Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Thanksgiving Day
November 23 2006/5767

Four views of the area North of Banff in Alberta, Canada
(Clockwise from the upper left)
1) view from the top of Mt. President,
10,900' 8/28/95
2) view of Lake McArthur and Mt. Biddle
from the top of little Od'aray Mt.
3) view taken while climbing up to the top of Mt. President
facing toward Lake O'Hara from about 10,000'
4) view of Emerald Lake from the cottages not to far from
where the TransCanadian National Highway passes below Mt. President
all photos by Andrew
rock and ice climbing instruction, mountain guiding by Diny

Before Saint Augustine there were the 12 Apostles. Before the 12 Apostles there was Moses, Elijah, and Joshua. Before Moses, Elijah, and Joshua there was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Before Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob there was Noah. Before Noah there was Adam,Eve the Word, God, and Christ. Before all these souls, in the beginning, with the Word and God and Christ I am.

Parable about Two
Mountain Climbing Souls
Who previously were Angelic Spirits
Part IV

Blessed, (happy, favored by God, spiritually overflowing-with-eternal life-joy and salvation…) are the merciful. For they shall obtain mercy!

Jesus Christ

In a time right now, but also long ago and yet to be, there were two mountain climbing souls who previously were angelic spirits. One was a male soul called Love (who listened patiently to the other) and the other was a female soul called Truth (who talked a lot, for truth was stronger than love , most of the time). One day, halfway up the mountain, while they were trying to figure things out God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have two children called Beauty and Goodness”. And, so they did. Beauty was a constant female and Goodness an active male. Then, after that, one day God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have a child called Faith”. And, so they did. And then God gave them human spirits and breathed life into them Then, somewhat later, God (Wisdom and Understanding inside of humankind) said, “Love and Truth shall kiss and have a child called Righteousness.” And, so they did. Faith was a gentle young lady, but Righteousness became a Man of War. They started to climb a high mountain together called the mountain of the Holy Cross. Truth led Love up to the mountaintop (for she knew where she was going more often than he did). God said, “Don’t forget to bring along Faith and Righteousness, Beauty and Goodness, You may need them to get to the top.” And, so they did. Truth brought along Faith and Goodness, Love Beauty and Righteousness, two men and two women (three men and three woman altogether). But, sure enough, along the way, one man, Righteousness got out of hand. “Be Strong. Be Strong. Be Strong.” He said. And, Love and Truth, Goodness and Beauty became like him a Man or War. Things got a little difficult, even a real mess, and they were discouraged. They made a decision to rest for a while to find out what to do. Then, after a while, God said, “Be still and know that the Lord God is with you. This world in which you live now and which I created for you a long time ago is far from being perfect in this present moment (in fact it never will be). We all fail each other some time. But, very few of us take the time or have the courage and patience to help each other set things right afterwards. Be still and know that I am God, that I am One. Be still and know that I am (just be still and be).There will be times when you neither know who you are or who others are. But, the perfectness which I put in your hopes and dreams, I put in you and in us and not in the World. So, then, at those times, when things fall apart and fail, you will have to be me and I you, us them and they us."

Explanation of God’s concept of Time Everything does not happen, “right now” Everything does not happen, “on time” or “in time”. But everything happens in the “fullness of time” in the fullness of your and my time. The fullness of time is the richness of its expression inside you and me and all of us. Right now is the time for the reward God has promised you...If you have in fact accepted him as your helper, your savior, your redeemer, your sanctifier inside of you he brings his own reward with him. I believe that “right now” if you take some more time to re-evaluate your situation in the God's eternal present moment inside of you inside of us...that you will receive a rich blessing of happiness, peace, love, hope, and faith. Give thanks, you don't need to expect a miracle. You are God's miracle… his and her’s song of their eternal joy and peace inside us all.

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