of God the Father and God the Son in us. He enters the Spirits and Souls of those who call upon him.
God's Name--- That part of God's being which defines that which God is. It tells us that the three parts of the Trinity are co-existent but different and different but co-existent.
Goodness---What is desirable for its own sake. Love exists for another, but goodness exists because of itself. When goodness in us is guided by the Love in us, then divine order is established in us. Reality both exists for its own sake and also for other’s sake (for it is always an objective truth). Therefore reality is something more than just goodness…it is consciousness, love, good will, action, knowledge existing subjectively as well as objectively.
Grace---Love that gives.
Happiness---Knowledge of goodness. The co-existence in us and among us of peace along with goodness.
Heaven---A primary realm of creation where God exists and lives.
Hope---to desire or seek.
Humankind—The collective living and intelligent image of God which exists in heaven and on earth.
Joy---Spiritual understanding of what its good.
Knowledge---Assured belief: wisdom, spiritual understanding, and truth.
Obedience--- Submission of our individual and collective will and purposes to those of God.
Patience---Peaceful dependence on the Eternal Life in God for meaning and Truth in our lives.
Peace---Satisfied stillness along with joy and the expectation of future transcendent quietness and happiness in our lives.
Life—A continuous co-expression with God of one's being.
Love---A Correspondence between God ourselves and an other that most of the time exists for the sake of another. But, thankfully to God, sometimes it exists for its own sake between two beings that exist for their own sake.
Meaning---Independently existing spiritual understanding
Nothing---How we explain or define what the nothing we are talking is depends on how we are trying to know things. If we are looking at things from a materialistic, scientific viewpoint... then something is experienced as a "nothing" if it has no sense impressions associated with it. But, for a religious person this is not necessarily the case. A practicing Buddhist, for instance, is able to talk meaninfully about experiencing "nothingness" from a standpoint of having real knowledge of it. Understanding and knowing how to experience this "nothingness" in the present moment can be a source of healing, peacefulness, and liberation.
Reality--- Reality is not something which as the philosopher George Berkeley has said,does not exist when a tree falls in a distant forest where "no- body" is there to hear it. It is something which exists because there is a "no- body" (God and us) inside of us all. Wherever we are it "is", and it has the potential to be us, wherever it "is." When God created the reality in the World and the reality in you and I there was nothingness (spiritual emptiness) inside of nothingness (the wise knowing of this spiritual emptiness). For there was nothingness inside of him (his or her spirit) and nothingness (spirit) inside of you and I. For, then, at that time, in those days, in that place, two or three of us were gathered togethered in his name. And, he created it and us in him and out there and in us.God created the World out of nothingness, but he created you and I out of something (himself or herself).
Spiritual Understanding---Reflection of truth in one's being.
Strength---A non-mental sustaining power created by God in us and him to help us in our human lives.
Truth---Correspondence between what is and what is. What is may be contingent or non-contingent. The correspondence may be meaningful or not. When a self exists for a real non-self (not an illusory non-self), then it can create its own existence. The self which exists for itself is true (being a true self) only when it can be and has been known by itself and by that which it is not. Thus, in order to speak the truth, we should be ready for and not surprised by being known as we know others.
Wisdom---A patience, obedience (or fear) of the importance of and understanding and respect for the well being of God's name in us in order that one's own well-being be benefited.
note: some of the wording and some of the ideas for the definitions of some of these terms came from the book "A Metaphysical Dictionary" by Charles Fillmore
published by our long time prayer friends in the Unity School of Christianity and Unity Press, Unity Village MO 64065
Rock Pile Guide Marker along Mountain Hiking Trail above Lake MacArthur, British Columbia
Av (July 17), Elul
(August 17), Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah September 14),
Yoga and Christian and Jewish Prophecy and Healing Sounds
In addition to knowledge of our salvation
God’s prophetic teachings can help us find knowledge of wisdom and
understanding inside of our own souls and spirits.
This is what we call ‘human enlightenment’ and
one of the quickest ways (but not necessarily the best way) to obtain it is
through study of language sounds and vowel and consonant prayer formulas
What are the cultural and alphabetic
sources of the ancient oriental languages that later came to determine our own.
“And, say, thus says the Lord God to
Jerusalem [representing Israel]: Your
[spiritual] origin and your birth are thoroughly Canaanitish: your [spiritual
father] was an Amorite and your [spiritual] mother a Hittite.”
Ezekiel 16:3, Ezekiel 16:45, John 8:44
I see this verse as referring to our shared human language sounds as so far as these sounds and the structure of our shared understanding of both sacred and natural words can help us understand God through prophecy or the declaration of the eternal truth and purpose of God trying to help us reach and dwell with Him in Heaven and help Him bring Heaven to Earth for all of us.
[spiritual] origin and your birth are thoroughly Canaanitish: your [spiritual
father] was an Amorite and your [spiritual] mother a Hittite.”
Ezekiel 16:3, Ezekiel 16:45, John 8:44
I see this verse as referring to our shared human language sounds as so far as these sounds and the structure of our shared understanding of both sacred and natural words can help us understand God through prophecy or the declaration of the eternal truth and purpose of God trying to help us reach and dwell with Him in Heaven and help Him bring Heaven to Earth for all of us.
As we study different languages, at
first we do not find any common shared structures of meaning in all of them.
Most professional linguistic philosophers teach in fact that there is no such
shared structure common to all languages.
Furthermore, most people worship God
through Scripture emotionally and devotion-ally together in Churches and do not live a solitary
life of study and prayer in private. We see the success of Christianity partly
to its move in emphasizing Greek philosophic understanding of logical Truth,
which is mostly independent of particular language sounds more than the ancient
Hebrew mystical prophecy based on the structure and meanings of various sounds
of the language itself. This helps bring God’s salvation as a loving ‘totum
bonum’ to more people. But, obtaining a
‘summan bonum’ understanding of who our Creator God is dwelling as wisdom and
understaning inside of us is also important.
But, as we broaden our metaphysical
horizons and include spiritual truth as a part of meaning in human languages we
are able to enter into the realm of divine prophetic meaning as we are going to
experience it together.
The importance of this prophetic meaning is explained theologically and philosophically through conservative Protestant teachings about how our salvation depends on Biblical Truth. The truth referred to here is a rational truth, following from the fact that God's Son is a rational Logos or Divine Word dwelling in our souls. However there is a whole other area of prophetic Truth related to the meaning contained in the sounds of the letters and consonants of the Hebrew or Greek words. Many philosophers of language teach that there is not common meaning in terms of sound associations between the form and shape of alphabetic letters that intercourses through all human language. But, having studied mystical Sanskrit Yoga and the Upanishads for many years I can attest that this is not the case for the Eastern Religious teachings and also I believe there is quite a lot to be learned and helped with from a study of Hebrew and Greek sound associations
Mexican Indian women and her daughter, Waterfall running through a region of the central Sierra Madra Mountains in Mexico
The importance of this prophetic meaning is explained theologically and philosophically through conservative Protestant teachings about how our salvation depends on Biblical Truth. The truth referred to here is a rational truth, following from the fact that God's Son is a rational Logos or Divine Word dwelling in our souls. However there is a whole other area of prophetic Truth related to the meaning contained in the sounds of the letters and consonants of the Hebrew or Greek words. Many philosophers of language teach that there is not common meaning in terms of sound associations between the form and shape of alphabetic letters that intercourses through all human language. But, having studied mystical Sanskrit Yoga and the Upanishads for many years I can attest that this is not the case for the Eastern Religious teachings and also I believe there is quite a lot to be learned and helped with from a study of Hebrew and Greek sound associations
I do not pretend to claim to understand
what is Holy in all scriptures. So far, I have only had time to learn a little
part of the Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and little Islamic Scriptures, all of
which I believe are a part of this totality. The study of Sanskrit has helped
me understand Mediation Yoga (which as I practice it includes all religions).
It is written and studied from the left to right and has a lot of emphasis on a
complicated set of endings and carefully organized vowel sounds (like Greek).
Perhaps these two languages, one of which is so important to understanding the
New Testament can benefit from being studied together.
Hebrew on the other hand is written and
studied from the right to left. And, it places a lot of emphasis on carefully
organized consonant sounds, with a set of mystical and vowel pointing or
cantillations whose ancient mystical ,meaningful interpretations have been
partly, perhaps mostly, lost in time.
I hope the thoughts and meditations I
have included below help you in your own journey forward learning about how devotional
and meditative scriptural study with God’s help can benefit us all in this
important area of study.
Some of the references by Cyrus Gordon, a middle east scholar from the last century, on this are
“A Scholar’s Odyssey”
“Forgotten Scripts”
“The Ancient Near East”
“The Common Basis for the Greek and Hebrew Civilizations”
Knowledge of
God based on a tantric system of sounds and correspondences of these sounds
with different physical and psychological parts of our bodies and minds is not
knowledge obtained directly from the Divine spiritual Truth contained in verses
in the Holy Scriptures such as our Christian Jewish Bible or from sense
experience. Unless it is knowledge based on the four common shared human being
metaphysical dimensions explained below and its truthful instantiation from
either a first causal axiom or final goal set of axioms and postulates like
Aristotle’s system of 17 basic syllogisms it is not rational knowledge. But, it
is human knowledge based first of all on our shared human neural pathways and
second of all on a particular human language system. In mathematics, for example, we have the
‘irrational numbers’, pi for instance, which are quite useful to us U.S. Army Engineers
even though they are non-algebraic. For they can be computed and approximated
using ruler and compass (nowadays approximated even better by using computers
to do the calculations)
But, if we
take the existence of God as a given matter of faith, then there are several
logical arguments (like, for instance, the ones of Rene Descartes, than argue
to support the importance of the hypothesis and even the belief by ourselves,
that we exist as independent thinking individual spirits and souls.
I believe by
rational faith, based on the belief in the Word of God we have in the Bible,
that we can know God through His Son Jesus Christ, His Life, His and our shared
experiences as we follow in His footsteps throughout our own live. It is a
belief in who He was, who He is, and who He will be. This knowledge is not
based and forward chained in thought through object oriented facts defined
through sense experience.
It is
however based and defined through backward chained, faith in a final cause, our
Creator God, and thought defined in terms of rational reasoning. Francis Bacon
an influential British epistemological philosopher in terms of his affect on
politics and the thinking of his day argued in his Novo Organum that Deductive
knowledge and was not apart of the forward chaining inductive method he
advocated could never introduce new information into our thinking. He argued
that this was because it is based on this backward goal oriented reasoning.
But, this has not been my experience as a professional applied mathematician
working for the U.S. Army Engineer Research Community for 37 years. In fact, I wrote a paper in the 1990s on the
details of how we can use both backward and forward chained reasoning in
computer expert systems (that are designed to store the knowledge data base of
about 110 rules of sand and gravel bar forming in rivers) to work together and
chain together new information so that the program does not stop; asking
questions before it should.
Faith acts,
if we hold fast to its evidence and metaphysical substance, through four levels
of being and in the four dimensions of space and time, ( the four levels of
being are a primary material level, a superior astral level , a causal level
that include consciousness dwelling in the first two levels, and a dimension of
reverberation of thought in God existing in the first three levels) just like
sense oriented fact based thinking.
This said,
there is a whole realm of divine natural mysteries that is an important part of
us and is for now beyond our human experience but a part of our God who we are
trying to understand and follow. Any given part of it however, can, with God’s
help [not our own], be understood and reconciled rationally with all the rest of
our knowledge. That is, we need God’s
help to understand God, but He does not need our help to understand us. That
places His Spirit above ours, which is right as it should be if you think about
it rationally, assuming, through faith that He does exist.
For some of us, believers in the mind of God as a Messiah or coming of righteous truth, knowledge can be chained backward from a goal of oneness with God as a final cause. This is not direct knowledge, but indirect knowledge through a Word of God, or Son of God as Principle of Truth living in us as our savior and redeemer of that part of our souls and spirits which is eternal and temporal together.
“A Sower went out to sow seed, and as he
sowed, some fell along the travelled path and was trodden underfoot, and the
birds of the air ate it up.”
Luke 8:5
Genesis 15:1-6
“We rejoice at His arrival, for He is the
‘seed’ to whom the promise has been made, and He is our sure hope.” Carol
Kaminski Gordon-Conwell Christmas 2014 Devotional Booklet
basic ‘seed sounds’ that underlie the Greek and later the Sanskrit Hindu
language and religion of these mantras are certain seed syllables
Sanskrit prayer mantras are prayer songs sung
with meaningful prayer sound correspondences in our spiritual bodies. Each has a syllabic meter or count, such as
the five syllabic mantra: OM Namah
Shiva, the eleven syllabic count: OM
Namah Bhagavate Vasudevaya, and the eight syllabic count OM Namah Narayanaya.
When we sing all three mantras together in the order given above we have a
three-fold prayer song that helps raise the spiritual energy in our root chakra
up from the Swadisthana (upright self 2nd chakra), into the 4th
heart chakra. As we repeatedly say and
sing these songs they can recursively generate themselves in our minds and be a
part of our subconscious minds attempts to solve problems and understand the
world around. I have had this happen a
lot after meditating on them repeatedly over a long period of time. This
process creates meaningful truth that exists independently in all of us for us
to understand together and can, as Jesus Christ, taught be a away to save us as
we save it together as a part of our devotional or wisdom spiritual teachings.
Understanding this truth can ‘save’ itself in us and bring us peace and joy
inside of our souls and spirits as a reward for our long term practice and
study of it.
A warning, mantras may be the ‘easiest way’ to
reach enlightenment in this present age we live in. But, this does not mean they are necessarily
the best. When they don’t work we are left trapped in a situation where these
songs are still searching inside of minds for the solutions we want or are
asking God for help with. The Good News is that they all worth it in the sense
that they all contain truth inside of them. Its just that the particular truth
inside of a particular mantra may not be the truth we need at any given time to
help others with or answer our prayers. That is why, the best teacher, in my
opinion to teach us about this knowledge is Jesus Christ, God’s only Son as we
understand Him through Bible verses in our lives currently and not someone
trying to teach us their own particular brand of some other religion.
My mother used to tell me, ‘Nothing that is
not hard, is worth doing”. Obtaining enlightenment by following the life Jesus Christ lived and trusting on
his Holy Spirit as in comes into us as promised from Bible verses to teach us
how to live our lives, is the righteous foundation of all of what we can
accomplish as Christians and Jews.
From Meditation and
Mantras by Swami Vishnu Devananda:
(listed in the divine
order of the Lord Vishnu’s Sword of Truth…by which he controls nature and
individual people)
11) HAUM
22) DUM
66) AIM
88) HOOM
99) GAM
110) GLAUM
111) KSHRAUM In Swami Vishnu's book on Mantras and Meditation, if you study the Sanskrit letters and forms for these English letters for a long time you will realize that they are to be meditated on from the top chakra down and from the bottom up. This is the same Divine order of Mr. Freedoms 11 step meditations using Bible verses and positive affirmations which I have posted in the Unity School of Christianity prayer subdirectory at our website.
I In these ‘bija’ or seed
syllables, first we will explain the consonants:
The letter ‘h’ is Shiva, ‘au’ is Sadasiva, the letter ‘m’ is the
dispeller of sorrow, except in the bija KLEEM where it brings both happiness
and sorrow. ‘d’ means durga or she who controls worship,’sh’ means a form of
wealth or prosperity, also called ‘Laksmi’,’ is the ‘K’ is the letter of ‘Kali’
the goddess of eternal empty space and
hence an important player in the beginning or creation and end of time, ‘I’
means Indra, the ruler of heaven and who controls the senses and that which
pervades and has luster, ‘G’ means ganesha, the Lord of strength .
In the book “Seed sounds for tuning the Chakras” by James D. Angelo, Phd there is a different
set of material element correspondences (to assist in learning the placing of
the Sanskrit semi-vowel sounds in the chakras is given)
These are also given here in this book with their actual
physical vibrational frequencies and sound recordings to listen to. The sound frequency correspondences are based on the five-note pentatonic music scale which is used in China. If one starts off with the F note as setting the fundamental tone to begin the scale a the 1st (bottom) chakra, then one moves up a note at a time F G A C D five chakras and starts again with F and G to be the vibrational frequencies that correspond to the six and seventh (top) chakra.
Then the seed syllabic sounds that represent the materials elements associated with these chakras are:
Then the seed syllabic sounds that represent the materials elements associated with these chakras are:
Root chakra Lam earth
Sacral (2nd)
Vam water
Solar Plexus (3rd) Ram fire
Heart (4th) AH air
Throat AY as in say space
Brow I as in eye mind
Crown EE as in see truth
Note that the correspondences in this part of the
five-dimensional metaphysical scheme have the vowel EE at the top chakra. The vowel correspondences are in one sheath of
knowledge… subject, object and a three-fold knowing occuring in the sheath of our
knowing and our God knowing of ur salvation…and subject,object, and a
three-fold knowing of this. It is also important to understand that our knowing of this and our God knowing[about knowing] of our redemption are something different. It is something different which ultimately when we strive to reach heaven on earth and finally reach it as Souls and Spirits dwelling in Eternity we must understand is the same. So there are some very
easy ways to make mistakes and very subtle errors here depending on what
situation we find the instantiation of God’s Holy Spirit Truth in us. It could
be considered here both as a help to
look down and redeem knowledge located in the lower chakras and also a help to
look up as the Holy Spirit starts a front to back rising resurrection of itself
and climbs Jacob’s ladder going up to heaven located at the top instead of at
the bottom of our spiritual bodies knowledge scheme.
In Sanskrit there are 16 vowels, you can sing them in the divine
order of the powers of metaphysica heavenly creation:
A, AA (Divine
two-fold power of love)
I, II (Divine
two-fold power of will)
E,EE (Divine
two-fold power of acting, created by the sounds of the vowels A and I combined
together…usually directed downward in the Holy Spirit as it dwells in us..
It is with the vowel E that contemplative pray-ers
consciously ‘anchor down’ their
human/divine Holy Spirit. The power of mind and breath acts positively helping
us upward, as we both hold it down encourage it in this heavenly direction and
trying not to mis-understand or mis-interpret what is happening.
For, if we do, fall short or misunderstand with our human minds
Divine thinking it is very easy to get caught and trapped, eternally and in
space and time, at various points of the process. We need all the Divine help
we can get to reach the top of the mountain of God’s Truth as it prophetically
dwells in us through Bible verses and trying to hear God in the present moment
and listen and believe in Him faithfully.
A group of Divine thoughts or affirmations ordered as we think
downwardly, sequentially, from top to bottom, Heaven to Earth organized in paragraphs of English (and not
as mantra formulas of prayer) given by my long time prayer partner James
Freeman of the Unity School of Christianity can be found in the prayer postings
of the YHWH School of Christianity website.
The Divine Name of God’s Son, for instance, is understood as our consciousness looks and directs itself downward from the top to lower chakras, healing us…the Buddhists worship this same Divine consciousness as that of the Boddhisattwa Avaloka (Downward looking) Ishvara [Lord]). The Name of God YHWH with the vowels A and E in it and thought but not pronounced, as YAHWEH means, starting and dwelling at the top of Heaven in God’s Spiritual Body of Himself dwelling as a Tree of Life in us looking down through the human heart toward earth, at the root chakra in us and becoming healing and saving/redeeming knowledge or Spiritual Truth. As the Holy Spirit rises and resurrects itself from bottom (earth) to top (heaven) it does not just simply go up. It goes up, then down (1st coming or knowing of our salvation in Christ), up then down (2nd coming or redeeming Spirit of Christ), up then down (3rd or final fulfillment and truth of the coming of our Christ).
The arms of God reach
inside of this upward and downward movement forming a set of horizontal and
vertical crosses, or Jacob Ladders if the alternation of orientation on the
steps upward are taken into account.
So, in terms of Him, “The
Logos or the Word of God”, becoming Truth, the three parts of the Logos are
like the three parts of an Aristotelean syllogism. The final part of God’s
instantiation of Divine Truth is a Goal-oriented or backward chained Truth
reasoned from final cause . The 1st
and second are more object or
factual oriented.
Jonathan Goldman has written two books (The Divine Name: the Sound that can Change the World and Healing Sounds, the Power of Harmonics) which you can download on your Kindle cheaply:
He talks about how the brain waves frequencies that our mind associates with the conscious and subconscious parts of thinking can influence these techniques of sound healing.
The human voice is a very complicated instrument producing not just single frequencies of vibration in the vocal chords as it produces sounds but whole wave packets of energetic vibrations. The technical book "Mathematics and Music" by James S. Walker CRC Press contains alot of computer programs that you can use to synthesize and analyze these sounds.
The author demonstrates with recordings that are analyzed , for instance, that an opera singer can even mimic the vibrational frequencies of the wooden musical instruments (and not those of her own vocal chords) she is surrounded by as she sings her songs.
Also, there is a method I like a lot, after you have studied it and prayed with it for a long time, Bible verses can be chained together logically and historically as parts of an Aristotelean syllogism in this manner. My friends at the Upper Room living prayer site in Nashville, TN sell a promise box of Bible verses at their gift shop which is helpful for doing this.
He talks about how the brain waves frequencies that our mind associates with the conscious and subconscious parts of thinking can influence these techniques of sound healing.
The human voice is a very complicated instrument producing not just single frequencies of vibration in the vocal chords as it produces sounds but whole wave packets of energetic vibrations. The technical book "Mathematics and Music" by James S. Walker CRC Press contains alot of computer programs that you can use to synthesize and analyze these sounds.
The author demonstrates with recordings that are analyzed , for instance, that an opera singer can even mimic the vibrational frequencies of the wooden musical instruments (and not those of her own vocal chords) she is surrounded by as she sings her songs.
Also, there is a method I like a lot, after you have studied it and prayed with it for a long time, Bible verses can be chained together logically and historically as parts of an Aristotelean syllogism in this manner. My friends at the Upper Room living prayer site in Nashville, TN sell a promise box of Bible verses at their gift shop which is helpful for doing this.
“The Word was with God, and the Word was God[God was with the
Gospel of John Chapter 1:1-5
“God shares Himself through the self-giving and the
self-communication of language.” Gordon Isaac, Gordon-Conwell Christmas 2014
Devotional Booklet
AE (Sandhi or combined
sound A and E, which mixes and helps realize inwardly and downwardly, the more
fundamental vowel sounds inside of its combination)
O,OO (Divine
two-fold power of knowledge)
U,UU (Divine two-fold power
of created by the sounds of the vowels A and O combined metaphysically and consciously)
AU (Sandhi or
combined sound A and U, which mixes and helps realize outwardly and upwardly
metaphysically in the Holy Spirit)
R,RR (human two-fold
power of intentions)
LR, LLRR (human two-fold
power of completion and realization of intentions)
M (Divine and human
power of individual consciousness)
AH (Divine and human power of objective
five powers together make up God’s five-fold power of heavenly natural and
eternal creation combined called Brahmin, or reality.
In the Siksa and Brahmananda Valli of the Taittiriya
Upanishad [see the book by Swami Narayana Prasad for an English translation],
for someone
understanding Sanskrit words and sounds, a five-fold metaphysical scheme, and
the tantric spatial realization of
God's Holy Spirit dwelling in us. This is because the verses lay out in many
different settings a five-fold order of thought about them in five realms...
realm of physical matter, realm of divine life, realm of divine space, realm
of righteous action, realm of love. These groups of five-fold realms and four-
fold divisions are called vyahris throughout the rest of the Upanishads. The
four loka vyahri's dwelling in the space of the meditator's heart are called
Bhur, Bhuvah, Suvah, Mahah. the divine word A U M it is explained is all of
this. In the next chapter or valli, as we expand and deepen through
penetrating thought our understanding of this space, Brahman (or God as
creator of the material universe, having three attributes satyam (relative
truth), jnanam (spiritual wisdom or knowledge), anantam (infinite or eternal
existence)) manifest himself to us and everyone as the essence of food,
breath, mind,knowledge,bliss (the body and blood of Christ) in five the above
mentioned five sheaths. This is explained to be a five-fold inside of five-
fold metaphysic.
understanding Sanskrit words and sounds, a five-fold metaphysical scheme, and
the tantric spatial realization of
God's Holy Spirit dwelling in us. This is because the verses lay out in many
different settings a five-fold order of thought about them in five realms...
realm of physical matter, realm of divine life, realm of divine space, realm
of righteous action, realm of love. These groups of five-fold realms and four-
fold divisions are called vyahris throughout the rest of the Upanishads. The
four loka vyahri's dwelling in the space of the meditator's heart are called
Bhur, Bhuvah, Suvah, Mahah. the divine word A U M it is explained is all of
this. In the next chapter or valli, as we expand and deepen through
penetrating thought our understanding of this space, Brahman (or God as
creator of the material universe, having three attributes satyam (relative
truth), jnanam (spiritual wisdom or knowledge), anantam (infinite or eternal
existence)) manifest himself to us and everyone as the essence of food,
breath, mind,knowledge,bliss (the body and blood of Christ) in five the above
mentioned five sheaths. This is explained to be a five-fold inside of five-
fold metaphysic.
If you practice the Gayatri mantra prayers in morning
for several years you can add 12 different names of deities, corresponding to
the 12 months of the solar year, that the prayer generates. These are found in
several advanced books on Hatha Yoga and Meditation published by the Bihar Yoga
group, which is an offshoot of the Sivananda Divine Life Society. So far, I
have not found these to conflict in any way with my Biblical prayer study
liturgy and they are helpful in praying with the Hindu Saints.
five breaths 1) our heads, our right side, the
space of our spiritual body, our left sides, and earth,Bhur is the
tail end or foundation
five parts of the righteous of Vedic scriptural or prophetic truth 1) Yajur
Veda is the head, 2) Rig Veda is the right side, 2) Sama Veda is the left
side,3) the teaching of it is its body, 4) Artharva Veda is the second coming
of it or its tail end.
3) five parts of the divine mind that understands this spiritual body of
truth 1)faith is the head, 2) manifested Truth, or Ritam, is the right side,
3) relative Truth, or Satyam, is the left side, 4) Yoga or unity with God is
the body, 5) the great maha is the tail-end as foundation of everything
underneath it.
4) five parts of eternal joy and happiness: 1) happiness is the head, 2)the
experience of joy,2) moda or the substance of joy is the right side 3)
pramoda is the left side 4) value or ananda is the body 5) Brahman or God
in the material spiritual universe is its tail end or foundation
five breaths 1) our heads, our right side, the
space of our spiritual body, our left sides, and earth,Bhur is the
tail end or foundation
five parts of the righteous of Vedic scriptural or prophetic truth 1) Yajur
Veda is the head, 2) Rig Veda is the right side, 2) Sama Veda is the left
side,3) the teaching of it is its body, 4) Artharva Veda is the second coming
of it or its tail end.
3) five parts of the divine mind that understands this spiritual body of
truth 1)faith is the head, 2) manifested Truth, or Ritam, is the right side,
3) relative Truth, or Satyam, is the left side, 4) Yoga or unity with God is
the body, 5) the great maha is the tail-end as foundation of everything
underneath it.
4) five parts of eternal joy and happiness: 1) happiness is the head, 2)the
experience of joy,2) moda or the substance of joy is the right side 3)
pramoda is the left side 4) value or ananda is the body 5) Brahman or God
in the material spiritual universe is its tail end or foundation
For those who know some Tai chi* and Qigong** there is an even more complicated Energy body Tantra which is explained in the Book: "Cosmic Fuson, the Inner Alchemy of the Eight Forces" by Mantak Chia.
The metaphysical viewpoint of Taoism and many other Eastern Religions, and also our own Christian Scientist teachings on healing is that our health already exists inside of us and a already existing Contingent Natural Harmonious Heaven on Earth and it is up to us to adjust our own understanding of It to It.
As Christian's and Jews, however, we pray to our Father God Creator in Heaven that we be able to help Him bring a Higher realm of Heaven (much of which already exists on Earth) by means of His prophetic Truth which predicts a catastrophe falling apart and later recreation of the total independently existing heavenly spiritual and human world around us... even more on this Earth.
“It is not true that the human spirit has no future. Our task is
to, God helping us, become our future.” November 2014 Twitter posting of @AndrewWHarrell
But, back to this scheme. In addition to the seven chakras, there are three energy collection points (Dan Tien), one in the head (macrocosmic orbit bindu or point), the heart (individual's own soul's bindu or point), and abdomen (microcosmic orbit).around which the symbol of the eight direction padua is moved. Each copy of the padua that is created mentally uses the eight different tai chi energies.
Like the Sanskrit/Upanishad/Vedantic five-dimensional scheme this scheme has three levels of Truth inside of it, just like the three levels of instantion of facts in God's Biblical Word as it is represented in the Christian Aristolelian logical abstract computational language scheme.
which is based on 17 syllogisms. But, these three levels of metaphysical truth are not necessarily syllogistic or similiar to any Western computational logic scheme but correspond to degrees of absolute and relative meaning which the shared sounds and letters represent mystically.
* a good 24 lesson Teaching Company Great Course "The Essential so Tai Chi and Qigong has recently come out authored by David-Dorian Ross. Also, in his book "Exercising the Soul: How Tai Chi connects you to your Essential Self" Tai Chi standing meditation where you keep you eye open like in Buddhist sitting meditation can be just as effective as Hindu Yoga sitting meditation where we normally keep our eyes closed and withdraw the senses according to the teaching in the Pantajali sutras. Mr. Ross explains the six healing sounds meditation that Buddhists and Taoists teach:
1) 'Hee' for the Lungs
2) 'Haw' for the heart This seed sound combines the basic all-pervading seed consonant sound 'h' with the 4th chakra heart consonant and 4th chakra vowel heart and 2nd chakra vowel 'w' which is in the Divine Name 'YHWH' to make 'aw' (remember that the consonant 'Y' represents God's energy of the air material element proceeding from our lungs down the heart chakra into our spiritual understanding of Tantric Truth at the root of bottom chakra of God's Divine Eternal Heavenly, Garden of Eden, Tree of Life which contains our Eternal Souls in It.
3)'Hoo' for the spleen
4) "Shhh" for the liver
5) ""Chr-oo-see" for the kidneys
As Mr. Ross explains in his course, recently Tai Chi has been studied very extensively by the Harvard Medical School. It hepls gives us practitioners an overall feeling of well-being and is very effective for helping seniors with heart disease, cancer survivors with the after effects of cancer treatment, and asthma sufferers to increase their lung breath capacity.
In Mantak Chuas book these sounds are correlated with the positions of eight trigram paduas placed at the three spiritual body, Holy Spirit' gathering points mentioned above.
** Qi-gong is the earlier version of Tai Chi, created by the 12th century Chinese General Marshal Yue, Fei to improve the health of his soldiers, in which standing and sitting alignment, breathing, and meditative practices are more important than doing the complicated movement forms of Tai Chi. It is a good practice to combine with Tai-Chi in order to understand the spiritual and religious aspect of Taoism more. Mr. Ross explains the important and ancient "Eight Brocade" standing meditation of of Qi-Gong in his Great Course Lectures. And, in one of the lessons he gives a reference to the book, "Simple Qigong Exercises for Health" by Dr. Yang which also includes explanations of the sitting meditation versions of the eight brocades. This book also includes fascinating in depth discussions of the translations of the Chinese Characters involved in the Taoist Philosophy and Tai-Chi and Qigong practices.
In both the Taoist Tai Chi and Qigong practice as well as the Yoga Sanskrit meditative mantra practice; the key to success is learning to be still for long periods of time. Many Christian prayer groups refer to this knowledge as referring to the "Be still and Know That I AM God". But, in addition to contemplating the meaning of Bible verses, there are actual progressive physical steps one practices to learn it. In the beginning, learning to be mindful of the breath, is primary as Buddhist teach. One can then learn how to 1) sit and to stand with proper alignment of posture, 2) to tense and relax the muscles in our face, arms, chest abdomen, waist, legs. The purpose of the seed syllables of the mantras and the prayer formulas in the longer mantras is like the energy points in Tai chi is in addition to revealing truth to our spiritual souls, to give the meditator something to concentrate or think about while he or she is trying to "Be still and know that I AM God". But, perhaps the most important first step of any is as Patanjali teaches in his sutras is to get right ethically with our Father Creator in Our One Divinity who lives in Heaven and loves us and cares for us as His children here on earth. If you don't emphasize this phase as a first step, as Buddhists and Taoists don't, things can get really difficult for you if you get on the wrong side of a good relationship with Our God who dwells (after we recognize Him or Her as such and Love each other as our Self as Jesus Christ has taught us) as a Holy Spirit in all of us. Also, at the beginning we must to accomplish our own part to bless and sanctify and concentrate our thoughts on blessing and sanctifying God's Name, God's Name has a male part (the Four-fold Vakra as Hindus teach or the Tu or diagram of the supreme ultimate as Taoists teach) and a female part (the One-fold Instantiation as Unification of Variables in Meaningful Statements which can be understood by all of us objectively, as a logical and Biblical Truth, the Oneness in the Trinitythat we Christians teach is important). This four-fold ineffable presence and the one-fold shakti combine into a Trinity of three persons which we understand as humans mentally to be Our Father who art in Heaven, His Son Jesus Christ, and their Spirit dwelling mystically in us in a two-fold combination of The Holy Spirit. As I have argued elsewhere in this blog, the mystical Truth of this Divine Arithmetic transcends any particular consonants and vowel assignments for we believe that in some Transcendental Sense "Truth is invariance under change of notation."
Assuming, as we mentioned above, that our health already exists spiritually inside of us and around us and doesn't need to be added to by God's Holy Spirit, as the Chi rotates around the three paduas representing a natural heaven, a natural soul, a natural earth its energy lifts itself up is emptied of itself in us, and recreates itself or resurrects itself in us as Tantric (but not Scriptual Biblical syllogistic) Truth in order to heal us.
I have found that the Qi-Qong part of the Tai-Chi Qi-Qong is more important and fundamental to learning it.
If you are interested in learning more about these Q-Qong practices:
Qi-qong (cf. Chinese Health
Association Book Wu Qin Xi)
Five animal frolics
Here are some simple starting Qi-Qong exercise which when combined with
the standing like a tree being still training outside in order to connect with
the natural chi in the 5-element world around us and counting in-and out breath
with mindfully awareness of your posture, a 100 times, then 500 times, and even
a 1000 times can really help you.
David-Dorian Ross explains the A or first part of these sequences in his
Great Course DVD, but I think its really enjoyable to add the B ones too. They
are explalned in the Chinese Health Association book.
Start out with opening sequence of adjusting breath then lifting hands
gently, concentrating on the Laoqong point in palms between second and third
metacarpal bones, knees slightly bent, keeping shoulders and elbows down
Holding your hands correctly hand in these exercise helps us channel our
breath into what the Indians call the vyana or neural component of the five
Sanskrit breath energies 1)prana or
heart in-breath 2) apana or downward expelling out-breath, 3) samana
all-pervading consciousness breath, 4) vyana nerve energy breath, 5) udana or
upward moving breath. As in doing all Hatha Yoga or Chinese Yoga you will
benefit thinking about on how these different types of breath are happening
while you are doing the exercises.
1) Tiger- Form a tiger paw with hands and fingers (see
book for illustration) turn palms outward, lift and stretch hands high above
head, clench fists, return to starting position, do 3 times, keep posture erect
and immoveable, if desired, go into “seizing the prey routine” as explained in
book. This exercise improves the flexibility of the spine.
2) Deer- See
the book illustration to form the deer hand and fingers, abduct (lift
outwardly) and turn the left hand out to the left side, with right hand
following over it, repeat movement with right hand to the other side. Go into
the “running like a deer exercise as explained In book(coordinating this
exercise with the in out breath strengthens the waist and hips the house of the
3) Bear-
Make hollow fists to imitate a bear’s paw, rotate upper body clockwise with
waist and abdomen as the axis, after this you may want to step forward to the
left and right and go into the “swaying like a bear” routine as explained in
the book (this exercise helps the lumbar joints and muscles and can prevent
muscle strain)
4) Monkey-
Form a monkey’s paw with both hands lifted up to shoulder height and with palms
facing out in the front as explained in the book, quickly lift head and neck up
and turn tacing to the left and right, wobbling while doing this
Is caused by faulty weight shift. Go into the
“picking the fruit” routine as explained in book.
5) Crane-
The crane is considered a symbol of calmness and longevity in China. Start from
a semi-squatting position, with palms facing downward place one hand on top of
the other. raise both hands above head, the weight is shifted to the right side
while the left leg is lifted and extended backward, at the same time both hands
are spread to the sides to imitate a bird’s wings, return to starting position.
Go into the “flying like bird” sequence B, lifting up one knee at a time to the
left and right while again spreading the arms out like wings. This part
requires a little better balance
Finish this routine with the “sink the chi”
winding down sequence of movements
For those of us who like to meditate in the lotus and half-lotus yogic
sitting postures these exercises are a wonderful series of
Qi-Qong routines
Eight Pieces of Sitting Brocade *
still, close eyes to reach deep mind with deep breathing, holding hands firm
think for 3 -5 minutes on 3 dan tiens , posture, alignment
Hands hold head, place
fingertips in ears once or twice, tap click teeth 36 times
and beat jade pillow (beat heavenly drum 24 times)
head repeatedly, lightly swinging the sky post…red dragon tongue stires liquid
saliva 36 times, use 3 swallows to send it to the belly wheel.
and massage the essence door (jing mein)…seal breath, rub hands until hot,
massage back 24 times, end with one mouthful of breath, feel the fire is
entering the belly to unite yi (mind) and chi (energy)
6) Rotating winches...With
the feet still in lotus or half-lotus posture, and hands turned
downward row a wheel left and right. 1) bend forward with arms at sides
and extend arms with palms facing down, fingers curved inward 2) circle hands
upward and backward as if rowing a boat, 3) continue rowing motion, circling
back downward and forward. This
procedure unites the yi (mind) with the
qi (energy) in the six arm channels.
7) Bending to touch the feet...With the two feet extended reach forward and catch the toes. then bend forward and catch the opposite toes with opposite hand, make a half-moon with the arms and hands and switch hands and toes.
7) Bending to touch the feet...With the two feet extended reach forward and catch the toes. then bend forward and catch the opposite toes with opposite hand, make a half-moon with the arms and hands and switch hands and toes.
8) Propping up the sky and pressing the skull.. Continue
from position of previous movement, and do the lift hands above head, press
them down on head, then hold feet. 1) interlock hands and hold them palm up
above head, stay there for 3 seconds 2) then turn palms down and press top of
head, pushing up with head, hold for 3 seconds 3) separate hands and b end
forward using hands to pull back on toes (this movement helps to regulate the
“triple burner” that includes the upper (in the chest above the diaphragm),
middle (between the diaphragm and the navel) and lower (between the navel and
the groin) parts of your torso.
9) Massaging Jingmen on Back
10)Continue from Massaging Jingmen, then Caressing the belly and Abdomen.
9) Massaging Jingmen on Back
10)Continue from Massaging Jingmen, then Caressing the belly and Abdomen.
Sky slow Transportation—rinse and swallow mouth saliva three times, then again
swallow mouth saliva nosiliy keeping the attention on the lower dan tien, feel
the chi circulating in the entire body nine times.. then relax think that fire
is burning in the whole body.
For more details see the reference mentioned above.
For more details see the reference mentioned above.
After completion of the
entire series, sit quietly and and breathe evenly for about three minutes. You
may feel the Chi moving through the small circulation up the governing energy
circulation vessel in the back of the spine in the torso, and then down through
the conception energy circulation vessel in the center and front of the torso.
Note added by Andrew: If you are
saved in Christ already and daring enough to not be afraid of what might happen
if you love others as your self and entering into and unifying your spiritual
Holy Spirit body and Christ mind into other religious believers in order to learn
from them how to help and save them inside of the mind of God’s Only Son, Jesus
Christ. Think of a tracing a Yin-Yang symbol movement … which is the same as a
YHWH name of God two-fold, inside of four-fold energy body, Our God
consciousness meditation.. It is what is called the crossed Vajras meditation
by the Buddhists, and the four-fold “ OM Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya
Dhemahi, Tanno Danti Prachodayat” Gayatri Mantra 1st in a series of
11 male female divinity generation mantras in a fundamental series of Sanskrit
sound, shared language meaning correspondence mantras . The 1st is
the one which generates the Ganesha, remover of obstacles, deva of the Lord
Shiva (see Swami Vishnudevananda’s book Meditation and Mantras).
· Some parts of the above also taken from the book “Simple Qiqong
Exercises for Health” by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming and also the book and DVD Ba Duan
Jin (or eight section Qiqong exercise) by the Chinese Health Association
Pieces of Standing Brocade**
up to the Heavens, start in starting position of cross hands with fingers intertwined, lift
hands up holding both hands high with palms up, continue to raise the palms
until the arms are straight , look striaight ahead, lower hands and arms down,
repeat six times. This movement is used to regulate the internal organs, to
help back and neck problems.
bow left and right from center, after crossing hands in center, pointing two
fingers out of fist and looking far I that direction, shoulder of the bow arm
down. This stimulates the Du Mai or governor/controller meridian in back. Helps
correct hunched back and shoulder and neck problems
and lifting one hand first to the left and arm aloft to regulate the functions of the spleen and
and turning backwards over shoulder left and right to prevent sickness and
head, turning body to left and right…adopt horse stance, wagging the tail and shaking the hip to drive
the fire out of the heart to relieve stress pull in hips and buttocks and
extend them in a round and flowing manner stimulates du mai meridian
the sky..moving the hands down the back and legs and touching the sky, start
with two hands in front, then lift them up to sky, then bend forward and touch
Execute six times upward and
the horse stance (knees bent at 90 degree angle, chi settled in lower spine and
pelvis) Punch with two fists with to left and right with glaring eyes to
strengthen kidneys to enhance strength Making ones eyes glares stimulates the
liver according to traditional Chinese medicine
8) Raising
and lowering heels, bouncing the toes seven times to drive away all
illness…lift feet up on toes and push (bounce) down 24 times, hold the
waist bouncing 7 times and hold hands in
front bouncing 7 times to cure sickness try not to stiffen the shoulders. Tapping
the toes on the floor stimulates the du mai meridian. Stimulates joints of
lower limbs and spine.
Closing of eight piece
brocade form
Continue from previous
routine, sink chi as in other exercises looking straight ahead this resettles
energy from exercises and helps us regain the state of calmness experienced
before the start of the exercises
Other Qi-gong
1)Princess steps up to the mountain: cross hands and step forward to left and
2) Vertical and horizontal circles
** refers
to their explanation as given in the Great Courses lessons on Qi-Qong and
Tai-Chi by David-Dorian Ross. This course also contains a very good step by step "walk through" of the basic 24 step Tai-Chi martial arts sequence. The whole sequence starts out with "sinking the Chi" (lifting the hands up with death and pushing the Chi downward) and then goes into a series of martial arts moves.
Here are some of Dr. Yang's tips and key points for practical Tai Chi fighting from his book
4) learn how to trap and avoid trapping
Practical Applications to Wrestling throws:
There are four basic Tai-Chi stances in it:
11) bow step
with 60 per cent on front foot and 40 percent on back, feet are separated in contrast
to the Yogic warrior stance where they are together.
2) empty step step forward with weight on one
3) T-step
step to the side with weight on stationary foot
4 4) Embracing
the moon step . step forward and postion one hand and shoulder on top and one
going the opposite direction on bottom
You can practice these four basic
forms by starting off with 4)
Then going to 3) then stepping
forward with 1) The first move in the
24-step sequence “parting the horse’s mane” is basically this practice sequence
24 step Tai
Chi Form
We start
off facing to the East and moving to the North:
T-step is
Yin, Bow step, open or closed is Yang
the door hold ball in hand, for vertical
transition, just ease yourself down [its more difficult to stay high] slide
down 2 or 3 inches, the back stays flat. You can practice it by putting back
against a wall.
Before you try parting
the wild horse you should practice just stepping forward according to Dr. Lam’s
instructions. Put hands behind back for balance, bend knees, step forward and
back (twice) to the right and left gently, placing toes and then heels on
floor. After you finish practicing these fundamental moves you can eliminate
then from the continuous movement of the 14-step routine in order to get a
better flow of energy or chi.
the wild horse’s mane keep same
posture, from a T-step step into a bow stance 3 times forward, T-step [ultimate
yin position] forward or not [pause before it], going into a open [torso open]
not closed bow-step [hips squared away]. Make sure head is squared away.
crane spreads its wings: There are two parts, shifting forward [bringing the
back foot forward] and shifting back to make the empty step, with feet and up
with hands[spreading the wings] to movement, both parts are matched in hands
and feet.
Close hips, a rotation,
to gather the moon, open body and close again to finish movement. A wind up, an
unwinding, a settle.
knee 3 times forward, pull hands back to right [left] side
as you turn, sit down…slide down the wall and back up, slide left hand down
while right hand is sliding up, step forward with left foot (which is the foot
without weight on it) and brush right knee with right hand while squaring up
hips. Stepping out and pushing forward, palms facing forward.
Pipa or Lute Start facing right, lean
body open, step forward half step with right foot, opens the body to the right
drawing right hand in and up. Then draw weight back and bring left hand up to
where right elbow is almost touching.
We have now
reaching the limit to moving to the North.
Before you
start into the repulse the monkey part of the forms you might want to practice
stepping backward according to Dr. Lam’s instructions. With hands crossed together in front of
chest, bend knees balance in place and step back and forward gently (twice to
left and right) lifting up left and right heel.
After you finish learning this you can eliminate it from this part of
the forms.
the Monkey 4 times stepping backward, making
a 45 degree, then 90 degree turn, opening up the position to the right and
turning as you do, separate hands [and only when you are facing forward] start
w/ left foot back, this movement presents a smaller target to the opponent.
Check to make sure your feet are staying close together but now crossing as you
move back.
These next
set of two grasp the sparrow’s tail movements are done first toward the North
and East and then toward the South.
sparrow’s tail ward off left foot forward. This is the most important 4-step movement of Yang style
Tai Chi. Listening, resolving, gently pushing back to reach a win-win
off left…step out, carrying a ball, and
in slightly turning torso and hand gathering in the energy for peng or
expanding energy, It is an energy of “reaching out” grabbing the attacker’s arm
and listening to the energy [why the person is angry, why they want to tell us
this, why they want to do things a certain way]. Then it is much easier to
re-direct the force.
roll-back two hands reach forward to grab then guide
then down and rolling back hinging arm for lu or soft pulling back energy
forward to press, [gently to push people away, just to give a little space for
yourself] hands down, carrying a ball, using body mainly, into a bow stance, the
hands right hand and left hand join, pierce and press forward into a small
space lifting toes to come back a little farther, hands sink down for last part
up open up hands, palms facing downward, hands into chest, weight shifts back
and left toe up, and push up forward
with palms.
For the transition to
the left movement open up hands and shift weight back to lead to next grasping
of sparrow’s tail to right.
In between this last
movement and the next use a double weight shift, turning around to the right
and stretching the arms out with left hand up to face and right hand below to
the right to shift balance to be into position to do the next ward-off movement
to the right.
sparrow’s tail ward off right foot forward
(same as last grasp sparrow’s tail to left but
moving to the right with ward-off to the right, roll-back to the right, shift
up and press and then pushing up with open hands.)
The next
sequence of movements is done toward the North.
whip left foot forward as you move it to the right turn the right palm down at
2 o’clock to form a hook hand, while the right hand is making the hook, the
left hand circles up to the right wrist. In the final position the left palm is
facing up to 9 o’clock. Change hand positions
the position of the body is open relative to the bow step
hands like clouds 3 times to the left finish center
To start, first transfer
weight to right hand with weight aback, turn a half turn, then bring right foot
in and 2nd part turn to left with right hand down, left heel up. Every
movement in this is coordinated, the change of hand position with the change of
body position and waist turning. When the weight shift occurs, so does the hand
change. The waist turn and the step also go together.
single whip with left foot forward. ( facing toward the North)
pat on horse – from single whip you will use the empty step [take a half step
forward and shift weight to right leg] forming an empty step turn the body slight to the left and curl the
right hand past the right ear and push it forward as you change and transition
to the next movement
doing the kicking forms it is good to practice lifting up the knees, left and
right, at the same time after crossing hands and kicking easily to each side
while maintaining balance on the one remaining leg.
The first
high kick is done toward the North East, you then turn and do a second one toward
the SouthWest.
up and kicking with heel- from this point start looking at the corner [you have
looked start ahead up to this point in all the forms], take a little step
forward diagonally with left foot, into corner, cross wrists, bring right foot
to the side of left foot, resting toes on floor [T-step] open hip, thrust the
right foot gradually forward, looking to the right.
both ears- Pull back right foot, brush hands back and down in a curve, look straight
ahead and step forward with right foot and hands and fists punching and moving
upward. Remember to lift both hands up without lifting shoulders.
up and kick with heel left. Transfer
weight back, open up, shift weight back to right, bring left foot closer back
to right. Then do movement 14) to the
kicking to the left. End by making a hook with left hand hanging next to
the right.
This next movement is
now done facing the South.
creeps down in the grass to left
(squatting single whip)
Open hip joints, put
weight of body, not in the middle, buyt to one side or the other. Bring left
hand down, turn palm out, turn left toe out. Keep weight on right side, step
out, as you shift weight forward, left right hand come back.
the rooster’s tail right. Move weight forward and bring right foot forward so
right hand brings right foot up.
Now turn to
the left and do another snake creeps down facing to the South.
creeps down in the grass to right- Turn abody to the left, At the same
timeraise your left handsideways and make a hook. The right hand follows and
then moves to the right (as in the reflection of movement 16).
Continue movement facing
to the South.
rooster’s tail left
Now face to
the West and then SouthEast.
lady works the shuttles right and left: Step back to the left side slightly,
carrying the ball, and step forward bringing the right hand forward, block,
pushing it and the left palm forward… then 45 degrees to the left, the other
side. Step back to the right slightly, carrying the ball and step forward
bringing the left hand forward, block, pushing it and the right palm forward.
down and pick up the needle at the sea bottom
toward the SouthEast, take a half step forward left hand brushing past left knee,
push the right hand up 45 degrees to the right, turn back to the left with
right hand down and left hand in front of you.
Now turn to
the right and face to the West for the next movement.
arms like a fan- Turn and take a step forward to form a bow stance. Raise right
hand up with elbow bent until it stops just above right forehead. Raise left
hand up slightly and push it forward at nose levelwith palm facing forward.
Look at left hand.
Now turn
clockwise to the North and punch to the East for the next movement.
to deflect downward and punch- This is a complicated move…1st turn
left toe in and transfer weight to the back , turn left hand over right as it
moves back and push forward with right fist down, into a left bow stance
keeping right foot back and ending up facing to the East.
closing up [facing to the East], Cross hands and closing the door[ facing to
the East].- Bring left hand under right elbow, turn and open up to the front,
pushing hand forward, palms facing out. [now cross hands].
Here are some of David Ross’s
tips for practice from his DVD
11) relax
2) float the
3) align
knees and head
4) use
visualization as you move
5) square
corners become round
6) check
breathing frequently
7) have fun
Here are some of Dr. Yang's tips and key points for practical Tai Chi fighting from his book
Tai Chi Chuan Martial Arts Applications
and DVD
Tai Chi Fighting Set, 2 person matching set
1) Understand the application of the art to fighting.
(usually only taught after 3-years of initial study)
2)Master the skill of angling, trapping, yielding, and other techniques
3) Master stepping and sense of distance
5) Train your Jin, both offense and defense, in movements
6) Train your sense of enemy
Practical Applications to Wrestling throws:
Some simple Tai Chi wrestling take down moves involving :
1) grasp the
sparrow’s tail right
2) grasp the
sparrow’s tail left
grasp the sparrow’s tail right take down:
a) Initiate from cross hands in
push hands start not parallel hands.
(in parallel hands person A is facing person
B with both legs
facing in his direction and both hands on top
of the opponent’s hands…from this position there is an “open door” to each
opponent’s groin area… but if one leg only is facing forward, with toe pointed
inward it protects against this,,, while you are in cross hands you should be
aware of the opponents ability to use his elbow and shoulder against you.)
b)Then A starts the move off with a “ward off” to the right and catching
the back of B’s arm from outside of the starting set up.
c) then angle and slide in with A’s left hand supporting the right hand
doing the ward off.
d) bump with the leg against B’s front right leg again from the outside
of the starting situation
e) A pushes off B with A’s right hand on the back of B’s right shoulder
and takes him down to the right while continuing to push on his shoulder.
If this is done correctly B will be off balance while it is happening
and cannot kick back
grasp the sparrow’s tail left take down:
a) During
this move A’s right hand balances his left hand. Start off with A and B right
feet facing forward against each other
b) A twists
around clockwise to the back of B’s forward right foot which is facing him,
while grabbing and holding B’s right arm past A’s right side and coming up
under B’s arm with his left elbow… making sure to lock B’s arm away from his
(A’s) chest.
At the same time, A’s left foot locks B’s
thigh and forward foot away from him in order to keep B off balance.
c) Then A
turns outward while sealing B’s throat and neck with his arm and pushing B
upward with his shoulder and takes him down to the left while sliding the
forward left foot into the take down to the left. Make sure to not just use the
arm but also your butt to do the twist, push up, and take down to the left.
Main References
Essentials of Tai Chi and Qigong Great Courses with DVD and lessons book
by David Dorian Ross
The Tai Chi Companion [workbook] by David Dorian Ross
Tai Chi Wrestling by Dr. Yang, Swing-Ming
Tai Chi the 24 Forms by Dr. Paul Lam
Shi Er Duan Jin by Chinese Health Association
Vista overlook, Zion Canyon Christmas vacation 2005
The Jewish scheme of metaphysical syllabic seed sounds are given in the book
The Jewish scheme of metaphysical syllabic seed sounds are given in the book
“Sefer Yetzirah” or Book of Formation (two-fold world of
creation using speech and yes/ no rules to classify or discriminate things)
For Jews the primary vowels with their metaphysical spiritual
body correspondences given in the order they are chanted and contemplated as
existing in the top three ‘brahma loka chakras’ are:
O (pronounced ‘oh’) facing forward and up
2) A (pronounced ‘ah’)
facing to the left shoulder
3) E (pronounced ‘ay’)
facing to the right shoulder
4) I (pronounce d ‘ee’)
facing down
5) U (pronounced ‘ou’)
facing inward and out
After this sequence of vowel chants one should meditate on a
six-directional , five-dimensional series of Cross’s being engraved by the
voice from its astral form (substance occupying some type of space larger than
our own present moment reality existing in four dimensions of space and time)
and existing in a higher polytope space (five dimensions).
The Hebrew consonants consist of five phonetic families
generating themselves starting 1) in the back of the neck at the throat
(guttural), Aleph, Cheth, Heh, Ayin, 2) on the palate, gimel, yod, kaph qouth,
3) tongue, Daleth, Teth, lamech, nun, tav 4) through the teeth, zav,
samech,shin,rosh,tzadi 5) on the lips, beth, vav.mem.peh.
In addition to the main 22 consonants embedded in this list,
there are included some of five letters which have different forms at the
middle and end of words.
Just like as in Sanskrit
where the vowels thought of an existing in the throat chakra have doubled, soft
and hard pronunciations in Yoga mantras
These are five doubled letters, doubled as written consonants.
The seven doubled as spoken (spoke soft and hard just as certain
doubled Sanskrit consonant families are spoken soft and hard as Christian
Hindus meditate on what is called the alphabet Matrika) They are:
In Chapter four of the
Sephirah Yetzirah it is explained the importance of these letters for
meditation as we think about Chapter’s 1,2,3 of the Book of Genesis in the
Torah containing the verses explaining the seven days of God’s creation of the
world as it takes place on Holy Prayer Days at the beginning and end of time occurring for us during the
liturgical year.
A “Sefer Binah” if it existed would be a Book of Unification of
terms, or how the heavenly world (the world of oneness) unifies conceptual
definitions using language sounds.
As Christians, we believe in the Divine power of the Name of God
understood as a personal Trinity, as a Unity in Diversity (or two-foldness) of
Divine and human creation.
Elul (August 7 ), Chesvan
(October 5 ), Kislev( November 4 ),Tevet (December 4 )
8th Day
On, the eighth day God blessed what he had blessed. He remembered us in him. And, with his breath he formed the pre-existent idea of our existence and reality inside of the World and him into the everlasting reality of its truth. Thus, God our Father made himself Jesus Christ (the fullness of his image and likeness in us), our King of Kings.
On, the eighth day God blessed what he had blessed. He remembered us in him. And, with his breath he formed the pre-existent idea of our existence and reality inside of the World and him into the everlasting reality of its truth. Thus, God our Father made himself Jesus Christ (the fullness of his image and likeness in us), our King of Kings.
“We thank God for making us what we are, and for the ability to
discern subtle differences.” Heritage Personal Planner
YHWH School
of Christianity
Scheme for Transliteration of Hebrew Vowels into English
vowel name sign sound additional symbol
qamets, patah a as in yacht sof pasuq
hireq ee as in bee appears below last word in a verse
tsere ay as in hay (transliterated as )
seqol eh as in bed
holem o as in low
qibbuts, shureq oo as in zoo
shewa silent/short-sound (transliterated as ' )
qamets shewa o as in (obstruct)
patah shewa a as in (around), that is ae
segol shewa e as in (effect), that is e as opposed to ee
Scheme for Transliteration of Hebrew Vowels into English
vowel name sign sound additional symbol
qamets, patah a as in yacht sof pasuq
hireq ee as in bee appears below last word in a verse
tsere ay as in hay (transliterated as )
seqol eh as in bed
holem o as in low
qibbuts, shureq oo as in zoo
shewa silent/short-sound (transliterated as ' )
qamets shewa o as in (obstruct)
patah shewa a as in (around), that is ae
segol shewa e as in (effect), that is e as opposed to ee
for any mistakes in the transliteration of the Hebrew. As I said in an earlier
blog several years ago, I believe and follow the key teaching in mathematical
logic of one of the definition’s of truth taught me in math graduate school
forty years ago, “Truth is invariance under change of notation.”
Morning Blessings
(to be said upon arising)
My God, the soul you have placed… within me it is pure. You created it; You formed it; You breathed it into me; You keep it within me; and You will eventually take it from me… and return it to me in the time to come. So long as my soul is within me, I gratefully acknowledge your presence… Adonay my God and my ancestor's God, Master of all creation, Lord of all souls, Blessed are you, Adonay, who restores souls to dead corpses.
Morning Blessings
(to be said upon arising)
My God, the soul you have placed… within me it is pure. You created it; You formed it; You breathed it into me; You keep it within me; and You will eventually take it from me… and return it to me in the time to come. So long as my soul is within me, I gratefully acknowledge your presence… Adonay my God and my ancestor's God, Master of all creation, Lord of all souls, Blessed are you, Adonay, who restores souls to dead corpses.
Elohay n'shamah shenataeta… bee t'horah
hee. Atah boratah, atah yotzeratah, atah n'pachtah, v'atah m'smarah b'keer'bee,
v'atah ateed l'talah meem'ehnay… v'l'hachazeerah bay l'ateed l'bo. Kal z'man
shehan'shamah v'ker'bee modeh aenee l'pneach… Adonay elohay v'elohay a'botay,
rabon kal h'maeseem aedon kal n'shamot. Baruch atah adonay ham'chaezayr n'smot
l'pgadeem mateem.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam, pokay'ach eevreem.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…of the Universe who opens… the eyes of the blind.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam, pokay'ach eevreem.
“We thank God for giving us our sight.” Heritage Personal
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ruler of the world, who opens
the eyes of the blind.”
“We thank God for clothing us
symbolically distinguishing us from animals.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who clothes
the naked [with souls]”
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam malbeesh aerumeem.
“I AM the Eternal God and underneath
are the everlasting arms.” Archangel
Gabriel speaking for God in the Book of Genesis.
,Chesvan (October 14), Kislev (November
13),Tevet (December 13)
“We thank God for allowing us to stand
erect.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who raises
those who are bent over.”
“We thank God for placing firm ground under our feet and
allowing us to live our lives fuly.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who spreads
out the land on the water.”
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the
Universe who spreads out the land on the water.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam rokay h'aretz al ham'ayeem
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
Morning Waves : Some Blue and White Waves reveal what is called a meditation on “The Three Diamonds”, 1) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light from Heaven, 2) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light inside the Human Heart, 3) Absolute consiousness of God’s Light on Earth
Morning Waves X, A View Farther Out
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam rokay h'aretz al ham'ayeem
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
Morning Waves : Some Blue and White Waves reveal what is called a meditation on “The Three Diamonds”, 1) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light from Heaven, 2) Absolute consciousness of God’s Light inside the Human Heart, 3) Absolute consiousness of God’s Light on Earth
Morning Waves X, A View Farther Out
Blessed are you, Lord, who compassionately
bestows goodness to those of his people who have struggled to understand him..
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
Baruch atah Adonay, gomayl h'asadaym tobaym l'amo Israel.
“Be still and know that I AM God.” Archangel Michael speaking for God in the Book of Exodus.
“Be still and know that I AM God.” Archangel Michael speaking for God in the Book of Exodus.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam sheasah lay kal tsar'kay
“We thank God for providing our every
need down to our shoes.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who has
provided my every need.”
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam hamaycheen meetsaday g'aver
“We thank God for firming our footsteps
to negotiate stairs or uneven ground.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who makes
firm man’s steps.”
are you, Lord, our God…Ruler… of the Universe who gives strength to the weary.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'noten layoayf poaych.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who strengthens Israel with might.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam ozer Israel b'gevurah
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'noten layoayf poaych.
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the Universe who strengthens Israel with might.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam ozer Israel b'gevurah
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world, who girds
Israel with might.”
“We thank God for girding us with
strength and crowing us with glory.” Heritage Personal Planner
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler…
of the Universe who crowns Israel with glory.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam oter Israel b'teefarah
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam oter Israel b'teefarah
“We thank God for rejuvenating our
weary bodies.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who give
strength to the tired.”
Blessed are you, Lord, our God… Ruler… of the
Universe who removes sleep from my eyes,
slumber from my eyelids.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'ama'aveer shenah mayaynay vt'nomah mayaf'aypay.
slumber from my eyelids.
Baruch atah Adonay, Elohenu… melek… h'olam h'ama'aveer shenah mayaynay vt'nomah mayaf'aypay.
thank God for removing sleep from our eyes and slumber from our eyelids.”
Heritage Personal Planner
“We thank God for releasing us from
sleep.” Heritage Personal Planner
“Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the world who removes
sleep from my eyes, slumber from my eyelids.”
of correct eating, laughter, speaking,
thought, movement, seeing, hearing,
feeling, smell,
relaxation, judgement)
Tribes of Asher (Psalm 100 ), Naphtali (Psalm
98) Judah (Psalm 92),Issachar (Psalm 95), Zebulun (Psalm 96), Reuben (Psalm
90), Simeon, Gad (Psalm 94), Ephraim (Psalm 97), Menashah (Psalm 97) , Benjamin
(Psalm 93), Dan (Psalm 99))
[According to Jewish tradition, Moses gave
the eleven psalms 90-100 to eleven of the tribes of Israel., the tribe of
Simeon was excluded because of the events in Numbers 25-1:15. Psalm 91 was
given to the tribe of Levi. Psalms 95 to 99 have been called the “Coronation
Psalms” and are used in the Jewish Saturday Morning Kabbala Shabbat service.
For some Baptist Christian Hymns related to the Messianic age see “The
Coronation Hymnal”, by A.J. Gordon and A.T. Pierson, Revell and Co., N.Y.,
Boston, Chicago.( which is now out of print, but copies are available in
several University libraries) Jewish and Christian Blessing “May the eternal
light and good energy in the Lord Bless you, protect you, and keep you, May he
lift up his face upon you while being gracious unto you, May he uphold you and
that which you value, and give you peace. ”
Area North of the Angel's Landing Rock Formation
Please pray with us assisted and helped by the prayers at (you may register there and post your own prayers if this is helpful to you) Irish Prayer and Blessing “May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the Sun(Son) shine warm on your face, And the rain fall soft upon your fields. And May God hold you in palm of his hands.” (Until we talk and pray together again and he blesses you again through us
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